Flag: United States
Registered: September 4, 2022
Last post: April 28, 2024 at 11:48 PM
Posts: 153
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tbf theyre a pretty new region compared to the rest. if i remember correctly pacific teams like prx didn't really do insane until a couple years, and everyone was saying just give their slot to na/emea. its good to invest in more regions

posted 11 months ago

i didnt watch the match at all but is this not karon's first international match? i saw the stats and he was fragging but seems too soon no? unless its by eye test

posted 11 months ago

isn't that the point though? every year there's been a different standout player. you ask who the goat is in 2021 people are saying it's tenz. then nats. then yay. etc etc. how can we have a goat when there's been pretty much no consistency at the top?

posted 11 months ago

we have to wait like a decade before we have goats, even in categories

posted 11 months ago

we gotta have vct for like at least a decade i feel before declaring a goat

posted 11 months ago

i don't think either of you are wrong, you just want different people. some people would want to game w their partners, others want to party. try finding compromise otherwise it won't work

though i will say 11 hours is a bit much .... is that all in 1 day? it'll be tough finding someone who is okay with you gaming for that long and not spending much time with them unless she also plays that much herself

posted about a year ago

so fucked that he did all that through ascension and now the rest of the way is so unclear....happy at least now he has a stronger case. hope he finds a good team

posted about a year ago

i think FNS is a really smart alias bc finesse is already a cool word and shortened looks even cooler

posted about a year ago

Definitely understand! I have that complacent "at least it could be worse" mindset, but you are right that there definitely should be more done to combat these issues

posted about a year ago

i feel like valorant is really lucky to have tarik as like the face of cc/watchparties, you can just tell that he's a respectful human. he supports marginalized communities, he makes guests feel comfortable on stream. ik these are small things, but what he did talking about the whole jasonr situation, watchpartying game changers last year and being respectful to all the girls competing, he really is a good example even if his chat doesn't wholeheartedly reflect that.

i definitely agree that some of these chatters are just complete weirdos, but tarik hasn't done anything himself to promote that behavior. you could argue condoning it doesn't help, but at least he doesn't necessarily promote it which i feel like all the big streamers do nowadays. like i watch his streams without looking at chat, and while you could argue the chat reflects the streamer, there really isn't anything you can do with a bunch of chronically online 10 year olds lol. and even then, his chat is still (sadly) 10x more respectful than cough cough some of the biggest streamers' chats bc of his behavior alone.

posted about a year ago

COL clawdia was in that roster at well at one point

posted about a year ago

im so excited too!!

posted about a year ago

tldr: countless factors in making a great team, and with the way smaller player pool of gc, it's even harder.

far more men play the game. while now it is "socially acceptable" for girls to play games, it is still the gender norm for boys to play. you'd find way more guys who have played since they were kids, but women who play generally start later. on top of this, 'no toxicity' is a bit of a stretch. yes, people are generally more accepting now, but there is still toxicity surrounding women in ranked. of course, ranked toxicity is a problem for everyone, but if you put women in an already male dominated industry on top of the ranked toxicity, it's only normal that it's more demoralizing for them than it is for the average guy.
^^these are all things that shrink the female competitive player pool even more. less gc players = less likely for them to be good at the game. bootcamping + coaching can only do so much, there are more great male players than there are great female players, hence why they lose to no name teams.

there are just so many internal factors: roles, personality clashes, coaching, synergy, etc.

so to take an already small gc scene, pick out only the best players, then pick out players that fit each role in a five-player team, on top of making sure they have good synergy together? harder than you may think. whereas for men, they have countless of great players to choose from to make a coordinated team. and the larger player pool comes from what i said above of gender norms.

posted about a year ago

super impressed, new roster and beating og teams

posted about a year ago

i think FNS is a really cool way to say finesse which is already a super dope word

posted about a year ago

right, everyone always talks about the star players but meL has been there from the beginning (along w lexi) and is 100% the reason they are as good as they are

posted about a year ago

you can't just slap on the title of igl and be comparable to the others in the scene. if that was the case, scream would be the best igl in the world.

posted about a year ago

i disagree. the bigger the moment, the bigger the choke. first international event since franchising, grand finals, map 5, up 11-3? yeah.... you gotta live up to the moment and win those

posted about a year ago

agree with pansy hypoc & bren sideshow

I also love sully upmind even though they only do t2... some people find them annoying but I like their energy and how it's clear that they're always paying attention and hype for the games!

posted about a year ago

this is gonna be a really tough one but lets go v1 !

posted about a year ago

there's no goat for one year only, there's just one goat period and there's not one in valorant yet

posted about a year ago

isn't this every streamer though? it's part of being a streamer, you gotta entertain. and if it's bringing in the money who cares

posted about a year ago

xeppaa & meL

posted about a year ago

shes highly rated yet underrated still... theres a reason why she had success w c9 and now at v1. even with a stronger team, she's proven her role and ability to lead a team

posted about a year ago

right around after first strike

posted about a year ago

kat is good but shes a streamer now and she also doesn't really perform that well in matches (when she played) despite being good in ranked

posted about a year ago

If meL has a million fans, then I am one of them. If meL has ten fans, then I am one of them. If meL has only one fan then that is me. If meL has no fans, then that means I am no longer on earth. If the world is against meL, then I am against the world.

posted about a year ago

very good list

lowkey kinda forgot about keenc but I feel like they still haven't done as much vs the other players

posted about a year ago

i think theres an argument for flor, but the pool for duelists is a lot bigger than igls, even if flor is the best one (IMO). there are definitely other great igls in gc, but I feel like meL is definitely one of the best along with being a fragger which we dont really see with other igls in gc

posted about a year ago

i dont think theres anyone to replace them with though. i could see sarah, but katsumi hasn't done enough for me. sonder + flowerful also both performed well at the international event which is where it counts most

posted about a year ago

i feel like meL doesn't get enough credit for being one of the best gc igls and able to frag as well.

for me itd be
1) flor
2/3) mel/bob
4) sonder
5) flowerful

I feel like kat is a little overrated, but maybe she can prove me wrong. sarah is cracked in ranked, but i feel like she hasn't done amazingly in matches. being on such a cracked roster maybe puts her in the shadow a bit. ofc they're still both great players we shall see

ik SR got rolled today, but overall they've 2-0d the rest of the teams, and they also did the best in NA at the international event with flowerful and sonder so that's why I put them there

posted about a year ago

one small but impactful thing I feel like i've improved on this year is not dwelling on the past or bad moments. i dont get embarrassed as much for the small things. if I do badly on a test, I dont beat myself up for it and just start a new day. i feel like it really helped with improving my mental health even if just a little bit. its definitely not something that you can visibly see results or anything, but i just feel calmer these days and in moments when in the past i would probably get really anxious, now I'm getting better and less nervous for things.

basically just channeling the go next mindset everyday does wonders

posted about a year ago

internalized sexism in esports not only for female pros but also for normal players. gc chat is actually painful to read

I think its better for her bc shes a coach not a player, so people cant directly criticize her, they don't know what happens behind the scenes. so while I don't think genders an issue for potter, I think it's definitely an issue for another female players in the scene and that shouldn't be negated just because the same thing cant be said for potter.

posted about a year ago

actually I think its: more matches = more improvement
rather than playing less games in the normal circuit because they get eliminated quickly. and slowly, bc they're developing, they'll have more success within the normal circuit

and either way, besides the actual gameplay, it brings a spotlight to womens valorant/esports alone so that's always a good thing

posted about a year ago

nahhh that bach gene crazy

posted about a year ago

that 12-10 round mannnn ggs it was an awesome game though super stressful

posted about 2 years ago
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