I don’t love the guy, but my life is pretty good
Flag: | Canada |
Registered: | January 25, 2023 |
Last post: | February 3, 2025 at 7:21 PM |
Posts: | 139 |
I don’t love the guy, but my life is pretty good
They co-own the esport org (Shopify rebellion)
i dont really know about before M80, but ive watched every single game of his for the past two years, and let me tell you, he is VERY rarely having bad matches, even when IGLing. He was undoubtedly the most consistent player on M80
The gap is pretty small
Mechanically bang has a slight edge in terms of peaks, but Zander has been historically more consistent with a higher floor. Zander has been an IGL and has a lot of experience in terms of calling.
Wether 100t is better with Zander will heavily depend on how Zander meshes with the team. If the calling gets better because of him and his experience, then they will be better. If not, they will either be the same of slightly worse
Bro I want them to keep cryo on senti. It looks like they are trying to do like SEN and get a star senti. I think thats the way to do it cause sentinels tend to be stars like Alfa or Meteor
Unknown to you, but they have pretty good players.
To be fair this is about as bad as it gets for a roster debut, but it is only one match on 12 days of prac while trying to force Breach on every map. I think we can wait before talking about changes
brooo i wanted to see this new G2 lineup and there's no stream
I like tenz but he certainly has a tendance to complain A LOT. Like the Neon stuff is kinda justifiable, but complaining about everything in the game gets old real quick. He also complains about stream snipers whilst having little to no delay and not covering the map
I do think Nrg has the potential to win against G2, but right now I agree that it’s probably too soon to put them over G2 until we see more
bro he did not diff him, is it so hard to say that both players are good?
yeah i think they have A LOT to fix, but honestly, my biggest worry about them was FNS's fragging, but if he can keep the same kind of performance, I think they should be fine
Yeah fair enough, I think asuna wanted the roster to remain the same, idk if the org/coach had the same plan though
Ah yes classic... I'm not saying that Zander on 100T because bang left is wrong, I'm saying you dont know whether they wanted to run it back. Which is also backed by the fact that on the SEN podcast narrate said he was in talks with 100t to trial to replace someone other than bang and eventually to replace bang
Great place to live in my experience. Nice people overall. I live in a smaller city so things aren’t very expensive over here which is nice
As much as I dislike the suspension, like what he did had no consequences for anyone involved.
But they are also setting a precedent, so now people won’t go around streaming VODs and maybe even get consequences for leaking stuff from scrims to other teams
idk if LEV actually has the money to pay for both of them, but honestly if both of them stay, LEV should be looking pretty dangerous
Although I will say, with how passive c0m, aspas and demon1 tend to be, it might also be rough
Ah yes the career ending match for FNS is the loss to sagemommy
I mean where I draw the line is when he talks about appliances and utensils. That’s stupid buy your own fucking utensils like everyone else.
But getting peripherals and keyboards should be a given. So complaining about peripherals is fine i think, but complaining about utensils is dumb as fuck.
this might be true, but honestly I think Riot still wanted a full region to be china, like in LoL. China is so big, they have so much money, and also China player base is the same as every other region combined im pretty sure. So NA was always gonna share a region probably
I guess thats fair enough. I just hate seeing this negative narrative going on about koalanoob. As a m80 fan for the past 2 years, i know how good he is, and it really annoys me seeing people act like he somehow makes NAVI a bad team
Listen its fucked for the players that got fucked over last minute. But, do you not think that if happy came in and they were winning every scrims and the team environment was amazing, that he would have cut those players? Happy is trying to win, he chose the players that he thought would help the team win.
Like are you assuming that Happy, with all the respect hes built up over the years, would come in to a team like NAVI and build a bad roster? Why, for fun?
NAVI wanted to sign Happy, they were doing trials for 3 weeks without a coach because they had to wait and see whether happy was going to be available or not. Once he was available, he came in and NAVI gave him some amount of power over the roster (idk how much) and he built the team he thought would be best suited to win
But how do you know that THIS is not NAVI being competent and creating a championship winning roster. As i said, you are dooming because YOU think that NAVI trolled the off season, even though this roster might be very good. YOU have no idea
yes of course Jivko, you are in the scrims and you can now say with certainty that this team is really bad. Of course because a team doesnt have the players you wanted, its obviously shit, and shows that "management doesn't have any will for success in Valorant". Of course every good team on paper turned out to be great and every team without big names ended up garbage. Oh i even remember how everyone was so high on GenG at the beginning of the year and how everyone really knew that EG 2023 was gonna win champs at the beginning of the year, of course...
Like before dooming like the world is ending, how about trying to see how it COULD work
yeah fuck I forgot that NAVI was in every finals last year, so he obviously is gonna ruin the team. You are so fucking right, I'm sure the NAVI org/management is gonna be so fucking sad when they actually start making finals
Exactly people are acting like happy is getting to Navi to try and make the team fail
mada is still Canadian lol
Listen I know tier 1 and 2 aren’t the same obviously. I’m just saying that some players that came from tier 2 were capable of being very good. Narrate, and the former The Guard players are just examples of that. Also yes the former The Guard would NOT have done anywhere as good the way they were playing before, and with the players they had before. My point is just that the idea that Zander and bang are similar, and even making the argument that Zander is better in some aspects is not that crazy JUST because Zander was playing in tier 2
Fair enough, you want players to prove themselves in tier 1 before comparing them to other tier 1 players. That’s fair, I just hate the narrative that because Zander was in tier 2, he can’t even be put in the same conversation to bang
Btw, I DONT want for that to happen, although it’s obvious that NRG aspas would go crazy. But yeah I do think mada is very good
Yes G2 made changes, so what? We are talking about 1 player playing in tier 1. The 3 players that stayed still made it to the final no? Or maybe you are attributing their success to icy.
And yes of course, it a skill gap, because moose could not be replaced by another tier 2 player, of course. And apoth could certainly not have been replaced by another tier 2 player, you are so right, these players have a fucking skill gap…
Thanks for furthering my argument, I actually forgot about narrate who was on the worst tier 2 NA team and became one of the best players in the EMEA league in 2024, you are so right thanks
Tier 1 vs tier 2. I get it, one of them has a 1 meaning obviously tier 2 teams are complete dogshit compared to tier1, right?
Except didn’t G2 come from tier 2 and make an international final this year? Is it not true that teams like MXS and OXG have actually beat “tier 1” teams in the offseason? Is it not also true that players like rossy, Ban, Governor came from middling tier 2 NA teams to prove themselves as good tier 1 pros? I it not also true that Zander and bang used to play in the same tournament before partnership?
So if middling tier 2 NA players could make it to champs last year, is it that far fetched to put the best player on the best NA tier 2 team, two years in a row, in the same conversation as a good tier 1 pro? I don’t think it’s that outrageous no
Interesting because bang also went -10 in a game against Oxygen, in fact Zander went +4 against that same Oxygen… Well according to your logic, this means Zander is MUCH better than bang right?
Idk wtf you’re taking about but you do understand that tier1 and tier 2 are separated by an artificial line that riot made? You do understand that G2 came from tier 2 and had a really good year? You do understand that valorant esports didn’t start with partnership, and that Zander AND bang were playing in the same tournaments before partnership?
You are so influenced by the term “tier 1” that you just stopped thinking I guess but yeah my flag and flair show that I actually watched the games with Zander, did you? Because a lot of the arguments you make are very heavily vlr stats related, almost as if you’re just talking out of your ass
Ok you are so bias against Zander it’s getting ridiculous. Wtf did he do, steal your lunch money? Or do you just have a crush on him?
Either way, anything you say regarding Zander is nullified by the fact that you’ve been talking shit about him for the past two months
either you havent watched zander, of you are stupid, zander is really fucking good, believe me, I've watched every match of his for the past 2 years. He has consistently put up big numbers, even while IGLing
according to who? Platchat? they have no idea, they are just speculating
I know this is a little far fetched, but since LEV was gonna get Demon1 from the buyout money from Bleed (which they wont get), is there a world where NRG and LEV just swap Aspas for Demon1. This would royally fuck over mada, but NRG would have a crazy team.
As for mada, he could maybe return to LEV as it seems this was where he was going before NRG, but also, there are some rumours that Ethan might not continue with NRG (idk how much validity there is to those rumours), but if thats the case, mada might stay as the flex
I know this is a lot of speculation, but I just think that the possibility of this happening is kinda crazy
mb i looked at "All time" idk, i thought this would be the best image. but yeah he had a good first stage, but his slight fall off in stage 2 does show the inconsistency that people are referencing
listen bang IS very good, but where are you taking the 1.2 rating from, from his vlr, I see things like 1.05 not 1.2
Yeah bro idk, these people don’t know a player so they assume he’s shit. It makes my heart break knowing that he’s gonna do great and these fuckers are gonna be so happy when Navi does good and these fans are gonna celebrate like Navi are fucking geniuses
LMAO that is so funny bro what the fuck are you even saying, the only way demon1 is playing jett is if they have a double dualist setup, demon1 is very good, but the guy cannot entry to save his life. AGAIN koalanoob is not the greatest player on earth, but if you honestly think having a player who can actually entry on a team of baiters is bad, you might have problems "fam"
bro you have to be kidding me with the "roles" garbage that you keep spewing out, DEMON1 WOULDNT PLAY DUALIST ON THIS LEV TEAM AND THATS A GOOD THING. That team NEEDS someone to go in on attack (not bait) and they need someone to op on defence (which koala is known to be very good at)
im not saying hes the best player in the world, but considering the the popular opinion is that demon1 would play smokes, a versatile dualist who can op and entry at a high level is not a bad idea, hence the fact that they were looking at mada to fill that spot
idk if koalanoob to LEV is actually gonna happen, but if it does, you should be happy as LEV fan to FINALLY have a player that is fucking willing to go in
well i guess its impossible to argue with someone as perceptive as you, the argument you made was incredibly well put and honestly quite elegant and really, i never thought of the point you put forth
calm the fuck down, if koalanoob is signed it would actually bring a lot of positives: hes a really good oper, and he isnt afraid of going in and making space for is star players (demon1), hes obviously no aspas, but he would do a good job for sure, and your win condition in a lineup like this is that demon1 on smokes gets back to best player in the world contender type form
no you are right i was just saying he is definitely capable of playing raze. and yeah he is a very strong oper, which btw matches well with demon1 who is a much better riffler than oper
(i also have no idea whether he actually is joining lev, im just saying it wouldnt be a bad move imo)
Nah bro koalanoob has the flexibility of Elastigirl (Mrs Incredibles) he can play any agent known to man, the guy will literally play anything and be good
Oh yeah I see, I mean that would be FUCKED
Listen tbf, as a M80 fan myself for the past 2 years,, I think for him getting somewhat of a safety for his career is fine
Idk if he would have left he they had won, but I will say even if M80 won, the job security in 100t is much better since M80 might only have been there for 1 year
your point is good but again doesnt look at the full picture. although its true that as a sole anchor, FNS lack of firepower would be a glaring issue, BUT its important to remember that yay didnt fully make up for it, he wasnt a typical site anchor, he was setup on most rounds, he was use like a jett on defence on Ascent. He was setup aggressively to take shots and TP away, the same as a jett would. it also then resulted in having your smokes player as an anchor, hence, s0m. s0m on smokes can be just as good of an anchor as any sentinel, just think of s0m around yellow on icebox. Multiple setups on many maps dont require the sentinel player to be the anchor, icebox is one example, but on abyss and pearl, a lot of the sentinel setups can be on mid to watch to lurk spots.
ALSO, you are missing the biggest part of the current meta, as well as the direction the game is heading towards. The game is heavily retake heavy. How many times do you see cyphers playing of the site on Sunset or split or lotus. it is not that difficult for them to adjust their setups to have their smokes player be the anchor like many others do, and keep their sentinel players more passive and info gathering heavy
I will also keep saying this, you are certainly not the first to say that his fragging was gonna be a problem, for the past 4 years, people have said this exact thing, for the past 4 years people like you have also said that the competition was going to get too much for FNS to handle. For the pas 4 years, people saying this have been wrong, the last full year of competition FNS had was very good. He qualified to every international events as well as getting top 4 in one of them.
ive said this before, ill say it again, one day the doubters, like you, will be right, but until that happens, FNS deserves the respect he built over the years. Maybe this year will be the year where you are right, but just tell yourself that it will have taken 4 YEARS for people like you to FINALLY be right
Bro what are your exemples of better IGLs with better firepower? Johnqt? Valyn? Munchkin? FNS HAS BEAT THEM ALL
Let’s not sit here and act like these people came out of nowhere in the last year, he’s beat them all, he at the very least deserves the benefit of the doubt, and if this team ends up being shit, then I guess you will have been right, but until then, FNS is still should be considered better.
Also, yes last year he didn’t have enough time, do you think it a coincidence that he left the Victor/crashies duo at the beginning of the year? He knew that core had reached its peak and that he needed a different team to succeed