dam :(
Flag: | Pakistan |
Registered: | April 10, 2021 |
Last post: | March 5, 2025 at 3:45 PM |
Posts: | 1354 |
is GE still without PatrickWHO cuz last scrim they were still with deryon
0/10 rage bait but if sick can be in the video from "back in the day" so could've asuna
nahh sick was that mf tbh but
this clip will forever live in my heart
I never said something was worse than asuna but if we are talking about reyna players asuna (while shit now) on icebox using reyna on the ziplines back in the day it was fucking incredible to watch
like I get going for something on reyna right
but surely he doesn't forget 100T Asuna's reyna on this map back in the day ik he isn't as good now but like cmon
map 1 48 Kills like COME ONNNNNN
Why is this guy not getting picked up he is genuinely looking so good I understand it's in a lower region but he has been consistently good for a while now
ik ik but forsaken and mf have tried and it's been meh
Forsaken (senti)
PatMen (flashes [IGL])
Something (duelist)
Jinggg/Mf (smokes) {would rather see MF}
David (recon)
Chet (HC)
as expected I was right about Thyyy and Killua, now only 1 final change has to be made and that is Crws for Cgrs FNS-esque IGL vs SuperCubSub IGL
18-0 in scrims as of last ss so hopefully they become stage 1 merchants again
I haven't seen a good logitech mousepad but the qck edge has been a staple for years
Spaz (smokes)
Verno (recon init)
Alym (duelist)
Paincakes (senti)
BcJ (flahses [IGL]) (imma be so real idk who to put there)
Vapen (HC)
crws looks like FNS out there without the ability to call and just about the same affinity to Alzheimer's
yes yes but not seeing killua get picked up would be criminal cuz he has been phenomenal for FS
ptc doesn't/ wouldn't fill the same role as cgrs idk if he has IGL capabilites and thyyy has looked very very promising
Thyyy (Smokes)
JitBoys (senti/secondary controller)
Killua (flashes)
Primmie (duelis)
Cgrs (recon init [IGL])
depends on your budget, I will be getting an artisan zero soon however atm I have a steeleries qck edge XL
he has a wrist injury doubt he comes back out
gov and ban are gone from TLN
time for primmie full time duelist
and thyyy and killua to step up as well as any decent thai IGL
surely we understand this whole thing is not happening anyways and is satirical
champs curse incoming unfortunately
buzz won't get the same impact meteor does on senti, buzz still has crazy impact on duelist though. bro hit em with the "buzz is ass" shut it
it's so rigged fuck leo faria and riot
he's plagued by inconsistency but I still believe he can turn it around
whatever the reason is I am happy to see carpe playing cuz I think he might have a much higher skill ceiling over sylvan
realistically zellsis goes
redux steps up
zekken to recon
n4rrate to flex
john back to senti
also shits the bed as much, been a 100T fan for as long as he has been in the team it's time for a new face to join they have peaked with him
idk I've been saying this for ages on two seperate accounts keznit ain't the final boss melser is he just needs to be taken of IGL he is fucking crazy
Okeanos (Duelist)
Wedid/Skuba (Smokes/Viper)
Vora (Flashes [IGL])
Recoil (Recon Initiator)
nightz1x (Sentinel/Flex)
only reason Reduxx wasn't on this list is because the second they need it zellsis is gone for reduxx
in no order