Flag: Denmark
Registered: October 13, 2022
Last post: July 29, 2023 at 8:22 AM
Posts: 25

Goldfish attention spam hitting you hard rn 💀

posted about a year ago

He clearly was cheating during his ESEA pugs before going pro. Anyone who has played the game for a while can see it, it's not hard. Also his "flicking" thing he used to do all the time always landed on players through walls until people called him out and he just pretended to keep doing it even though it looked nothing like it used to (flusha style basically).

For anyone who's stupid enough to believe the scene to be clean, name me ONE sport where no one gets outted for doping / cheating in years. It doesn't happen. Looking at CS:GO is a statistical anomaly. Last real ban was KQLY in 2014. There is absolutely no way that no one is cheating, 0%.

posted about a year ago

??? Cheaters have been everywhere since day 1 of private beta LOL. Anyone could use pixel aimbots on day 1. But yeah, with time people have made better cheats and now you can easily wallhack + soft aimbot all games every day and never get banned. Vanguard is a joke, just like Riot.
Also all the retards in this thread are literal 12 years old cheating every day.

But yes, everything you've described is 100% true and has been going on other games, such as CS:GO, for more than 5 years. No one communicates anymore because everyone is fixated on their own gameplay and hiding their cheats. When I used to grind top 500 elo on Faceit in 2018, everyone would communicate all the time, barely anyone was toxic. Nowadays? No one speaks english, no one gives any call and only use mic to insult you. Cheating has ruined gaming forever.
And as you've said, it's every FPS. Even RTS have rampant cheating.

posted about a year ago

Whole scene is full of washed up bots who need to cheat to even play the game.
No wonder the fans are 12 years old on average

posted about a year ago

Isn't it normal to cheat at every exam you have in your country?

posted about a year ago

Everyone is cheating nowadays. Just look at how reddit, this forum and every other forums are infested with cheaters gaslighting you. People make millions selling cheats monthly, and people buy them so they can pretend they aren't useless subhumans who will never achieve anything in their life.

Don't be retarded and quit this game, it's not worth it

posted about a year ago

Dota2 and LoL have had maphacks for over a decade... what the fuck are people even writing

posted about 2 years ago

The whole scene consists of scammers and known cheaters... You guys are the most braindead entities on this planet to follow an "esport" that is essentially HvH all the time.

posted about 2 years ago

This game is infested with cheaters every match. Every single time I play I get some half-braindead 15 years old using low fov aimbot and wallhack and even though they are blatant with them, they still pretend they aren't cheating. It's insanity and we'll never go back to normal games where people don't cheat to play, nowadays you need to cheat to even compete.

posted about 2 years ago

I've had cheaters almost every game for the past 1+ year... I have 14k hours on CS:GO, was radiant season 1 and 2 of Valorant... at this point I'm starting to think that everyone cheats and comes on these forums to pretend this game has no cheating issue so they can keep cheating... there's no way people don't realize how normalized it is to closet cheat.

posted about 2 years ago

Whole Valorant scene consists of match fixers, washed up bots and cheaters.
Still can't believe it's 2023 and people like / fanboy Marved. This kid was matchfixing like crazy on CS:GO and very blatantly cheating. Horrible movement, 0 crosshair placement and yet constantly hitting headshots, knowing where everyone is out of no info, etc... Just review any demo from him from CS:GO and you'll understand Esport is a joke.

posted about 2 years ago

Started playing ranked again after months break because of closet cheaters.

Every match the entire enemy team stacks where we go and constantly prefire us in random off angles. I'm amazed that it somehow managed to get worse to the point where you have to cheat to even compete at immo+ rank.
GG no re

posted about 2 years ago

How trash is your life that you're inspired by some random kid writing nonsense on a trash forum that no one uses?
Do people seriously think that going to the gym is something special? If you don't work-out at home or don't go to the gym, you're a moron lmfao

posted about 2 years ago

Keep lying to yourself lmfao

Just reinstalled this garbage game and 5 matches in a row I get litteral squeekers beyond blatantly wallhacking and soft aimbotting. It's seriously concerning how braindamaged you have to be to pretend Valorant isn't infested by cheaters. I understand you all cheat and cover each others because you're rejects from society, but trust me, everyone knows

posted about 2 years ago

This whole scene is a fraud lmfao, keep dreaming kid

posted about 2 years ago

The amount of retards saying that Vanguard is good LMFAO
Vanguard has been a dogshit anti-cheat since day 1 of private beta, I bet 99% of the cucks saying Vanguard is good are cheating themselves and lie to keep abusing cuz they're worthless subhumans.
Saddest part is that this trash piece of software has kernel access and basically can do / collect whatever the fuck it wants from your computer. Now you realize that litteral 12 years old are able to blatantly cheat without being banned, what stops actually skilled people from exploiting 0days and injecting code through Vanguard? Nothing.

Anyone who still thinks Vanguard is any good and keeps it on their computer should be forbidden from using any tech their entire life.

posted about 2 years ago

Bruh the whole game is full of cheaters, from iron sub-bots to "pro" radiant players.
Not surprising to see that it's mostly third worlders though

posted about 2 years ago

Both games are ruled by cheaters anyway, useless waste of time for mentally ill children

posted about 2 years ago

wdym these days? Game has been full of bots cheating for well over a year. People said nothing and blindly followed Riot telling them no one is cheating blabla. Now every forums like this and reddit are infested with the same bots who cheat in game and they just dismiss everything and insult you to cope with their mental illness.

It's about time you opened your eyes lmfao. also enjoy the flow of cheating virgins in your thread

posted about 2 years ago

Yay way more cheaters are going to earn money now. Good on them, hope they get out of their shitholes

posted about 2 years ago

Don't forget that these degenerates think it's normal to cheat to win

posted about 2 years ago

People still coping by saying it's misinformation yadiyada... The entire scene is full of washed up matchfixers and cheaters from CS:GO... cheating and matchfixing on Valorant. Crazy right?
Gaming needs to die asap

posted about 2 years ago

It's crazy yeah? You had pixelbots on day 1 of private beta, then they somehow managed to get it sort of under control. Nowadays every game has at least half of it "closet cheating" (they are so bad they don't even realize how obvious they cheat). Then you check the pro-scene and lots of players are known cheaters / matchfixers... then you watch the games and you realize it's HvH almost every game.

The fact that people deny it really shows how dead the FPS genra is.

posted about 2 years ago