Flag: South Korea
Registered: April 18, 2021
Last post: March 4, 2025 at 1:25 AM
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This does not change the fact that in Australia there are 48 million kangaroos and in Uruguay there are 3,457,380 inhabitants. So if the kangaroos decide to invade Uruguay, each Uruguayan will have to fight 14 kangaroos...

posted 2 weeks ago

ok 🗿

posted 2 weeks ago

Idk if it's just me, but the players from opposing teams seem closer with each other in asia than na, which might help explain overall sentiment

posted 2 weeks ago

Very sad, rest in peace.

posted 2 weeks ago

Abyss, Split, Pearl were peak, even Haven. A solid shout for the best final oat.

posted 2 weeks ago

Something along the lines of "if you comment here, I'll give you money if T1 wins"

posted 2 weeks ago

Stax and Buzz finally win a trophy. Mako next!

posted 2 weeks ago


posted 2 weeks ago


posted 2 weeks ago

Feel free

posted 2 weeks ago

BuZz 🐐🐐🐐

posted 2 weeks ago

Literally nothing you said was of substance rn. Something called the internet my friend, a simple search to find some. I also reviewed all attack rounds from last 3 series, and lo and behold my points stand true.

posted 2 weeks ago

I don't think you're reading what I'm saying. It's not just an outlier round, you'll see it in numerous times throughout the match and the entire series and the series before and so on. Watch their voice comms vid. You're giving far too much credit for it being overall edg strats which prevent him from entrying. At one point the defending is enough, the team is playing like that around him because that's how he wants to play. When it works it works, when it doesn't he looks like a massive handicap for the rest of the team.

posted 2 weeks ago

A first death metric is often meaningless to look at without the right context. On the contrary, what you’re saying lacks substance.

Let’s say I’m playing ranked and I just swing and die mid start of every round. Was I being impactful and helping win rounds? But but but, I had more first deaths, surely that means I was doing my job right? Anyone arguing against this is most definitely new to the game.

Go through all the rounds. Again, you’ll continue to preach something like a team miscommunication, which can be sometimes true, but that’s giving him too much credit for his mistakes. The team is going to full send site, and you’re saying they dump util, smokes, everything you need, and still insist the jett proc dash and let it expire and sit afk main while they’re getting bodies on site? Even if it is a team miscom or decision to bail out, why is the omen the one dying on site and not him? Only a few rounds can you say a genuine attempt was made to risk a higher chance of death by leading the charge, rather than relying on just aim duels mid or main which farm fk/fd stats and create the illusion for people like you that he’s being an impactful entry. Anyone watching the game can tell who the most insignificant player was.

posted 2 weeks ago

I see your confusion. Your mistake here is thinking that having a gameplay style of pumping resources into him to take duels with cracked aim and entrying are mutually exclusive. You can have a gameplan of what I just mentioned, while also not having an afk jett who almost refuses to touch site first. There are too many instances where he is to blame. For example, when they need to desperately hit site towards the end of the half, the team stuns, blinds, smokes, mollies, omen tries to tp entry onto site, but KK is nowhere to be see, just sitting afk in main, refusing to at least dash in together with the omen and trade each other out. He bails out, the team loses control, time crunch and they get picked apart running around mid.

I’ll be damned if the team called for jett to prep his dash and have only omen tp in as entry and told jett to sit back and not entry.

posted 2 weeks ago

It’s not off one map, all the stuff I’ve said at the very top in the original post are translated across almost all edg games. And likewise why conclude if he’s playing a baiting style based off just one agent?

posted 2 weeks ago

It’s not right or wrong if it gets them results. However when they’re losing as I’ve already stated, it’s a massive handicap for the team.

posted 2 weeks ago

Stax and Buzz trophy Prayge

posted 2 weeks ago

Clearly we're not convincing each other on who's right. I stand by my claims that he is a liability when the team is losing, and the results speak for themselves. I said my opinions straightforward without hating on him. If I'm hating on KK then you for sure are hating on me. At least admit u forgot u were yapping away like an npc earlier, bro wants to go against me so bad you'll just straight up lie and gaslight me into thinking you're someone else.

posted 2 weeks ago

Nice ragebait attempt.

 Like bruh do you actually watch the games? At least make the bait believable.

Bro will straight up deny it's him lmao and try and gaslight me into saying I'm mistaking you for someone else. At this point, if I were you, I would stop embarrassing myself and get my story straight. Imagine trying to lie about something so petty like that. Wild ngl.

posted 2 weeks ago

silly me, it must be another Ryandr with a drx flair yapping away down there, what a coincidence

posted 2 weeks ago

When did I attack him personally? Bro said I genuinely lost my mind how many times right from the start?

posted 2 weeks ago

bros going up and down this thread just to hate on me lmao

posted 2 weeks ago

You're citing coaching/prep/strat/adaptability as problems, which is fair, but the reason I'm saying that you seem to be clearing his name too much is because regardless of all that, there have been far too many times where the blame can bee solely on him and he could and should have just smoked and went in for his team. Would it have killed to dash up with his omen who tp'd on site and trade each other out after the team flashed/stunned/mollided/smoked site to try and entry? Instead of chickening out and leaving the omen out to dry, and then having no options left with a time crunch and end up getting picked apart with being nowhere close to winning the round? Everything was set up for an entry from the jett that never came. I can't imagine the team telling him not to entry after they dump all that util and start forcing through the choke and have players onto site already.

posted 2 weeks ago

meant to write texture instead, but come to think of it, when meteor plays duelist, the impact he has vs kk is clear

posted 2 weeks ago

yeah i meant to write him instead of meteor

posted 2 weeks ago

Fair points, but imo he's doing it to an extreme. Like the last few rounds for example, the team is desperately trying to hit site, they're blinding in, omen tp's in to entry, getting picked apart, and he's just sitting main afk, they're just pushed out and nowhere to go and picked apart with a time crunch. Dash out together and trade each other out. I'm not saying he should be hitting site every time, but you gotta at least try to help a little bit more than that.

posted 2 weeks ago

Still think you're clearing KK's name for the unwillingness to entry too much. Yes there can be disconnects, but so many times he's simply too afraid to just go. You replace him with another good duelist rn and they would have more likely than not actually entried, either get a pick or make space/be traded out.

posted 2 weeks ago

meteor, aspas, derke, buzz, and let’s say jawgemo who has a very solid case to be considered top 5

posted 2 weeks ago

The sugar coating is unreal ngl. You’re just saying a whole lot of nothing, thinking you’re saying something of value. Nobody with a straight face can look at that and think it was the right play which set them up for success that round (rather then getting completely trashed apart while trying to touch site which is exactly what happened). I get sen kind of got dumpstered on but perchance instead of attacking me at a personal level when you disagree, you say what you want like a big boy so you can leave some of your heightened emotions out of it and communicate your points a bit more effectively.

posted 2 weeks ago

Just hoping buzz and stax finally win some deserved silverware

posted 2 weeks ago

When I call him a baiter, you seem to be taking it too negatively. As I've said before it's, their playstyle, if him staying back and trading out his teammates with cracked aim wins them rounds then good for them. I also agree the poor decisions are not just all on him, but there's just simply too many times where he's been a massive handicap for his team, generally when the team as a whole is on the losing side. He will sit and watch his team entry and still refuse to touch site, even when not accounting for the fact that he has no relevant util to dump and a jett dying first after hitting site is better than pretty much anyone else dying on the team. Just because the team is still good, people are turning a blind eye to these massive liabilities.

posted 2 weeks ago

I said it before, yes that's their style, if it works good for them. Good thing you went through the rounds, you can see yourself what a useless entry that was.

"Dashes vents to help take middle" wtf does that even mean, look at the game there's almost no benefit in that, they already know through vods that t1 will likely leave it open at that point of the round, hence the dry solo dash in. Imagine if he went onto site instead with a dash. Ignoring the complete trolling he did by swinging into ct alone and dying for god knows what, his team gets mowed down trying to reach site by dropping/running out one by one. Heck they can't even touch it. Only an absolute troll would try to sugar coat him in that round.

This is applicable to most rounds he plays, besides the few I've listed. Look at what you wrote. 'nobody dies and round turns into a scramble', 'started sewer so team hit site without him', 'tries to punish but dies', 'was gonna dash on site but nah', 'picked up an op, so ofc he can't entry now silly goose ofc he has to bait'. Like you're just writing a whole lot of basically nothing.

posted 2 weeks ago

I've said it few times already in this thread but taking aim fights doesn't mean you make more impact than a useful site entry. After getting a pick after dying countless times mid, does that mean edg got easy site control and plant? No, we saw them get mowed apart trying to reach site or run out of time.

posted 2 weeks ago

Difference between refusing to entry site, versus taking raw aim duels which don't often translate to getting a bomb down and winning rounds. After dying countless times mid, lets say he gets a pick. You still see them getting shredded trying to reach site to plant or run out of time.

posted 2 weeks ago

There is a difference between "being the first point of contact" and taking fights versus being impactful and winning you rounds. Like I just said, you can get a pick mid and still get mowed apart trying to reach site to plant or run out of time as we can both see. Just look at that short attacking half, how many times would he be just afk, while the omen is trying to flash entry in himself out of desperation to actually get on site? Would it kill to risk just dashing in first, or at least together? Nah let me just let em' die on site i'll run away, lose space, etc.

Don't think people like you are comprehending the difference between baiting and not having an impactful entry, versus taking raw duels and farming fk/fd stats which doesn't often translate to getting a bomb down and winning rounds.

posted 2 weeks ago

He literally entried only 4 rounds out of 12 last map (rounds 2, 6 (which is t1's eco), 8, and 12) Go watch vods of other maps and count them up, they all paint a similar story.

You need an impact entry as a duelist, lurking mid and dying over and over isn't the answer. Even if you get a pick there, does it translate to actually hitting site and getting a plant down and winning a round? Sometimes it does, don't get me wrong.
But after numerous deaths, he gets a pick mid, does it mean you are able to get site control and not get mowed down while trying to reach site and plant bomb or not lose on time like we were seeing? This is where you need to watch the games, and see what an incredible handicap he is to the team when edg is losing.

posted 2 weeks ago

fair enough, overrated probably has too much of a negative connotation

posted 2 weeks ago

You can't tell me he didn't look completely ineffective on agents like raze and yoru, the meta right now.

Yes he rarely entries, do you not see edg's games? Look at how rarely he's first on site. Literally the only times he really tried entyring site last map was rounds 2, 6 (t1's eco), 8 and 12. Just 4 out of 12 rounds where he avoided site and dashed heaven. He'll literally just sit in main waiting for the omen to flash and tp onto site and entry for him, or lurk around mid. This is seen replicated over and over across edg's maps. It's wild how people like you make false claims with no actual evidence or numbers, but will rather just throw an insult at me instead. Solid argument.

posted 2 weeks ago

read #20

posted 2 weeks ago

facts are facts

posted 2 weeks ago

one map? This playstyle is replicated throughout most of edg's maps

posted 2 weeks ago

First death metric is a bronze way of drawing conclusions that he entries. He loves to take early gunfights.

By that logic, if I swing mid nonstop and die over and over in my ranked games, does that mean I entried a lot?

As I said above, you can scrub through the rounds one by one, it's like he's afraid to just dash on site. There's no subjectivity to this that he entries less than almost all others, it's just straight fact. Whether or not it results in a better/more impactful match in favor of edg is the subjective part up to you.

posted 2 weeks ago

Ehhhh... the more opinionated stuff I say about different teams, the less credible I feel what I'm saying becomes. All i'll say is I think Chichoo is in contention for best player in the world and his performances have been one of the reasons why the team placed higher.

posted 2 weeks ago

Idk about you but did you even watch the game? Him having a very ranked jett baiting style isn't wrong or right, if it wins them the round then good for the team, but just go watch round by round, how often is he first on site? Incomparably less than every other duelist in the tourney. This isn't a subjective thing btw.

posted 2 weeks ago

Nobody can convince me this guy isn't overrated. If the team is doing well, he pops off and people are given the sense that he's the cracked, irreplaceable backbone of the team. However when they're losing, he handicaps the team so incredibly hard.

He's a jett one trick, his neon is reasonable enough, but he looks just lost and very ineffective on anything else like raze and yoru which are the meta on most maps right now, resulting in a less synergetic and worse team comp. You can see the difference it makes.

He rarely entries and has a very instalock baiting jett gameplay style. This isn't necessarily right or wrong, and when the team as a whole is playing well it works, but as I just mentioned, when they're losing, it looks worse than my grandma playing. His rate at which he entries site is a complete outlier when compared to basically every other duelist.

Also, the rest of team just pumps money into him. He'll force up, constantly have others buy him, thus inflating his stats like acs/kd. Just now on the 2nd half of split, he buys, swings, dies, gets gun dropped to him by teammate, swings (dashes but insta collapsed on), dies, forces, swings, dies forces (last round anyways), swings, dies, all while teammates buying him are going on weaker weapons just to support his financially demanding and exhaustive style, resulting in a statistical gap growing between him and his teammates when you click tab, which paints a very incorrect picture of who seems to be doing better/worse.

Again, he's good when they're winning, he's one of the worst if they're losing. If you ask me he's genuinely the one of the weaker players on the team besides maybe Simon, who's been going through a rough patch. People are being completely blindsided by the amount of value KK brings just because he has flashy aim.

tldr: bro is overrated

posted 2 weeks ago

my goats 🥲🥲🥲 you'll win silverware soon

posted 2 weeks ago


posted 2 weeks ago
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