Back before Franchise when Valorant is divided by Major region (america & emea) and Minor region (pacific & china). Now it is just a history
Flag: | Cambodia |
Registered: | January 31, 2025 |
Last post: | March 2, 2025 at 4:45 PM |
Posts: | 323 |
Back before Franchise when Valorant is divided by Major region (america & emea) and Minor region (pacific & china). Now it is just a history
It is literally EDG and 11 clown
EMEA still have several good team
Also Pacific don't have trash team like 2G and KOI
It's time for America to LIPOSUCTION your fats KEKW
Tbh if Gen.G didn't choke map 4 GF Madrid, Meteor could get the trophy
That is because they lose 5-13 in map 1
If you only count map 3, 4, and 5 that have tigher result. It is not negative
What an achievement!!!!
Could win 3-1 for both team
Map 3 and 4 are 50:50
He anti Leaf's chamber at first half but kinda overpush at 2nd half
This is their perma ban, if they lose not really surprising
Because NA are keyboard warrior and Asia are silent majority
Imagine blaming crowd because they didn't cheer outsider team, KEKW.
What a fool
You never go to SEA?
Stop using east asia as the whole of "asia"
What T1 did is waaay beyond expectation but 8th is criminal
T1 expectation should be 5th or 6th same as SEN and the #1 seed still at top 4
Typical american, never go outside america because they always use hard shell to defend themself from outside world inconvenient
Tbh, with region result T1 shouldn't get higher expectation to qualify to playoff
APAC hater will put T1 in 8th
Normal viewer will put T1 in 6th because T1 is still better than Liquid and TE
Any best player from 8 Master teams >>> Flor
I even doubt Flor beat Kai and FengF
Young player mentality will stop them to reach their peak, but i believe they will qualify to playoff master and champ
T1 pick Lotus for map 2 is kinda foolish, probably map 3 as G2's second map pick
You beat Trace, and T1 has to put Trace in the right place.
You beat Vitality, and T1 has to put Vitality in the right place.
You beat EDG, and T1 has to put EDG in the right place.
3rd isn't bad but dominated in map 1 & 4, lose your best map, and barely win map 3 is quite bad
Naaah, we must talk about DFM vs PRX
#2 China
#1 Pacific
#1 China
This team order so many tickets to airport, what a generous team
T1 could get 1 maps , and 2 close but lose
Probably G2 60%
4 Maps, 80 Assists
Absolute W teammate, his aim is also not mediocre
Carpe use his insurance called "Runner Up Guarantee"
At least they win 2 maps
Tbh, before see the current result, T1 should be better than Trace and Liquid.
8th is ridiculous but 5-6th is reasonable
Swiss stage:
All matches are banger, except for G2 vs TE, T1 vs TE, and G2 vs TL
Playoff: Banger