Sideshow is crazy and jealous
He Is saying G2 is the best team at the end of the tournament
What is this bs?
G2 were the best team at the start of tournament
I agree with this statement
G2 were the best team until gf
I agree
But man G2 has veto advantage and ban their 2 worst maps and had their best 5 maps
T1 were continuously playing games from like thursday to Sunday
G2 has like 2 days break on which they can decide which 2 maps to ban, what to antistrat and all those stuff
2 whole days!!!!
And sideshow was saying if u play the game again G2 would have won
I mean ur analyst be serious man
There is GF for a reason, the pressure the stage the crowd everything is there
The team who performs the best in such environment on a given day is the best team of the tournament
Man they had full 2 map veto advantage and first pick advantage, what else do you need? Play same 3 maps and win such gf or Play gf on same day as lower final?
T1 is still the best team of the tournament
PLATCHAT is sometimes bs