Flag: South Korea
Registered: January 25, 2022
Last post: March 3, 2023 at 9:05 PM
Posts: 123
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Ofc u would be cheering for home ground. But what is home ground isn't playing? then what? are you going to leave the stadium empty just bc ur home team isnt playing? thats just wrong
heck based on what ive seen, if loud got eliminated, the grand finals would have been an entirely empty turnout

posted about 2 years ago

Besides, even looking at stats, BuZz is still consistently better if we are looking at Duelist stats:


  • Played Jett 120 times : had 105 rating on Jett : has an ACS of 234.3 : K.D of 1.11 : ADR of 147.3 : KAST of 70%


  • Played Jett 135 times : had rating 109 on Jett : has an ACS of 247.1 : K.D of 1.23 : ADR of 148.6 : KAST of 71%

BuZz also has consistently better stats on other common duelists played.

posted about 2 years ago

as a DRX fan, we all know some rules for supporting DRX:

  1. Don't trust BuZz in map 1 because man does not come into stage warmed up. man warms up in-game.
  2. WDYM? Man popped off for Split and Fracture to allow DRX go to map 5.
    Just bc BuZz has the tendency to throw doesn't mean he should be downgraded.
posted about 2 years ago

uh no offense but wtf are u saying

posted about 2 years ago

which is true but the turkish also came to a lot of the other matches to show support, and cheered for good plays (except against xset). thats what you call a W crowd, who come in with some bias (ofc) but still show appreciation for the other teams. these brazilians have zero modicum of respect for the other teams that are competing

posted about 2 years ago

ah ic ty

posted about 2 years ago

oh didnt know. isnt marved still in hiatus tho?

posted about 2 years ago

thats why ange1 isnt in the igl category, hes in the controller category. and honestly im surprised on just how well hes been performing, abdsoltely popping off for a boomer

posted about 2 years ago

Rb is the true definition of a flex player. I have never seen a dude who is incredibly efficient at every role

posted about 2 years ago

why marved? C9 imo don't need another controller nor an initiator. Zellsis and leaf are doing good as initiators, and vanity is pretty solid as a controller. They should be signing a new duelist who has both the power and the aggressiveness to make a large difference

posted about 2 years ago

Role clashing might be bc yay is used to sentinel bc of chamber oping, and the previous season, he barely touched a duelist, with the rare jett at times. honestly yay's playstyle suits sentinel as well, as he's more of a calm type of player that doesn't push that easily

posted about 2 years ago

In terms of names, I've always liked T1 and Paper Rex. In terms of logos, Team Secret is just amazing.

posted about 2 years ago

What happened? I know Shahz made some drama but what happened with SicK?

posted about 2 years ago

Alfajer's raze was also pretty good no? on bind i think

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

Honestly, Team Liquid was overhyped. However, I mean what would anyone do if former members of the legendary Gambit roster joined Team Liquid, especially nAts the rat man and Redgar a cracked man. TL had arguably one of the biggest roster overhhauls, only keeping Jjampi (should leave imo) and soulcas (could perform better but should become a cc and terrorize ranked). Heck, even I was overhyped when I saw nAts joining a new team along with Redgar and Sayf like goddamn thats a cracked roster. But they just fell apart. They did do some decent attempts at coming back but still pretty shit teamplay from TL. Imagine tho, if they dropped soulcas and jjampi and kept ScreaM and Nivera + sayf nAts Redgar.

posted about 2 years ago

Honestly who can blame TL for that tierlist tho. Nobody expected much from Team Secret, and their most recent results weren’t looking that good either, so honestly speaking I can relate to that tierlist. Ofc not to the part where they put TL and Sentinels above the S-tier, but still relate to TS in C-tier. Heck I expected D-tier for them.

posted about 2 years ago

SUYGETSU is an absolute beast on a good day which is pretty much almost everyday with a vandal. Honestly I feel like hes more known for his raw aim then his sentinel gameplay. nAts is the better lurker have u not seen his clips just get better man is the rattiest master of the flanks.

posted about 2 years ago

One of my top teams for this event, despite their loss is actually Talon. Don’t get me wrong, they play tournaments like its ranked, and just press W. BUT, their playstyle reminds me of prime PRX where there are no shits given, and you just play the entire thing ultra aggresively. This playstyle even put DRX into shambles, a team that should be ready for anything and had already beaten PRX before. Of course that was put to a stop the moment Talon went against the DRX Ascent defense but holy shit were they good. Keep in mind that they were playing with a sub as well.

My next top team is LOUD. I honestly though LOUD would be significantly worse with the loss of pancada and sacy, however they proved to me on the stage that theyre still the brazilian powerhouse. Their aim is all on point, and their gameplay overall is good.

DRX. Ngl they’re doing worse in this event than anybody expected. Everybody expected them to absolutely sweep up the floor with BBL and continue their streak of not losing a single map in their opening games. Then C9 happened, and we expected to either lose or win in a close match. Then Talon came which we once again expected a easy sweep from DRX, yet despite that Talon took DRX’s map pick and made them struggle in Map 3 Icebox, a map that DRX had previously absolutely shat on with against C9.

posted about 2 years ago

Wdym by the casters are coping? By far has NAVI been the biggest EMEA group of this tournament, with a core of LAN winners along with first world champion cNed. Not only that, this Omega Bracket has some of the biggest contenders for the EMEA title such as Fnatic and Team Liquid (we saw what happened to TL tho). Not only that, but NAVI is only the second EMEA team of this event to get past the first round, with first being Giants. However Giants went against DetonationFocusMe, which in all honesty is an absolute dogwater of a team. KRU on the other hand has been a staple on LANS, and even without mazino and keznit, they still built a decent team.

posted about 2 years ago

Currently speaking, the top two regions are NA and APAC. This based on the Alpha Bracket of the LOCK//IN event. Looking at the stats, NA and APAC are currently the top two considering only these two regions were able to get past the first round, where NRG and LOUD became the best for the Americas, and DRX and Talon became the best for the Pacific. Even now, in the Omega Bracket, Team Secret from APAC has already eliminated Team Liquid, which after its roster changes was looking to be one of the super teams of the event, signing nAts and Redgar from the ex-Gambit/M3C roster, as well as Sayf from Guild eSports, who is a pretty well rounded IGL. Note that Team Secret wasn’t expected to do much, with their last LAN being in Champions 2021. Even then, their most recent performances weren’t as good as hoped, with them losing to DRX and Team heretics. Team Liquid on the other hand, despite not having had a single match with their current roster until now, were still expected to be a super team.
Of course we still have super teams such as NAVI and Fnatic who we can expect good results from, but looking at the massive improvement from APAC as well, I believe this year will belong to mainly the Americas and the Pacific league, instead of EMEA who used to be the powerhouse along with the Americas.

posted about 2 years ago

I mean technically speaking, whoever wrote that has a point. prior to joining franchisement, I belive almost everybody had never heard of RRQ + looking at their match history they have never had much success against the top teams of their region such as Bleed, Boom, and Xerxia.

posted about 2 years ago

GE is prob worse than EDG i would say, but maybe above secret

posted about 2 years ago

shahzam + dapr are in G2 now so they dont matter

posted about 2 years ago

i would recommend not getting that one. honestly it was so hyped up when it first came out, but now everyone pretty much forgets that it exists + dont know if it was patched but i believe it was AverageJonas who found that the sword is so long that it can pretty much throw your position if your sneaking around the map

posted about 2 years ago

vlr rankings dont matter much rn tho

posted about 2 years ago

considering hes a sub for patiphan goddamn did he show that he deserves a starting spot in the team or any other franchised team.

posted about 2 years ago

that doesnt make much of a difference. take LoL worlds for example. There was a crowd for every single match, even during the Play Ins. Even when NA got eliminated, there were still substantially large crowds who went to watch the best teams play and just watch some good games

posted about 2 years ago

typical Riot L

posted about 2 years ago

I get your point. Im not trying to ask for a fully packed stadium. At least a half packed stadium would be nice. This is considerably one of the biggest events in VCT history. This LOCK//IN is basically the world cup for VCT. Using your logic, the Qatari shouldn't have attended a single match after the group stage as their teams lost during the World Cup.

posted about 2 years ago

GarnetS is a sub btw. A sub for patiphan which makes it even more scary on how a SUB was a major threat in the tournament

posted about 2 years ago

I swear, this event is becoming like the Brazil major. The fans are only coming to watch the LOUD + MIBR matches, and I believe it will be the same for the Furia matches. The stadiums are always near empty for when the brazilian teams arent empty. Like I get that more people would come to Brazilian games, but also show some respect for the other teams that are there. At best there’s always a handful of people and tiny pockets of people for non-Brazil matches. Does anyone else feel like this?

posted about 2 years ago

oh didnt know that

posted about 2 years ago

but wasnt that mainly bc of ping difference? idk

posted about 2 years ago

Very underrated: KOI
Underrated: LOUD
Perfectly rated: DRX
Overrated: PRX
Very overrated: 100T

My reasoning for each team is:
KOI: Nobody even knows KOI. Yes they had pretty bad moments, but still a pretty solid roster.
LOUD: bc Sacy and pancada left everyone is dropping the team thinking its utter shit. Its not. LOUD is still a good team.
DRX: Everyone knows what they are capable of, so not much need to elaborate.
PRX: Had a falling off after their second place finish in Copenhagen or Reyjkavik (cant remember which one), but still has huge expectations bc of jinggg and f0rsaken.
100T: IDK. Not really a special team. Goated for sure, and could win it all, but I have no idea for them.

posted about 2 years ago

OP also states that you shouldnt take that interpretation too seriously considering the fact that Optic was also pretty shit in their scrims in the past

posted about 2 years ago

did you not read what OP wrote?

posted about 2 years ago

isnt LM and RM basically LW and RM now? they basically act in the same capacity, but LW and RW have more scoring opportunities

posted about 2 years ago

Nowadays its:

LB or LWB (left back or left wing back)
RB or RWB (right back or right wing back)
CB (center backs)
These homies are the fullbacks.

Next we have the MFs (midfielders)
CM (center mid. these guys are pretty much all rounders in both offense and defense)
CAM (center attack mid. these guys specialize more in creating opportunities for attack)
CDM (center defensive mid. these guys are more defense specialists)

Next we have the offense
ST (strikers. these are the closest to the opponent goal, prioritize scoring)
CF (they are basically strikers)


LW (left wing, they can act as a part of the midfield, or can also act as a striker)
RW (same as left wing)

posted about 2 years ago
  • the Patriots vs Falcons super bowl was one of the best shit I had ever watched
posted about 2 years ago

Ofc mate. I used to play a bit of American Football for fun and it was super fun. People are missing out on the sport.

posted about 2 years ago

if the game was being stopped every few minutes bc some random mf went neymar then the game just stops being good. Besides the stoppage time adds some spice to the game. It doesn't have to be accurate, but most of the time its just an apporximation of the time lost.

posted about 2 years ago

Is everyone ignoring that fact that people believe that Spurs can beat Milan? I mean Spurs are the biggest throwers in the league man.

posted about 2 years ago

You bring up good points. however it all comes down to personal preference. Each game has its own pros and cons, but I feel like it all falls down with what you grew up with. I spent most of my life living in LATAM, so a lot of my exposure to sports was mostly soccer. Ofc I respect American football as its own sport, but I simply just see more appeal in soccer. Don't get me wrong tho, I used to watch plenty of NFL highlights as well, and they were extremely captivating.

posted about 2 years ago

more like eggball

posted about 2 years ago

Yes, I believe in terms of complexity and the need for more tactics the superior sport is American Football. However there is another reason why soccer (its football) is for me a much more enjoyable sport to watch then American Football.

First: I believe that soccer gives players more moments to shine, to show off their individual skills and to show off a bit. American Football on the other hand, although it has its moments, it can be kind of boring?

Second: Length of the game. American Football by all standards takes way to fucking long man. They have timeouts every other play+ time for offense to move out and defense to come in. Soccer on the other hand can be enjoyed. You watch the 90 minutes, (or 120 minutes depending on game) and your done. You can enjoy the rest of your day.

Third: The tense moments. I feel like one of the main appeals of soccer is the tense moments when it becomes up to the GK. Does he pull off a miracle save? Does he fail the team? And so on. It all relies on those tense moments that makes soccer so appealing. On the other hand American Football is a sport where you will most likely be tackled and people can see the tackle happening before the tackle even happens, unless the occaional acrobatic jump comes out which is pretty rare.

Fourth: As an EPL fan. English club soccer chants are the absolute goat.

posted about 2 years ago

Omega group is resonable until you see that this person put Team Secret will beat Liquid AND NAVI. And the Alpha one is just pure delusional.

posted about 2 years ago

Fut has no chance of success, considering they have never qualified even once for an international LAN, as well as losing in the few times when they went gainst an interntional team. this lockin they go against either 100 thieves or edg if they beat RRQ, which means they exit at second stage.

posted about 2 years ago

body pic on day 100 yessir show us them abs and muscles

posted about 2 years ago

Thats prob because the head to head doesn't include the match page that you are on.

posted about 2 years ago
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