Flag: Canada
Registered: June 24, 2024
Last post: August 25, 2024 at 7:07 PM
Posts: 103
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All you did was mention the stats he’s superior in without acknowledging the ones he’s not and completely ignoring the actual IMPACR of these stats and their importance to both roles lol. Acting like you know what you’re talking about when you only go off of what you see at face value is incredibly ironic. You have zero clue what you’re talking about.

posted 2 weeks ago

he doesnt have better stats

posted 2 weeks ago

They played similarly throughout the tournament, part from two maps where both did substantially better than the other. And the kangkang clearly had the greatest performance in the entire tournament carrying the team and doing far betting literally breaking records. Of course they gave it to him lmao.

posted 2 weeks ago


posted 2 weeks ago

And lev lost to them lmao.

posted 2 weeks ago

yeah thats fked

posted 2 weeks ago

cold hard truth

posted 3 weeks ago


posted 3 weeks ago


CN > EMEA if edg win

posted 3 weeks ago

EDG 3-2

posted 3 weeks ago

Choking and only making top 2

posted 3 weeks ago

Old ones were way better tbh

posted 3 weeks ago

Been rooting for edg since the beginning

posted 3 weeks ago

Regardless of who wins edg will win champs. Guaranteed

posted 3 weeks ago

why do you care?

posted 3 weeks ago

None of them know you btw. Just snapping you back to reality a bit.

posted 3 weeks ago

Unfortunately Agreed

posted 3 weeks ago

Best as in for the sport, or “best” as in the easiest for them to beat?
Sen for the first obviously probably heretics for the second.

posted 3 weeks ago

At their best performances, I'd be confident in sen winning. But they're unbelievably inconsistent. It's also crazy to think they still just have a wild card abyss.

posted 3 weeks ago

One pop off tournament constitutes being top 2 in the world, lol? Top 2 at the tournament based on the results and numbers, sure, but that's an insane statement. Especially when he didn't maintain it. How are you going to justify putting him over people who do consistently perform at an insane level. Aspas, Texture, Zekken (for the most part), Derke. Heck, even on his own team I'd argue Benjy is their best player consistently

posted 3 weeks ago

No offense taken, I just thought women in vct would be interesting for rosters and what not thinking it was more so just regulation I wasn't aware there was just a gap in talent.

posted 3 weeks ago

Off topic I'm not familiar with anything outside of t1 but why does "GC" exist? Do they have a chance to enter into vct like ascension winners or are women just like completely not allowed in t1?

posted 3 weeks ago

Yeah and tenz had the best performance on duelist in vct history like 3 years ago who cares about 2022 and 2023 just put him on duelist surely thats smart...

posted 3 weeks ago

He wasn't I'm more so speaking on Fnatic than his gameplay. Because even though he didn't play "bad" he can play much better. And they won regardless.

posted 3 weeks ago

Not much to say. They won so no one will acknowledge it. If sen had lost he'd probably be getting the same treatment boaster is. Then again this isn't that uncharacteristic for boaster while it is for tenz.

posted 3 weeks ago

You know this just isn't true though... zekken and sacy were getting overwhelming criticism literally because they'd be underperforming in MULTIPLE series. There's a reason "champions" sacy has been getting tossed around lol.

posted 3 weeks ago

Losing when tenz is uncharacteristically off, probably his worst series in champs is kinda crazy though no?

posted 3 weeks ago

Not an upset imo atleast. I had Sen vs Edg as grand finals. Though not in this fashion it’s all the same.

posted 4 weeks ago

Bit of an unfair stipulation though no? Fnatic won't even make it to Sentinels.

posted 4 weeks ago

Yeah too busy losing to bottom 5 team of the year KOI

posted 4 weeks ago

The rest don’t matter

posted 4 weeks ago

If lev somehow beat heretics which they won’t then yeah DRX lose out there. If they get lev they win.

posted 4 weeks ago

Nah vitality are inconsistent and not that good to begin with. And they just got a golden veto against lev.

posted 4 weeks ago

If I didn’t let the fluke g2 win against edg gaslight me I would be perfect right now.

posted 4 weeks ago

They won two series where the exact same maps were played and they won two of those exact same map picks. It’s wasn’t a fluke they just got the perfect veto. If they don’t get that or play teams who’re also good at those same two maps then they lose. Nothing else to it.

posted 4 weeks ago

I’m still trying to figure out why they banned bind.

posted 4 weeks ago

Smoggy is great top 10 players in Seoul. Could bring up up superior accolades this year alone but the series will speak for itself.

posted 4 weeks ago

They’re only winning one more game I wouldn’t get my hopes up

posted 4 weeks ago

Top 4 is already decided SEN TH DRX and EDG

posted 4 weeks ago

Because Fnatic were completely overhyped up to this point in champs… and I’m not sure where it even came from they didn’t even do anything except beat up vitality beat blg and then beat kru…

posted 4 weeks ago

Champs 2023 had more 2-0’s…

posted 4 weeks ago

Every time I’ve bet against them and every time they’ve managed to win the ONE TIME I say alright maybe I’ve been underrated them they lose… can’t stand this team

posted 4 weeks ago

I honestly don’t know where this Fnatic gas came from tbh. Because they were the first seed for emea? I guess? But what makes people think they have a chance at winning. They lost to DRX and on their second best map. Regardless of any Fnatic cope. And they beat KRU… not at all the most or even one of the most impressive teams coming into this. They just farmed emea without even playing Heretics. I feel like people are going to be very disappointed in their performance due to exaggerated expectations.

posted 1 month ago

Kangkang, but maybe an underrated pick but I’d say cryo > Aspas no? At least in terms of awping specifically.

posted 1 month ago

The clown's on this site call absolutely anything a throw lmao they're all clueless.

posted 1 month ago

You can't predict that? Surely you can?? How about you go ask your vct analyst and caster who can do no wrong. Because obviously sen is in perfect form flawless gameplay not like they were up 11-6 on their map pick or anything and ended in a 15-13 nah lets just blindly follow vct analyst and discredit 2-0 wins because "they're throwing" do better

posted 1 month ago
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