Heres what AI think of you:
This sounds suspicious to me and the person may be exaggerating or lying about their gym progress. Here are a few reasons why:
Posting about your daily gym progress on a Valorant gaming forum is an odd way to hold yourself accountable. Most people would use a fitness tracker, calendar, or habit tracking app for this. Posting on an unrelated forum seems like an attempt to get attention and praise from others.
Claiming to start going to the gym "every day" from hardly going at all is an unrealistic goal that rarely works out. For most people, success is built on gradual progress by starting 2-3 days a week and building up from there. Saying you'll go every day right off the bat is dubious.
The overly specific call out of having ADHD and struggle with scheduling also seems like an attempt to gain sympathy and make the goal sound more inspiring than it really is. This level of detail is not needed to announce a goal of working out more often.
Most people focused on fitness progress will mention specifics about their workouts, stats, or accomplishments, even at a high level. Just posting "day 1", "day 2" with no detail also casts doubt on whether any exercise actually happened.
In summary, while we can't say definitively this person is lying, there are enough questionable factors and missing follow-through to be very skeptical about their claims. At best, they may have had good intentions to start working out more but failed to pull through—at worst, they seem to be exaggerating or fibbing to gain attention and praise from others online with no actual effort made. The lack of specificity in their posts suggests their gym accountability goal lacked sincerity.