Flag: United States
Registered: June 15, 2023
Last post: March 10, 2025 at 1:58 PM
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It's so funny how confident you are that you can label it as "understood as slurs" again are you 15? haven't grown up enough to realize that even if something you perceive is universally understood, doesn't mean it's right to say. I'm not even upset, I'm just trying to educate you so you look less stupid. Words have repercussions. Think before you speak instead of being so ignorant.

posted 2 days ago

Just because you think it's a normalized insult doesn't mean it's right to say. what a braindead take. it's like people calling homosexual people f*gs back in the day. Don't use any of them, and there will be no issues. SEN is still a public facing org at the end of the day. They have to control PR and not look like homophobic, racist, or promote hate speech, even if he just casually let it slip due to him using it in his daily volcabulary.

posted 4 days ago

yeah I guess that makes the situation a little more hairy for Americas then. I can see a future where all US American talent will gradually take over LATAM teams or BR teams

posted 4 days ago

Yeah so in League of Legends pro scene. I don't know how much has changed, but before. they only allowed like X amount of "imports" aka players not from said region. So example if you were in NA LCS, your team would need 2 NA residents, and can hire up to 3 non-Residents. So that's how they were able to control an Org from having a team full of EU or Pacific players in NA. But because Valorant is still very new in comparison, my gut is that they will not pour more resources to add rules and regulations like that until it brings in more money. They still lack a replay system, and haven't introduced any banning for agents, so lot to expand on in the future.

posted 6 days ago

I mean if they didn't do anything about it in League of Legends, doubt they'll enforce anything for Valorant. Not big enough game or funding to care IMO. We'll see though. it's almost the same thing as FPX getting an all EU roster then changed back to CN.

posted 1 week ago

Think people forgot the impact rossy had when he was in T1 overseas. Guy is definitely better than natank overall. Personality and team fit wise? who knows. but Gameplay? Yes.

posted 1 week ago

yeah it sucks ass for people who are actually moving internationally only to get let go, hasn't even been half a year yet.

posted 1 week ago

yisty goated with the mature and respectable comments

posted 1 week ago

5 flex the new meta

posted 1 week ago

Facts, they crumble like cookies. Gotta stay consistent to maintain winning.

posted 2 weeks ago

100%, said this before and I'll say it again. Competition grew from when this game was first introduced. Can't just IGL without killing ability anymore. It's a liability.

posted 2 weeks ago

Meanwhile, PRX is no where to be found. That's more lulzy than anything.

posted 2 weeks ago

nAts looking like Sung Jinwoo out there. Reawakened.

posted 2 weeks ago

Derke played outta his mind

posted 2 weeks ago

Won't ever happen until you start getting more adults and less kids, trolling in the forums

posted 2 weeks ago

Straight cheeks

posted 2 weeks ago

I want NA to win but i'm expecting CN or PAC to take it. Let's see.

posted 2 weeks ago

recently I’ve heard this rumor that certain pros are given cheats on LAN to make it more interesting, like demon1 era for example. do u think this theory is true? I also heard some streamers that are radiant are given mouse cheats and easier lobbies to help sell the game, but the game itself is rigged to keep players hardstuck. I know you work with riot so u probs won’t admit too it but you seem genuine so figured worth a try to ask.

posted 3 weeks ago

true, his 'too cool" attitude about not practicing, not playing, not caring, not trying, do what I want. is pretty lame lol. He needs to grow up and be smarter.

posted 3 weeks ago

If this change doesn't work, ima laugh. Cya FNS, welcome to retirement

posted 3 weeks ago

Honestly, it's probably a mix of everything. in EG team supported him so he could make shots and crucial plays (sort of like how Yay was in Optic). in NRG he wasn't performing so got moved to 6th man. in LEV the team dynamic just doesn't lift him up so he gets overwhelmed by opponents having better team work, putting him in bad situations where he can't perform optimally. Also, I'm a firm believer of karma, that energy he put out saying he's the best, came back to haunt him after. Everyone leveled up.

posted 3 weeks ago

That's not how this game works. just because you've beaten a team before doesn't mean you'll beat them again guaranteed. Competition is good enough to where no one can truly predict what will happen. that's why you're getting downvoted. You can't just use deductive reasoning like that. They look strong? sure. Higher odds of winning? based on historical context, sure. Still doesn't mean much at the end of the day. we'll see when the matches start.

posted 3 weeks ago

either TL going to smash or EDG going to smash, there's no middle ground. Calling it now.

posted 3 weeks ago

I don't know if you've been following, but they did do a few rounds of layoffs already. They're not as profitable as one may think.

posted 4 weeks ago

facts. otherwise every #1 radiant player would see success in professional team play.

posted 4 weeks ago

Money talks. and Riot needs money. lol

posted 4 weeks ago

Too many TE haters out there. They are a good team and fun to watch. I know they can pull upsets despite what others may think of them.

posted 4 weeks ago

Very true. they're either going to play really well, or play really bad, there's no middle ground IMO. Let's see how it turns out. Should be a hype tournament regardless.

posted 4 weeks ago

The only thing Alfajer is clearing is a seat for himself while he's watching from home while the rest of these guys go to Thailand

posted 1 month ago

Their fault for breaking up a good team

posted 1 month ago

we call these type of guys, bandwagoners / fair weather fans. lul.

posted 1 month ago

that's fair, but at least for me when you watch IGLs who can actually win duels. it helps the team immensely. Don't get me wrong I still think Boaster is a better player than FNS, but look at a guy like johnqt, he can still shoot and make plays. it's just a better overall package when trying to win.

posted 1 month ago

Primmie definitely getting shafted being one of the newest to join and already outperforming everyone. He needs a better 5.

posted 1 month ago

Another thing I wanted to add - people can use the excuse/reason of, "we don't need everyone to frag as long as people play their roles" but at the end of the day the game has evolved where if both teams are equally matched, the people winning fights/trades/clutches are the ones that will win the match.

if you asked me the outcome of 5 average shooters with decent strats vs 5 excellent shooters with average strats, the better shooters will almost always come out on top unless they lack teamwork and synergy together.

posted 1 month ago

Boaster is like another FNS in my eyes. Both need to put in work being able to win fights AND call shots/be IGL.

posted 1 month ago

definitely, that's why i said, "if and when they reach an absurd amount of agents". But IMO, bans forces teams to be more creative and not just have everyone copy each others comps and ideas.

posted 1 month ago

It's gen Z slang popularized from tik tok. Short for uncle (aka older person)

posted 1 month ago

They did this for League of Legends, surely they will allow competitive tournaments to have this feature (if and whenever they reach an absurd amount of agents)

It makes it more fun tbh, because then you won't have the same team comps over and over, making spectating boring. If they want Valorant to be around for years to come, they need to think about how to draw viewership IMO.

posted 1 month ago

if SEN wins, I'd honestly be surprised. G2 just seems like the more solid pick.

posted 1 month ago

Good write up. Look at Primmie for example, unheard of until people started seeing him top ranked ladder games. There's always going to be talented players, but to incorporate them in a team setting successfully, that's a different story. I do however believe that with time, APAC as a whole will soon catch up to the rest of the world, they just have better overall work ethic, they just need the time to grow their macro, micro and strats.

As for KR, they're known to be all in for eSports, been since Starcraft days, so they'll always have the better infrastructure to thrive and succeed. Once other teams start pouring effort and money like that, they too will see success.

posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago

I think most teams just refuse to play around others weaknesses and force 'em to play whatever fits comps, unfortunately.

posted 1 month ago

I don't think I've ever seen anyone get a 2.00 before (See game 3). lol Primmie is crazy

posted 1 month ago

the true GOAT vs the false goats (first Yay, next demon1)

posted 1 month ago

Optic held up Yay while EG and Jawg held up Demon1. That's straight up facts. That goes to show that they were successful because of their environment, not because they're the goats. Aspas on the other hand has been consistent no matter what team he went to.

posted 1 month ago

yay and demon1 not even in the conversation. they're just not consistent enough.

posted 1 month ago
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