Flag: Czech Republic
Registered: December 29, 2021
Last post: March 5, 2025 at 7:27 AM
Posts: 7617
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because they played as a better team than G2 did and their players clutched up important rounds?

posted 1 day ago

how do u come up with the worst takes

posted 1 day ago

no real history in tac fps? is the answer not glaringly obvious here?

The best coaches in Pacific -
Solo & HSK

these guys all had history in CS.
Autumn is the only one without a history in Tac-FPS, he came from PUBG.

posted 1 day ago

Sungmin in T1 Academy is doing a good job, plus he was part of SPG during their Ascension run.

But realistically DRX will stick with Termi because he literally just won Kickoff. You actually are high!

DRX is the least likely Korean org to import players or coaches, especially now that Korea is the strongest singular country in Valorant right now lol.

posted 1 day ago

you have got to be high, delusional, and damaged to think DRX would ever sign a non-Korean, especially a Chinese person.

posted 1 day ago

really annoying when they would scream and yell whenever someone had a good timing or lurk tbh

posted 3 days ago


posted 3 days ago

he was right

posted 3 days ago

hynix reminds me of KoreanOverlord

posted 3 days ago

no lol calm down, i was upfragged because i was right

posted 3 days ago

their run did not end with g2

posted 4 days ago

why is a japanese guy self hating lol
easiest way to clock a japanese user is:

  • they capitalise the most random things, like and especially AIM, or TOP4 like it's some kind of special move (what is Japan's obsession with capitalising AIM? There's more to winning gunfights than just raw aim, that's why the rest of the world calls it mechanics)
  • use www instead of lol
  • "It is a (insert noun)" instead of "they are/he is/she is"

Stop self hating DFM is a good team, ZETA is cooked though and needs better management.

posted 4 days ago

Why is Chichoo above Meteor, they should be in the same tier especially when Chichoo only turned up for Champs & Bangkok whereas Meteor was world class ever since he transitioned to Sentinel (aka since the start of 2024 until now)

In fact, Meteor was the best Sentinel of 2024 and he's being rated in B tier even though other players who were the best Sentinel of their respective years are in A and S.

posted 4 days ago


posted 4 days ago

naww there's not really much to it. appreciate you reading tho

posted 4 days ago

well the biggest difference is that PRX didn't know who they were going to be up against until EG won lower finals, and they didn't have a B team to reliably run scrims against, so fixing mistakes is gonna be a bit harder for them than for EG.

I think the map pool wasn't necessarily disadvantageous for EG because they knew exactly what to fix and had the resources (B team, VOD footage) to do it. Time wise, both PRX and EG were limited, but one team had a scrim partner ready to go at any point during the day, capable of emulating the exact scenarios PRX had forced mistakes in.
EG were the better team, let me clarify, this isn't me detracting from how good they were. Their B team and their intelligence in preparation and management would have gotten them through even if they had a real map disadvantage, but I can't say the map pool wasn't comfortable for them.

posted 5 days ago

sure but when you know far in advance that your best map will be banned it's a lot easier to prepare for a rematch. If you think about it, it was basically going to be the same maps in their first matchup + 2 more. That means it's more about refining and fixing mistakes that occurred the first time around and there's actual footage to look at that shows you what went wrong.

posted 5 days ago

EG had the BETTER map pool, but it wasn't DEEPER.

Deeper means they are good at more maps than PRX, which isn't true considering they have the exact same map pool lol.

EG had no map disadvantage because EG and PRX had the exact same permaban and EG knew PRX would ban Fracture after. Potter herself literally said this in an interview somewhere.

posted 5 days ago

meteor should be up there with alfa
back to back to back masters finals on two different teams is crazy work no?

posted 5 days ago

it wasn't necessarily deeper lol. EG and PRX literally had the exact same map pool, that's partly why EG won Champs GF

posted 5 days ago

depends on how high you also rate a champs trophy vs a masters. if meteor wins 2 or 3 masters, is that equivalent to winning a champs? obviously if meteor wins champs this year he's the goat sentinel, but what if he just won Bangkok?

less has only one international trophy to his name, but it is a champs trophy.

posted 5 days ago

he is actually underrated mfs still put other sentinels ahead of him like Benjyfishy, who is good but not Meteor good

posted 5 days ago

gonna have to disagree with you on that one vortexy, only in that he's not overrated. but you bring up some good points.

posted 5 days ago


posted 5 days ago

why would g2 ban fracture and split lol, lotus and haven are t1's best maps

edit: unless g2 are ass on fracture and split

posted 5 days ago

for celebrating a victory that would be deserved? is it insufferable to win or something now

posted 5 days ago

so much for asian pride

posted 5 days ago

nah he just doesn't know ball

posted 5 days ago

Meteor was GenG's best player at Shanghai and Champs

posted 5 days ago

all of them are individually upgrades except rb, flashback, and sayaplayer.

whether they fit in the team is a different story.

posted 6 days ago

when does sscary play

posted 6 days ago


posted 1 week ago

bro made me worry if he died hope he gets better soon

posted 1 week ago

i like how you specify koreans as being the timid asians when the only pacific team to win a trophy was korean

don't forget that paper rex choked two grand finals lol

posted 1 week ago

he's brazilian you need to put vitality in top 3

posted 1 week ago

bros team can't do shit unless he does something crazy

posted 1 week ago

autumn is such a fraud. pacific as a region is not as weak as analysts say but T1 is definitely overrated as fuck. wtf was that round where drx had like 3 ults for post and stax just ults arcade instead of off tap? LMFAO

posted 1 week ago

hope estrella proves me wrong because the guy is not anything special to me. i thought yoman did fine enough.

posted 2 weeks ago

kai had like one good game but buzz is a good shout

posted 2 weeks ago

true couldn't think of anyone else though. i thought maybe zekken or demon1 but idk

posted 2 weeks ago


posted 2 weeks ago

Meiy but no t3xture or buzz i'm dead

posted 2 weeks ago

guy individually played like a bot macrowise on drx and on geng

posted 2 weeks ago

guy has no brain. but he can shoot.

posted 2 weeks ago

foxy9 could shoot but that boy had no brain

posted 2 weeks ago

Champs 21 is the best Vandal skin in the game and it's not close

posted 2 weeks ago

this is a very brazilian post. love u guys.

posted 2 weeks ago

prize money only, does not include salary

holy reading

posted 2 weeks ago

can do 65kg assuming bar is 25, (20kg each side) what is that, like 143lbs? but i use lower weights normally because i do higher reps and i dont have the stamina/strength to lift that shit 12 times for 3 sets LOL
im out of practice tho so im p weak ngl

posted 2 weeks ago

split i wanna say sen but they got hard exposed by prx and geng on their first matchup, so idk maybe edg 24?
fracture eg 23
icebox lev 24
abyss drx 24
bind optic 22
breeze geng 24
ascent geng 24
haven loud 22
lotus fnc 23
pearl prx 23
sunset sen 24

this is just off the top of my head

posted 3 weeks ago
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