Flag: India
Registered: July 30, 2021
Last post: March 18, 2025 at 10:03 PM
Posts: 10828
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If fnatic drops crashies for trexx or leo, yes they are so back and if they find a way to bring both leo and trexx to the starting roster and get rid of k**jak that would be even better. I would love to see alfajer on that full time duelist role again. Lots of potential with this roster only thanks to alfa and chronicle staying on this roster.

posted 12 hours ago

The last arc of demon slayer is really fun to read, so knowing that demon slayer has amazing animation, I can't wait to see those final 30 to 40 chapters animated. All the fights are good in their own way and I know a lot of people will like this last arc because there are only fight scenes pretty much. I guess I spoiled it a bit but yeah clears solo leveling where jinwoo just dogwalks literally all of his opponents including destruction lol.

posted 12 hours ago

The second one is literally mako. Atp I just want to see him lift a trophy so I am choosing option 1 because my goat will contribute with his igling!

posted 12 hours ago

Watching one piece: 🤢
Reading one piece: 🥰😍🤩

posted 16 hours ago

The reason most certainly had to be mental or chemistry issues. Trexx was the most underrated player in EMEA league until this superteam was formed. He is top 5 minimum on his role. Let's just wait and see how this roster change affects the team but I'm almost certain that unless trexx actually wanted to leave or he had a verno ahh crashout, vitality would have been better off not changing anything going into stage 1.

posted 16 hours ago

stay sad then, weak mental get off this site if you dont like what everyone here talks about.

posted 1 day ago

like i said, it would need to be a verno level crashout to justify dropping trexx.

posted 1 day ago

whose choice would it be to drop trexx and how would they override the wishes of the igl of the team? i don't understand how you can defend him unless trexx pulled a verno on this roster.

posted 1 day ago

in what way? if you mean skill, trexx has a higher ceiling than both less and sayf, and has hit that ceiling quite a few times since his time on vitality. he is one of the best on his role in the whole region. in terms of fanbase and influence though, yeah he is more lowkey and less popular compared to the other three, but so is kicks, which either means that there is something going on behind the scenes which i doubt because why would trexx even stay on vitality for so long if his vibes were bad? or the team snaked him out, but idk why they would do that when he is clearly extremely competent as a player!

posted 1 day ago

i said this in another thread but i will copy paste it here

"they are accused of committing many human rights violations which include but are not limited to modern slavery, women's rights, restriction of free speech and war crimes. they are also associated with extremist groups allegedly, idk how much validity these allegations have. despite this, they still maintain close ties with many western countries including the US."

posted 1 day ago

FOR REAL i thought he wasn't a fake person but turns out that he has no qualms about dropping a long time teammate over a 4th place finish in their first international tournament as a team. how shameless.

posted 1 day ago

i really hope not but all the leaks are pointing towards him getting dropped even though less and sayf performed significantly worse than him. i dont understand why vitality is being so hasty with roster changes! just let the team marinate, they have so so so much potential.

posted 1 day ago

they are accused of committing many human rights violations which include but are not limited to modern slavery, women's rights, restriction of free speech and war crimes. also associated with extremist groups allegedly, idk how much validity these allegations have. despite this, they still maintain close ties with many western countries including the US.

posted 1 day ago

you will sadly find that if you want to stay true to your values and beliefs in this world, it is nigh impossible without cutting everything material out in your life. boycotting saudi arabia and riot for hosting and participating in the EWC is only the tip of the iceberg. to truly avoid hypocrisy is honestly exhausting for most people, so true change will only happen once the majority are actively being harmed or negatively impacted by a certain group or entity. otherwise, good luck trying to see change through your actions or even the actions of a large minority, because it will not make a difference. humans are inherently selfish, and whether or not most of us in this thread will admit it, the truth is hardly any of us care enough about this and most other injustices in the world to take action against it. its great to talk about things like this but in the end, it is not going to have much of an impact on the actions and behaviour of countries like saudi arabia or corporations like riot. riot already panders to china despite china committing crimes against some of their own population, and imposing what is basically a police state upon chinese citizens. there is too much evil in the world for it to be truly uprooted. it can only be exposed; whether or not something is done about it is up to the ordinary people like us caring enough to do something about it.

posted 1 day ago

fr i hate vitality, and especially sayf because how could he do this to a former teammate like this. this is crazy levels of snaking.

posted 1 day ago

hi tell me my old flair and flag and why i switched them if you really know me.

posted 1 day ago

🥱 I'm bored of arguing with you now. Go find someone else to ragebait.

posted 1 day ago

But you did it yourself. No one on this earth is worse than a hypocrite.

posted 1 day ago

We will have to wait half an hour for more of this lol

posted 1 day ago

It's not their food. It's their character. They are constantly sneak dissing, are always perpetually annoyed or angry that you decided to engage conversation with them, and really hateful in general. What's their problem? I don't know, and tbh I don't want to know because as I have made clear here, I DESPISE French people.

posted 1 day ago

The one that doesn't agree with mine. Or the one that has no basis or truth behind it.

posted 1 day ago

Because riot has halved the number of regular season games since 2023 and no one liked that. So they want to watch more and more valorant.

posted 2 days ago

I loathe Fr*nch people. I also hate people with wrong opinions especially when they try to defend their stupid arguments.

posted 2 days ago

I have read the light novel twice, the manwha several times and I watched the anime in the background while doing other things and I still stand on the fact that it isn't as deep or complex as anyone says. It's the equivalent of the most generic shonen mangas out there. The LN was at least well written, but if you are looking for good writing AND a good story then I would rather read OMV than solo leveling any day. The manwha is incredibly rushed and the anime is following the same trend. I used to hop on the SL hype train back when I started reading manwha but after exposing myself to a lot more of that content, it pales in comparison. I'm sorry if this criticism hurts your feelings but objectively, solo leveling is not well written compared to LNs, manwha, anime or manga.

posted 2 days ago

The only good thing about solo leveling is the animation. The characters are shallow and poorly written, the story is cliche, the MC is unbeatable, the world building is pretty terrible, the lore is mid, the story feels rushed, the story is predictable. I can go on and on for hours about why solo leveling is only good as an entry level anime. It will never be anything more than that.

posted 2 days ago

You fucking idiot. Did i say I NEVER watched anime? Did I even say that I never watched romance anime? You aren't going to win against me.

posted 2 days ago

C9 is another example of this!

posted 2 days ago

talon literally came 4th! why are we acting like they suck? ok yeah they are terrible but they still came 4th place.

posted 2 days ago

well its a good thing that anime comes in other genres apart from romance then, isnt it?

posted 2 days ago

i dont watch anime anymore, and when i did, i only stuck to mainly action/fantasy/comedy animes. so dont assume anything about me.

posted 2 days ago


posted 2 days ago

dont speak on what you dont know then you ignorant asshole.

posted 2 days ago

its not gooner shit though, its a form of entertainment that a lot of people enjoy.

posted 2 days ago

i want to eat your pancreas is really sad.

posted 2 days ago

see? this is what i mean. you can no longer appreciate that when something is good, its way more fun to watch or consume as entertainment. as opposed to bland and boring stories, which are not fun

posted 3 days ago

Hunter x hunter could only be considered mid because it abruptly ended. If it kept going, I think it would be amazing. It's still good though so I disagree. One of the best power systems in all of anime and cool characters too, and a pretty good story.

posted 3 days ago

Yeah but tbh even in the manhwa, season 2 is so slow, it feels like walking through knee deep mud. Especially from the end of the workshop battle to around half way through hell train. After that it's really good all the way until where it's up to now. I do wish we got more world building instead of pure action though.

posted 3 days ago

It's so sad to see the new generation of anime watchers that aren't able to appreciate what good anime is actually like. I'm glad I quit watching anime so I don't get associated with all these braindead npcs who think popular means good.

posted 3 days ago

not you acting like solo leveling is the first anime to do this... jjk and aot did the EXACT same thing, if not worse, when their episodes aired. lets not name this based on a mid anime when you could call it the aot effect and not only would it be more accurate, but it would be named after a clearly superior anime to mid leveling.

posted 3 days ago

oh you would hate the version of me when i was on this website back in 2021. also please try harder with the insults. why couldnt you say something like i was unloved as a child thats why i cant have any fun? if you want to try to hurt me and insult me, why dont you make it sting instead of throwing insults that hit weaker than wet tissue? i feel almost insulted by how little effort you put into that one. am i not worth enough for you to bother insulting me properly? but its ok if that is the best you can do. i know some people are a little slow and stupid and if you are one of them, i pity you. since you like to upvote your own posts, i am inclined to believe that you really are a "special" person. i wish you the best; i know life must be hard for you.

posted 3 days ago

I like to keep an open mind and entertain ideas until I am certain it's wrong. Also I felt like playing along but you just made the bait too obvious.

posted 3 days ago

Ok yeah this is fake because drx is never winning. I'm certain that mako will leave the team either at the end of this year or end of next year and join a different Korean team that will go on an insane win streak while drx is left with 0 wins and 0 trophies internationally.

posted 3 days ago

word.exe lmao

posted 3 days ago

no but he is literally finnish which is Scandinavia, not russia at all!

posted 3 days ago

it doesnt work like that. instead of learning time zones, you would need to learn what time other people around the world have night time, and its basically the same thing as learning timezones but with extra steps. this is the REASON why we have timezones! also the country is is centred around will not have to change anything at all, while EVERY other country in the world will! why is it fair to force half the world to readjust what they consider day and night just for a "streamlined" system?? that is such BS. other people have explained it so well so i dont think i need to repeat what they have said, but you are actually retarded yourself if you think this is a better solution to the one we have now. why change something that isn't broken?

posted 3 days ago

stop coping. EMEA teams are just being stupid and overreacting as usual. they arent special compared to the other regions.

posted 4 days ago

Any info on geng or drx or do they scrim exclusively with their academy teams now?

posted 4 days ago

I'm going to take a guess but what this filthy French person means to say is that if Germany post ww2 had the PR team (as in public relations) that NRG has, everyone would have a very positive view of Germans. The reason for this because according to the author of this thread, NRG is loved for no apparent reason, and everyone overhypes them so much when they seemingly haven't achieved anything, implying that their PR team is so good that they have convinced the masses of a complete lie that the valorant NRG team is good, or even great. Therefore, their PR team seems to make it so that they are only perceived as good, hence the reason why the repulsive gamergirl seems to think that if Germany had this good of a PR team, they would also be perceived as good despite the country's leader's actions during and prior to world war 2, after which Germany had a VERY negative perception in the world. And, as a result of this positive perception, Germany would flourish and lots of people would learn German because of that. The last part makes the least sense but I wouldn't expect a French person to be half as coherent as this, so I am already impressed despite how stupid this comparison is.

posted 4 days ago

Yes but termi has fucked up the roster before like he did back in 2023 with the whole foxy9 zest 6 man roster situation. I hope he doesn't make the same mistake again by being too hasty.

posted 4 days ago

Honestly i am really worried that drx will sub out flashback. He hasn't been playing like last year but he still has the ability to do well.

posted 4 days ago
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