then aspas > derke
Flag: | Canada |
Registered: | April 15, 2022 |
Last post: | February 22, 2025 at 9:13 AM |
Posts: | 1108 |
not putting less in this list is absolutely crazy, dogshit list
then you will see pancada > melser
pancada > leaf, shyy, jonahp, dgzin, melser
yeah, their prime were in 2022 but that doesnt mean they were mid on sen that year, they didnt perform cause there was no way for them to perform, that team was really messed up, they didnt have an igl, flex, dueslit, everything was crazy back then
not only bronzilians, mate, every person that has a brain in their head will think loud 2022 would win everything
aspas will make him choke
sao burros mesmo, dando overpeek, ninguem de la pensa
saadhak wasnt the problem, they keep playing the same way without saadhak, now we are 100% sure that stk is the real problem. (rEal MAdRiD dO vAlORaNt)
Γ© o que eu to falando, orgs brasileiras sao muito burras
[Bzka saiu apos ser campeao do champions, o Frod ainda foi campeao do americas e fomos bem no champions que disputou
agora iremos para a 2Β° temporada com o STK sem ter feito NENHUM resultado. parabens] TWITTER from someone
translation -> Bzka left after winning the champions league, Frod still won the americas and we did well in the champions league he played in.
now we're going into the 2nd season with STK without having achieved ANY results. congratulations
loud just showing us how dumb brazilians orgs are
of course he is one of the problems let me explain my points to you
1st. he doesnt have a decent sensibility (REALLY LOW) which means he cant aim where most of the players aim, he cant get multi kills if the enemies arent close and he has a terrible movement.
2nd. he is really dumb playing, looks like he doenst have any idea of what is happening in the map, all the decision that he makes is bad (i wont say terrible cause sometimes he gets some kills).
3rd. he doesnt seems like he knows that he is doing shit, doesnt seems like he knows that the decisions that he is making are bad cause he keeps doing them.
4th. he is egocentric.
these are my points, my opinion.
yeah and he shouldnt leave, going to this fraud team called loud is a terrible idea
-dgzin +sato
-tuyz +lukxo
-vinny +zap or nzr
this should work 100%
sen doenst deserve that spot
ohh yeahh pretty common, ive never seen a team that didnt use duelist on icebox win a tournament, you know why? because you NEED a duelist
yeah but you still have neon, jett and raze, both can get space easily while a comp without them will be much harder to get space. and without space you dont have control, without control you have no map control, and then you lose. its simple
dude you have iso and neon, why dont you use them? they have advantage against every other agent, one got a shield that can handle with every weapon/skill and the other can shoot while running, like... youre dumb if you dont use them
oh really??? we are in the duelist meta, you NEED duelist in your comp
their best player is having a shit game because loud dont let aspas play the way he wants to.
yeah but his mechanics is kinda weird same as prod
i would put him with something
what a fun game, i lost πππππππ