looks fun ngl
Flag: | China |
Registered: | February 22, 2023 |
Last post: | March 6, 2025 at 12:33 AM |
Posts: | 2471 |
Bruh you peaked s2 the act before though?
so you'd rather spend more money on toilet paper than a one time bidet purchase. smart
just cause more people know rossy than natank. and it probably IS an upgrade since they went through with the change
Even on summer break 31 eps in 15 hours is crazy, no??!
Bro 31 episodes? have you been doing nothing but watching naruto?
why does the title say noscope 😠
Any thai flag can join if they so please
i love guatemalan catface (:3) fans too! what a coincidence teehee 👉 👈
Nihso: going to cuddle and love you
FemboyEnjoyer: going to goon to you
they only went negative cause they're saving strats for toronto
"point the issues out" buddy all you said was the game gets worse with each agent release? what issue are you pointing out? you're just complaining
i agree. alecks needs to figure out how to turn them on better
i think there's a lot to be changed. it's very important to keep in mind that thumbnails are often viewed in very low resolution, so small text shadows won't be noticeable and the even small text definitely not. so it's good to keep any text to a few key words with big shadows/outlines if you plan on including them. i think the image could also be changed. depending on the video content, it doesn't feel dramatic enough.
how can yall say this with a straight face? even bangkok, the most recent tournament, was very close in rounds and the result was a difference of a few rounds. right players showing up at the right time. and you wanna say this is the beginning of "domination"?? 😂 😂
choked harder than loud at lock in. legit had THREE chances to win the entire event, one time it was against an eco too, and they STILL LOST. with a double map ban advantage against a team that runs double duelist on every map. #T1FIGHTING #METEORISTHEGOATMETEORINMYTHROAT
not a single one from 2025 bruh
no reason to stop unless the org is heinous. just root for other teams in the meantime #TALON #DRX
not only is tenz playing, but he's playing against primmie. so that makes it worthwhile for me even if there wasn't anything new
you didnt watch sen games if you think americas was the least scrappy
Bro carpe is 43? Holy shit its been that long...
Real script
Americas: G2, Loud, C9
lack of flexibility mainly. forcing double duelists comps when we've left them in 2023 and then not performing up to standard when everyone else has flexed for him. recently tried flexing to sentinel but his util is kind of mid and he doesn't frag out extraordinarily like other sentinels. now there's rumors of mindfreak switching to sentinel and jingg to smokes which is just putting everyone on weird roles. so you know who's getting blamed if prx flop this year again too :/
bro wtf he can be bad at the game but this is too far 😠
Sentinels players ranked:
S Tier:
A Tier:
B Tier:
C Tier:
F Tier:
Lol that's funny that you think verno could punch aspas. the second verno even tries making a move, aspas will use his ruler's authority and stop the punch before it even gets a chance to move an inch. if he tries making a second move he might have to bring out one of his shadows and it'll get real fucking ugly. what a joke
What if they're slim most of the time using their radiant powers that allow them to manipulate their body type since its more convenient for gun handling and movement but for certain abilities they can revert to their original form like mr fantastic's ultimate ^_^
oooh thank you nyanyanyanyan. small money loan never hurt anyone ^_^ i can't wait to show off