Flag: India
Registered: August 15, 2021
Last post: March 22, 2025 at 2:26 PM
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Man I watched this video and now my entire YT feed is filled with YT shorts with Cha Hae In as the thumbnail for some reason and I didn't even know who she was until this mfing shorts made me do a PhD on her.

posted 13 hours ago

Internet is not the issue here at all. Tata Docomo was a shit brand that shut down and didn't even last a decade.

India probably has one of the highest 5G penetration in the world and I can easily get 500-600 Mbps on mobile data alone (200Mbps minimum). Internet in India is the cheapest in the world. Add this to the fact that most mobile plans are pretty much unlimited in India so use as much data as you want. You can also get Optic Fibre connections in pretty much every nook and cranny of most Indian Cities at extremely cheap prices.

It isn't really an "internet" problem, its the fact that the country is extremely competitive and seriously devoid of jobs compared to the talented Engineers, Doctors and MBA grads here.

Pursuing eSports as a job is pretty much a guaranteed suicide for your career cause you aren't gonna get jobs if you didn't succeed in eSports.

Add this to the fact that most eSports athletes's careers don't last longer than 5-6 years. You can't make retirement money within just 6 years and there will be no career prospects outside of eSports once you retire.

99% of people who try their stints in eSports will fail and even if you make it into an Tier 1 Indian team, your career basically lasts for 5 years MAX after which you won't be making any money.

I don't blame parents for thinking eSports is a dumb thing to try in India.

posted 1 month ago

Samsung G5 has decent colours but nothing crazy, there are definitely much better colour quality monitors out there.

If you are going for sqrt(2)K aim for atleast 27 inch display. I bought an BENQ 4K monitor for around 600USD @27 inches but I suffered from the same issue of desk space.
Now I kinda regret it cause I cannot really enjoy 4K on 27 inches. You need 32 inch or higher to truly appreciate a 4K monitor.

Also the jump from 1080p to sqrt(2)K is massive. However sqrt(2)K to 4K is not that massive at least on 27 inches. Definately don't buy a 24 inch monitor for anything above 1080p.

If you already have a high refresh rate monitor, probably get a 2K BENQ monitor with good colour quality and HDR (it matters) at 60FPS. Use it for AAA gaming as you probably are anyways not getting crazy FPS with maxed settings. It will also act as a good monitor for watching movies/youtube.

Only for valorant or other eSports, pull out your gaming monitor.

posted 1 month ago

1) Please don't waste money on bottom feeder colleges, those 3-4 years are worthless and probably just spend that fees money to start a stable business or spend time doing programming by yourself if it is an engineering degree.

2) Most decent colleges in India have boarding. My hostel was quite literally 50m from lecture halls and 300m from labs. The same is true for most decent colleges. Also even 6 hours is not bad at all for college.

3) Collegiate systems exist in India (Look up SRM and other private unis) which offer admissions based on eSports. I don't think a single one of those guys has even reached top 32 in any eSport in India. Even in NA, Collegiate teams have not produced any notable talent. I also don't remember the last time collegiate teams made it to top 8 in NA.

Infact, the collegiate scene is so bad that Redbull hosts campus clutch separately (just like game changers). For these teams and it sees significant participation from India and Pakistan.

EMEA, SEA, KR, CN continue to produce top tier talent without any collegiate system. It's a system that has not produced a single T1 player of notable mention.

Unless you train the kids to be good at the game and develop an environment where competition and being the best is the goal, you will never see good talent from SA. College and school are just obstacles. People can be world class cricket players while studying in school and college but cannot happen in eSports? I highly doubt it.

posted 1 month ago

Cannot generalize here, I only had 3-4 hours of lectures per day in college in one of the most intensive BTech degrees in India. Of course I am not counting assignments and quizzes and exams but you could get away with just copying assignments, and quizzes/exams are tough but still if you study its hard to fail. But yeah, you could easily grind valorant 6-8 hours a day if you really wanted to. Also, we also got to pick our class timings and schedule, I picked all afternoon classes just to sleep in late in the day. You can do that in India as well. Just don't go into one of the bottom feeder colleges.

Most BCom and BA and BSc degrees aren't even half as intensive as BTech degrees in top colleges in India. I see people riding around in scootys and bikes doing nothing.

One of my batchmates even became immortal and played in the South Asian league upto round of 64 or 32 if I remember correctly. However he just played for fun and not seriously (He already had a pretty good and stable job offer overseas in Japan). He still plays valorant in high ascendant-low immortal in Japan to this day, for fun ofc.

Let's just face it. Indians have the worst work ethic when it comes to passionate professions. We are really really good in engineering, management, medicine, law but any profession where mediocrity is not sustainable and you must be the best in the world, we just topple.

There will always be a few exceptions and you do see good Indian talent popping up sometimes but for now atleast it seems like there won't be enough to make a team of 5 in valorant. Cricket for example just gets so many people in raw numbers who are interested that you can usually make a team of 11 S+ tier players.

Also buddy college is not the starting point for esports, most top tier players are grinding some sort of FPS game since they were 10 or 13. But usually before the age of 15. In case of eSports, 22 is considered to be retirement age for many. So by the time you graduate, its already time for you to retire.

posted 1 month ago

Shin black is really good. Apart from that most flavours are okayish.

posted 2 months ago

araxys vandal + recon phantom for those crisp one taps.

posted 2 months ago

based, although there is nothing psychotic about it. It's just how you drive em normally.

posted 2 months ago

It's impossible to go above 2nd gear in Indian traffic. But a race through Indian traffic to see who can get through it quickest would be a nice concept.

posted 2 months ago

Huh? I play 200Km physically away from Mumbai Servers and still get 8 ping. 16-20 on bad days. From standard home wifi (Not even ethernet).

posted 2 months ago

lmao if you think ppl in the US give SAT as much importance as JEE you are delusional. Typical SAT prep lasts around a couple of months and isn't nearly as rigorous as JEE. JEE prep starts anywhere from 9th grade to 11th grade and you are expect to do that 1 single thing all the time especially school + coaching type systems.

Korea, China I can understand, EU and NA I cannot.

posted 2 months ago

Its actually impossible to get to Radiant on Mumbai.

Above Immortal 1-2, nobody is playing on Mumbai servers. You need to shift to SG at that point.

  1. You won't get matches
  2. If you get matches it would probably take like 1 hour
  3. You will be matched against Asc, Imm players
  4. Per win you will get +10 RR, per loss you will get -30 RR. Doesn't matter how many kills you get. The elo diff is just too high.
  5. No matter how good you are, you cannot carry every game. Your win ratio, even if 67%, will result in you loosing RR.
  6. In order to gain actual RR above immo 3, you need to maintain a win% of atleast 75% which is nearly impossible sustained for a long period of time.
posted 2 months ago

Is a work Visa required? Its just 1 month.

He will be going to play 1 tournament. Instead of staying there the entire year.

Also the Visa is for Korea and not Australia. If Indians can get Visa for Korea, SG should have no problems.

posted 2 months ago

They got outaimed by Enerii

posted 3 months ago

Its not even the map.

Even RNT shat on Rapid Lofi with SkRossi Dos9 and Sultan just outaiming these guys.

Each and every player on NRG can just smurf on them and yet they are loosing.

Also its not as if they did not prac these maps a single time.

posted 3 months ago

playing against plat?

posted 3 months ago

Still 80 days is like 1/4th of the total time of the year.

I personally got 345 hours.

posted 3 months ago

I used a gaming laptop during my engineering days (i7 8th gen, 1060 6GB, 16GB RAM, 1TB HDD + 256GB SSD) and now I use M2 Macbook pro as an AI/Software engineer.

Here are the facts -
M2 Pro or higher models of M2 Air are much superior devices and set the bar really high for laptop devices, they generally easily last 20+ hours in terms of battery, extremely portable and good build quality, if you throw it at someone, the guy might crack their skull but your laptop would be just fine, have impressive performance even on battery, however their GPU is pretty much non-existent when it comes to performance. The display and speakers are nice too and if by chance you have an iPhone/Airpods, the experience is even better.

These gaming laptops have really good CPU and GPU performance however it really tanks as soon as they are not plugged into power. You would be lucky to get more than 2 hours of battery life from them after a year, they are bulky and my gaming laptop's charger was heavier than a macbook air. The GPU is good to have and back in the day (2019), 6GB of VRAM used to be a lot. The display is usually very bad (exceptions are Acer Predator back in the day) and the speakers are also horrible.

You can barely do any shit on 6GB VRAM nowadays. Even common models from hugging face use 8GB + VRAM atleast.

However one thing that these gaming laptops offers is customisability and experimentation.
You could install linux, windows or just whatever you want on them. Really important for engineering as most of the software supports either windows or linux. MacOS will be a real pain in the ass once you realize you are stuck in the few software that MacOS allows you to use. Also Macs have much smaller disk space compared to these gaming laptops which is another pain.

So if you are a student I recommend that you always experiment, install 5 different IDEs and try them all out. Install compilers for 10 different languages and try them all out. Install 2-3 linux distros and experiment with them. Break shit, fix shit. Only way to learn and become a good engineer. There will be a lot of times your linux installation will break (graphics drivers gone, wifi not working, audio not working). Learning how to fix these issues is crucial to problem solving later down your engineering path.

MacBooks however do not let you do anything like this. You have limited disk space which is just enough to install that 1 good IDE you already know how to use and love and 1 tech stack. You can expect your macbook to just work when you open the lid. As such you loose out a lot as you never learned to troubleshoot stuff.

Macbooks are meant for people who know their shit and have made up their minds on what tools they wanna use vs Gaming laptops which allow people to experiment with whatever they want to do.

Get a gaming laptop if you are a student, get a macbook when you are a professional and stay away from Macbook air base models unless you are just someone who does light work on google sheets and watches movies.

Coming to AI and ML, honestly both M1/M2 air and a 3050 is absolutely garbage. The base model Macbook air with 8GB of RAM will start shitting it's pants even with IDEs like Android Studio or the other Jetbrains stuff and 4GB of VRAM in 2024 is honestly not even a matter of discussion as even back in 2019 a 1060 with 6GB VRAM was considered decent.

Neither of these laptops are good for AI/ML. Your best bet is Google Colab but even that is not a great experience as our sessions will be shut down after a few hours and GPU hours per week is limited. So honestly at your budget you just can't get a decent device to run AI/ML locally unless you invest in a PC and grad a good deal on a second hand GPU from the 3000 series. Your best option is to try and juggle between kaggle notebooks and google colab free tier if your budget cannot be increased.

posted 4 months ago

I get one of these like every 8-10 games in diamond ๐Ÿ’€

posted 4 months ago

TOBEVERYHONEST a silent voice and I want to eat your pancreas stories could be written by ChatGPT today.

I just never saw the point, you know the writer is building up for a moment where you are gonna cry and that's it.

The acting, music, animation quality is what makes these movies good so still recommend to watch them.

If you want to build up to something that makes you cry, do it like Violet Evergarden ep 11. Looked like an avg until the last part comes in. Which makes it a masterpiece.

posted 5 months ago

Do not aim for IISER for jobs. Try them if you are interested in pure sciences (Like Astrophysics or molecular biology).

Most of them either go for an MSc in IITs/IISc in India or MS abroad.

Opportunities wise it is good, I would say it has a better research environment than IITs.

However expect to do atleast an MS and an PhD before you have any sort of decent earning potential. This could easily mean around 8-10 years of studies.

posted 6 months ago

No it doesn't python code should be written the pythonic way which for such problems, match case just doesn't look good. Also, it is really redundant and only increases the headaches of people looking at the code.

posted 7 months ago

@the receipts guy

posted 7 months ago

Yeah I mean it was a good spray transfer but you see people in plat hitting that all the time.

posted 7 months ago

Its still better than all other esports combined. No other esport has a comparable GC scene.

posted 7 months ago

But I think they have done a lot of things correctly as well. The game changers league for example is genuinely an event that people watch and enjoy.

I will not comment about the level of play but probs Valorant game changes has to be the most watched non-male exclusive event watched among any esports by a margin.

I cannot name 3 female players from CSGO, LoL or any other esport. But Valorant Game Changers is watched by millions.

posted 7 months ago

Wait till bro hears about acceptance rates in India๐Ÿ’€

Anyways, my point is try your best brotha. Does applying to multiple majors cost separately? If its not a major cost then applying to both might be the smart thing to do. Who knows, you might get CS in a good uni?

posted 7 months ago

Fair but atleast try to apply for CS as well and take it as a priority. I understand if you don't get CS then Stats+DS is still close and you can still do great with it.

But if you have an option, try to pick up CS.

posted 7 months ago

Not really. In India its idiotic to take statistics as a major if you are getting CS in a same level college.

In the US it is a viable option (truly) however only when you have clarity about what CS and statistics is.

Job market is more or less similar in both US and India cause at the end of the day most my batchmates as well got jobs in US companies (their hiring process and preferences is quite similar) and Indian startups just copy the US counterparts. (Even small startups asking DSA for founding engineer roles can be taken as an example).

In fact just to give you an example, the batch 1 year junior to me had CS, AI & DS and Electrical Engineering branches. During Campus placements Google allowed CS and Electrical but not AI & DS. Even for potential AI roles. Funny thing is, this was in an IIT of all colleges. This might sound comical but this is what happens when you take a very specialised major in your bachelors degree. Take narrow subjects in Masters or PhD, not your bachelors.

At the end of the day, it is clueless HRs which decide what the job market is like. HRs haven't caught up to the fact that majors such as Data Science exist. They just understand -

Data = CS
Stats = Maths/CS
Quant = PhD in Maths/CS

Your resume will probs not even pass ATS if it doesn't have Comp Sci. written on it.

posted 7 months ago

Always take the broader subject. CS includes data science and statistics. CS grads become quant researchers, Data Scientists and of course normal software engineers as well.

A stats and DS major degree will be as useful as a Electrical Engineering Degree in case you want to explore other domains in CS.

As an 18 y/o kid, most people don't even know what CS actually is. Take you time, take electives which interest you later on in your degree (3rd or 4th year) when you have more clarity about the subjects. If you like Stats and DS, just take up electives later on about the subject.

posted 7 months ago

This is just 1 lang stream btw. If you include all the languages it is above 1.5M

posted 8 months ago

Eat an entire bottle of Hajmola in 1 day

posted 9 months ago

Dasnerth IGL calls -
"Let's rotate to B and get pegged by them"

posted 9 months ago

LMAO, although it doesn't prove anything but SkRossi was literally on the top of ACS stats in Pacific in the middle of regulation.

Polvi is a decent player but he never diffed Meteor or went up head to head against something even on one map.

posted 9 months ago

Try binary reversing microcontrollers if you studied ASM at any point in life it will be pretty eez for you.

You can get some really cool usecases and even "make up" new vulnerabilities and detect them for microcontrollers.

They typically use unsafe languages like C and generally the security from Hardware end is pretty weak as well.

Good luck trying to find anything new on web dev or general OSes like Linux cause they are already researched upon and its pretty unlikely for a newbie to find something significant.

posted 10 months ago

People who get 99% percentile also get 70% in boards.

90% is like 1.8 lack rank or smthing it shouldn't be surprising to get 70% in boards.

posted 10 months ago

90 percentile in JEE Mains is not a good percentile idiot.

posted 10 months ago

18 is not required. 16 and above can play I think.

posted 10 months ago

I doubt you could call BeYn a rookie, bro has been an invisible sub for DRX for years (which still counts as being a pro).

posted 10 months ago

Bleed isn't winning anything either.

posted 10 months ago

Cousins are included in "one big family"

posted 10 months ago

Bro forgot Autumn, and the best part is, bro wasn't even farming.

posted about a year ago

Well, you only need the light when it's burning low
Only miss the sun when it starts to snow
Only know you love her when you let her go
Only know you've been high when you're feeling low
Only hate the road when you're missing home
Only know you love her when you let her go
And you let her go
Staring at the bottom of your glass
Hoping one day you'll make a dream last
But dreams come slow, and they go so fast
You see her when you close your eyes
Maybe one day, you'll understand why
Everything you touch surely dies
But you only need the light when it's burning low
Only miss the sun when it starts to snow
Only know you love her when you let her go
Only know you've been high when you're feeling low
Only hate the road when you're missing home
Only know you love her when you let her go
Staring at the ceiling in the dark
Same old empty feeling in your heart
'Cause love comes slow, and it goes so fast
Well, you see her when you fall asleep
But never to touch and never to keep
'Cause you loved her too much, and you dived too deep
Well, you only need the light when it's burning low
Only miss the sun when it starts to snow
Only know you love her when you let her go
Only know you've been high when you're feeling low
Only hate the road when you're missing home
Only know you love her when you let her go
And you let her go
Oh, oh, mm, oh
And you let her go
Oh, oh, uh, uh
Well, you let her go
'Cause you only need the light when it's burning low
Only miss the sun when it starts to snow
Only know you love her when you let her go
Only know you've been high when you're feeling low
Only hate the road when you're missing home
Only know you love her when you let her go
'Cause you only need the light when it's burning low
Only miss the sun when it starts to snow
Only know you love her when you let her go
Only know you've been high when you're feeling low
Only hate the road when you're missing home
Only know you love her when you let her go
And you let her go

posted about a year ago

Bro is in the denial phase of suffering from grief.

posted about a year ago

Show her this post bro

posted about a year ago

How many teams in VCL SA (RNT, TR, OGT etc.) could comfortably beat DFM?

TR seemed solid against GenG and FUT, so I will atleast count them in.

posted about a year ago

We and Nepali are Browskis, it's all good

posted about a year ago

Nvidia Shadowplay is a no-hassle clip recording tool and you don't even need to start recording from before, it just keeps recording around a minute of gameplay in a buffer and you can clip whatever you want for upto an min.

Not sure about AMD gamers though.

posted about a year ago

You can come to my DMs to have big head conversations.

posted about a year ago

Good shit, although it's the most oversaturated tech stack in the market RN.

Learn some other niche technologies along with it to make it challenging for yourself and have fun.

posted about a year ago
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