Flag: Europe
Registered: July 28, 2021
Last post: May 6, 2024 at 8:52 AM
Posts: 506
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nah I prefer ANGE1 on Jett

posted 10 months ago
  • Derke +Sayf
  • Boaster +ANGE1

Prefer not to tho

posted 10 months ago

Do not play her in ranked

posted about a year ago

PRX without a doubt

posted about a year ago

There is probably gonna be better options on the market when free agency comes around, but removing Bang is a horrible move either way IMO

posted about a year ago

Controller: Boo
Sentinel: ceNder
Initiator: Destrian
Flex: nukkye
Duelist: feqew / MiniBoo

posted about a year ago

Controller: baddyG
Sentinel: kamyk
Initiator: MOLSI / PaTiTek
Flex: zeek
Duelist: starxo

posted about a year ago

EG Boostio, FUT AtaKaptan, KOI Trexx, TL nAts & TS BORKUM

posted about a year ago

which was my exact point, he is Top 5 duelist easy and the most efficient one at that

posted about a year ago

Sayf is a Sova main according to y'all

posted about a year ago

If you are capable of fulfilling your role efficiently on that agent;
You are a literal God on an agent;
Switching to other agent whose base value is potentially bigger and would hurt your infinite potential on your pick;
Just seeing your name next to that agent makes teams second guess their decision to push your site;
And above all, you are deleting people off the server even when it is not necessarily required from you;

why would you bother playing KJ over Cypher if you are fucking nAts

posted about a year ago

derke was not part of sumn

posted about 2 years ago

I got multiple ideas, but I guess I'll share the most recent one.

Astra - Fade - Raze - Cypher - KAY/O

It is a mainly defensive composition that relies on capitalizing on the map's natural CT bias. It provides multiple layers of defense if the front line of it fails. I could nerd about it for hours, but the basic (very watered down) idea is playing retakes if the site where Cypher is got hit (usually A site, with KAYO in garden/tree area), and forcefully fighting for B site and mid with multiple utility combos Astra - Fade - Raze provides. On a T side, Cypher would be the lurk (kinda obvious), but in a way he could be a "smoker" when the quick executes are called (idea came when I stumbled upon GosuPeak content creator for Valorant). Astra's unlimited range offers a lot more "fakes" potential and easier mid takes.

posted about 2 years ago

Appreciation for what you are doing. In your attempt to tame your ADHD and avoid the "public shame" you inspired more than a few people to start going to the gym / to work out! Keep going!

posted about 2 years ago

That is one hell of an analogy lol, but wine (Hypoc) can also be a star on it's (his) own.

posted about 2 years ago

Nice analysis weirdo...

He said he is going to ***** tho

posted about 2 years ago

There's some 3rd party hosted tournaments in the works tho.
BLAST has shown interest in hosting tourneys for Valorant.
Partnership teams are gonna be announced and we are gonna be indulging into roster mania.

Worry not!

posted about 2 years ago

You do not understand two games you talk about. I told you. :(

posted about 2 years ago

Even if you're a troll, you waste way too much time here. If you're not, yikes, grow up.

And from your takes, I understand you do not know jack shit about either game.

posted about 2 years ago

On this stage anyone can win against anyone. I'm taking into consideration not only recent results, but frag power, team cohesion, overall consistency and strategic depth of the team.

posted about 2 years ago

Yeah, let's have company organizing the tourney we play in rollback our win, so we stay up till 2-3AM playing, while the opposing team talks smack and half of the Twitter claims "the turret is the MVP" and not tell anything.

posted about 2 years ago

I'd go something like this:

  1. OPTIC
  2. FPX
  3. LOUD
  4. DRX
  5. Fnatic
  6. XSET
  7. Leviatan
  8. Paper Rex
  9. Team Liquid
  10. 100 Thieves
posted about 2 years ago

I think Nukkye is probably the one to stay in the team, but they will probably sign someone to IGL them.
G2 nAts is not a long shot, as nukkye and him are buddies and get along well.
Guild still might get franchising, tho I'm doubtful, so sayf might not go there.
Another roster that is unsure about franchising is MAD Lions, and if they do not go to franchising, Doma might be on G2's radar, like he was back in late 2020.

posted about 2 years ago

only W here

posted about 2 years ago

Keep bumping it people!

posted about 2 years ago

Air Jordan I OG Chicago or Jordan 12 retro OVO

posted about 2 years ago

Fair enough, I'll toss my piece of mind in the convo.

If the history of esports in general repeats in the same trend, there will never be someone who truly is a flex god and can do everything that is required of him/her at the highest efficiency. With the addition of new agents, and meta shifts it is gonna be even harder. God Razes, god Chambers, and god Fades are bound to keep happening as it will be even more fruitful to play at least one agent on that level.
Sliding over onto another role will be treated as a luxury, yes, but it'll never be the x-factor.

Additionally, if a player keeps playing one or two agents over a longer period of time, it is definitely gonna increase the level of his/hers comfort and we will be able to see more of these inhumane numbers. Hopefully.

And like you, I also do prefer great flex players who can fulfill their roles efficiently even when they are outside of their comfort zone. But like I said, it often comes at the cost of inconsistencies.

Bottom line, it will be like Michael Jordan vs LeBron James conversation. We can have fun during these convos, but we cannot determine who is the best. In the end, we cannot truly compare and IGL to a duelist/entry role.

posted about 2 years ago

I'd also add Tacolilla to the convesration. Man can entry one round with him and lurk during the next one. So unpredictable and so efficient.

posted about 2 years ago

Calling him a Chamber one trick is disrespectful lol, this is him playing on currently the biggest stage of Valorant scene, posting those numbers. Chamber being unbalanced in the current meta does not take away much from yay. Chamber being played that often in an OPTIC environment is nothing but a reasonable team decision to have him on the Chamber as the mechanically most skillful player in the team. Chamber is built with the principle of putting his body on the line to commit his sentinels duty in mind, and yay does the best job at it.

As a leader of stats do not matter propaganda, even I have to face the reality of that godly number 1.8 KD.
Whether he is the best player in the world is always up for debate. To have him labeled as one trick or abuser is discrediting and disrespectful.

And you cannot flame people for having (even more than) reasonable opinions and asking for arguments when you offer none... takes the joy out of the conversation.

posted about 2 years ago

So who is the best player in the world in your opinion?

posted about 2 years ago

You're missing the point here.

Anyone who complained didn't need a reality check that goes along the lines of "it is what it is, you will have to move on", or like you stated:

"If you can't handle toxicity, don't play Valorant"

Everyone knows these kind of games are destined to exist in an online environment. It goes without saying.
Me and many others who complained about this are talking about Valorant developers putting zero effort into filtering out players showcasing this kind of behavior.

It is fine for minority of the games to be like I've stated. But for most of the people, this kind of behavior is on full display every day.

posted about 2 years ago

Dear Valorant devs,

I'm just your average Valorant player and pro scene enthusiast who enjoys the game you have created and appreciates your continuous effort into making the game more enjoyable for us.

You've done a great job so far into observing the evolution of the game, changing things up so they don't get stale and non-dynamic. You've done a great job with newly added content and testing the boundaries of tac FPS genre.

But I feel like you forgot about me - an average player queueing up to enjoy the game. I'm, of course, not speaking about myself specifically, I'm speaking for the community outcries to introduce a better system for player reporting and penalty issuing.

In the Episode 5 Act 1, I would queue up with two great people I've met online and even with slimmer odds of some random person being toxic or disrespectful towards his team, we managed to stumble upon these kind of players too often. They stopped playing due to multitude of reasons, and simply do not want to go thru those kind of experiences.

In this act, I was mostly solo-queueing. Without exaggerating, 70% of the games (this may even be a lowered number) ends up in me muting someone due to their wildly toxic or disrespectful behavior. Amount of people destroying their team's mental with screaming in comms, telling people to "unlive themselves" and using disrespectful, hateful, offensive and derogative language is too high.

Little tilts here and there are fine, as they can easily end with one person on the team being supportive. I'm strictly talking about behavior that is (supposedly) banable. I'd wish to see more effort being put into creating the new system to help out with this obvious problem or see some welcoming changes to an existing one.

On behalf of majority in the community, as your great work with game balancing and adding in-game content continues, please address this issue. People left and right keep getting unpunished for their inhumane behavior. I'd hate to see more great people leave the game and for the remaining few to be left with players undeserving of their place in the community.

Many of us are on our last few remaining "gg go next" before we leave the game due to this.

Just another Valorant enjoyer

posted about 2 years ago

Casually slipped sinatraa in there lol

posted about 2 years ago

Fade/Sova, Sentinels of The Light Vandal, Sheriff

posted about 2 years ago

Bandwagon would be me supporting other teams more after FNC would flop. I didn't know jack shit about CS or esport up until than, so I just went with a flow for a while. I still support them lol.

Genuine question tho, does me choosing to stick with a team initially define the move as a bandwagon? Never thought about it.

posted about 2 years ago

2015 ESL One Katowice, watched 1st game of esports, C9 against VirtusPro.
FNATIC won the tourney and I jumped on the FNATIC fanbase ship. And here we are.

posted about 2 years ago

As unproved as he is, Asuna should be there honestly, but an actual decent take from PlatChat is surprising.

posted about 2 years ago

What British person hurt your soul to type this many braindead takes LMAO

posted about 2 years ago

Valorantle #29 2/8

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posted about 2 years ago

So according to betting sites, we have an interesting list of favorites to win, to say the least.

Bolded are the odds to win it, in regular font are odd to make it to finals.
(TEAM - odds to win - odds to make the finals)

FUN PLUS PHOENIX - 4.75 - 2.37
OPTIC GAMING - 5.00 - 2.50
PAPER REX - 5.50 - 2.75
FNATIC - 6.00 - 3.00
LOUD - 7.00 - 3.75
100 THIEVES - 8.00 - 4.00
TEAM LIQUID - 10.00 - 5.00
EDWARD GAMING - 17.00 - 8.00
DRX - 19.00 - 9.00
XSET - 19.00 - 9.00
KRU ESPORTS - 34.00 - 17.00
LEVIATAN - 41.00 - 21.00
ZETA DIVISION - 51.00 - 26.00
FURIA - 51.00 - 26.00
XERXIA ESPORTS - 101.00 - 51.00
BOOM ESPORTS - 151.00 - 67.00

How wrong or right did they get it?

posted about 2 years ago


Valorant offers more explorative freedom with its utility, you can say that the learning curve for the game with each added agent or a hard change to an agent, means the game is becoming more and more complex.
In CS, however, the lack of previously mentioned agents coincidentally creates space for freedom with how the utility is being used (at least in the pro scene), so mastery of the fundamentals is crucial as even the slightest skill gap could be the difference in playing from an advantageous or disadvantageous position. In Valorant, on-spot thinking and creativity can turn even the shittiest situation into an advantageous one, much more often than in CSGO.

The approach to the game is different and this is why if in 2022 you treat Valorant as if it was CS, you will get stomped.

posted about 2 years ago

I mean, imo, when you're traveling, you should prioritize indulging more in local cuisine and street food the country has to offer, rather than "top" restaurants which much more often than not feature food from other nations or takes on it.

And fast food joints are just quick tourist snack spots, so the "idiot" label for it is unnecessary.

posted about 2 years ago

IDK about US, but its probably dookie there too
Why you got Bosnian flag tho

posted about 2 years ago

McDonalds is low to mid-tier food everywhere in Europe tbh

posted about 2 years ago

To be fair he performed well during Masters 2 and was statistically the best Chamber prior to Masters event, Taco is nuts, but yeah, just not the "best Chamber" probably

posted about 2 years ago

Valorantle #23 2/8

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🟩 🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩 🟩

posted about 2 years ago

Apples are overrated

posted about 2 years ago

Aye, no problem, I like to indulge in lengthier discussions much more than in shitposts lol

About Skye flash, I only stated that she has versatility as her advantage and a lot of players showcase more efficiency on her, but are probably forced to play KAY/O more.

And that KJ + KAYO combo is what I've already stated few times, but when I thought about it more, their ults have similar duties both on attack and defense, retake, site clearance and whatnot, so it may not be as efficient, but idk lol

Either way, we can discuss this back and forth lol, thanks for a great read. Good day to ya!

posted about 2 years ago

You had some good points, but some bold claims also. It is indeed true that KAY/O is a strong & versatile agent who can do things his competition is made to do, but slightly better. However, it doesn't pass the "needs a slight nerf" threshold, and to be perfectly honest he is not a "broken agent".

His knife is the main part of his kit, and to truly find value, you have to be extremely precise with it. But that same knife is the reason he will always be a go-to pick for many coordinated pro teams. By design, the knife is supposed to do many things - give information for executes, clear enemy off site to make him play retake, slow pushes down etc. This design choice is why you need to be extremely cautious with using it and need to properly evaluate the situation you're in.

His flashes are pretty straightforward, but no, they are not the best. Even in terms of versatility and ability to use one for the team, and one for yourself, Skye will always beat KAY/O out + she gathers information. Also, the ceiling for KAY/O flashes is very fucking high, as if these pop flashes are not done properly, they become obsolete, and need to be mastered to be ALWAYS useful. You will see many more mishaps with flashes if you pay more attention to strictly KAY/O players lol. Hell, to pop flash out of checkpoints or smokes, even Phoenix's flash is harder to avoid if done right.

Molly needs some QOL changes, like Breach's Aftershock, it is ridiculous for an ability that costs 200 to be able to break a 7 orb ultimate. But other than that, pretty straight forward ability.

His ULT, again, it is a design choice by devs which will always make him a favorable pick. A slight nerf would be welcoming, but it is not 100% necessary.

But overall, some great points and a proper analysis. A nerf may be needed and is probably on the horizon, but if devs do anything drastic with it, it might make the initial design of KAY/O useless and totally turn him into something different, which not many people want, let's be honest.

posted about 2 years ago
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