Flag: United States
Registered: July 12, 2024
Last post: September 9, 2024 at 4:45 PM
Posts: 27

Did you read the rest of the thread?
It said 2023, not 2024…

posted 4 days ago

I only play unrated. i just can't have fun losing in ranked but I can still have fun losing in unrated.

posted 1 week ago

Banger match, this is the best t2 add ever.

posted 1 week ago

GenG had a great year, sucks it ended this way.

Sen won every pistol and every bonus...

At least texture got his ace!

posted 1 month ago

I'm not a sen fan, but it would be funny...

posted 1 month ago

GenG isn't the least hated...

Don't forget china...

posted 1 month ago

money is money.

posted 1 month ago

pretty down on SEN, at least sacy wants to win.

posted 1 month ago

Interesting formatting choices...

posted 1 month ago

Thank you.

posted 1 month ago

genuinely curious, why are some starting at X:30 instead of X:00? was this a weird timezone thing, or was it a tournament schedule thing.

posted 1 month ago

posted 1 month ago

Most people are just mad because there are 2 tournaments in a row with bad time zones for America's. I don't think as many people would have complained if masters Madrid and Shanghai swapped, because then at least you can watch every other tournament live.
PS- watching reruns/vods are not the same as watching it live, I've tried to do that for shanghai and it just doesn't work.

posted 1 month ago

d4v41????????????????????????????????????????????????? He was rated the highest in pacific this split.

posted 1 month ago

Other then SEN being too high, it's good

posted 1 month ago

SEN and LEV are a little to high I think. Mostly after SEN couldn't even beat 100T, and LEV looked leagues worse than G2 and had a close game a against KRU who in your own opinion is 13th.

posted 1 month ago

D4v41? you may think he shouldn't be up there, but he's rated number one in pacific at the time of writing this.

posted 1 month ago

I believe the KJ ult was placed slightly off from default so the molly wouldn't land. This was done because they had already used the ult and KRU knew all they had was a KAYO molly.

posted 1 month ago

GENG is more consistent internationally, but aren't consistant in their region.

posted 1 month ago

no need to apologize.

posted 1 month ago

Fnc still got fourth last year... which most people downplay due to their two firsts earlier in the year.

posted 1 month ago

Everyone acted like KRU was gonna lose lol.

posted 1 month ago

Boostio has been calling every team he plays piggies. So People now throw it back at him when he loses.

posted 1 month ago

Why is there a 4.5 and 4.6? I may understand if you were saying how close they are, but even that is in the wrong order. My only qualms with this list is how high Furia is and the "small gap" between 100T and SEN. I Think Sen and 100T are close if you look at more than just the last couple games, but I have a bias against putting teams above a team they lost to recently. (only if the teams are close in skill.)

posted 1 month ago

The Team with the Highest points that didn't make top three will go in. This is the same for all regions.

posted 2 months ago

GenG just didn't perform as well as PaperRex domestically. PaperRex lost only once to secret and had a 9-1 record while GenG had lost four times giving them a 6-4 record. PaperRex won the split 1 playoffs as well. I believe GenG is the best team this year but they still don't preform amazingly in pacific. I think the points work as to insure teams that do well domestically don't bomb in playoffs and lose their champs spot. If a team who won a major can lose in a regional playoff then I don't think they deserved that spot. Of course GenG did make champs and earned it.

posted 2 months ago

Winner gets money, I’m sure the org wants it.

posted 2 months ago