Flag: | United States |
Registered: | July 12, 2024 |
Last post: | March 7, 2025 at 7:58 PM |
Posts: | 167 |
I can't believe you hate women, literal misogynist.
As an odin abuser, it's really easy to counter.
If I'm spraying just 1 tap me, I've lost many fights because someone will just run through my bullets and 1 tap me.
T1's best maps are lotus, haven, split, and pearl. T1 looks best on their double duelist maps which bind isn't. I mostly think G2 shouldn't have let haven(one of t1's best maps) through and instead of bind.
I think G2 threw the map veto by giving T1 all of their best maps, but also G2 kept throwing rounds during the game as well lol.
This list really makes me think truly abhorrent things.
I know for balancing reasons that she doesn't, but it's funny to think about lol.
nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, I love my odin... :(
isn't the only other "fluke" champs winner acend???
teams being so unstable also makes winning an event difficult too.
I guess, but winning a champs isn't any harder than winning a masters imo.
sure, but masters and champs are basically the same expect champs has a PR push.
I have G2 winning the event, but not like this.
If lock in is an invitational, then literally every post franchise tourney is mickey mouse because only invited teams are there.
KRU will make it because they will make it due to the fact they will make it.
Hope this helps :)
People who hate EDG are like SEN haters, mostly haters due to the fans.
Recently I've been watching more competitive smash videos and started wondering about how many people actually engage with multiple esports?
So I wanted to ask everyone on the forum what other esports do you follow, and are you just a casual fan or do you heavily engage with it?
if TL make it through G2, I genuinely think that they might just go on a run.
Saying Dork-eh is just so satisfying for no reason.
I Highly recommend this one!
The issue is in a row.
And while I do feel for APAC, that doesn't mean riot should just make schedules that are bad for certain regions.
Yes I can deal with a tourney with a bad timezone, but you're ignoring the last 2 events which were also in those timezones.
Nobody can stay up and through the fist game 2am-5am PST if they have a job or go to school (almost everyone).
Watching a Vod is not the same as watching live.
recently I’ve heard this rumor that certain pros are given cheats on LAN to make it more interesting, like demon1 era for example. do u think this theory is true? I also heard some streamers that are radiant are given mouse cheats and easier lobbies to help sell the game, but the game itself is rigged to keep players hardstuck. I know you work with riot so u probs won’t admit too it but you seem genuine so figured worth a try to ask.
I think riot is going to prioritize orgs that played in tier 2.
Winning an international shouldn't have that big of an impact on where people rank you. look at sentinels from last year, they won Madrid and couldn't even make shanghai.
It's all wrong, and nothing you change will fix that.
I mean they could if they sign all of the academy team to the main rosters, but that's a lot of money because of the minimum salary.
Besides the EWC would not schedule an event that collides with the VCT schedule.
I don’t think they are allowed to do that.
What would you call people from a country if it’s not derived from a country’s name?
United or states aren’t the best as a base for a name.
That actually might be it.
Honestly the best advertisement to get more teams to have one.
How on earth did Liquid go from bad to good so fast???
Liquid isn't a real team, they just have the ability to drag other teams into the mud.
I don't think a VCT console will be popular enough everywhere in the world to warrant making it.
The standard of play only seems to have gone down because it's kickoff right now.
I think a Chinese team might win.