lev hasn't even played since last year and they lost their best player and yet you say they are the best team in the world? They were around 5-6th last year and they have downgraded and you are putting that at 1.
Assuming off season events matter like you think, trace and drx are doing better than rrq so shouldn't they be higher, you put drx and trace in b and rrq in s?? Even if you go off past results, drx and trace would still be higher.
There are so many inconsistencies with your logic that it must either be you applying your logic incorrectly, you just going off gut and so you are not ranking them objectively or you are just heavily biased.
Another example of this bias is with t1 and g2, t1 is A and g2 Is S and yet T1 has played better so far in the off season, this is assuming off season matters like you think. And so obviously you are adding an element of past results into your ranking as well as otherwise t1 would be higher than G2 but yet you do the exact opposite in other situations like with rrq compared with drx and trace.
There are many many more instances of this but these examples should be enough