Flag: Singapore
Registered: February 17, 2024
Last post: March 11, 2025 at 10:03 AM
Posts: 797
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PRX, DRX ,and Zeta(so SEA, KR,JP) is the reason why Pacific even have a region to begin with, If they didn't show up in 2022, We would be merged with China while either SA or CIS gets their own region.

posted 18 hours ago

My only complain about pacific bias is NS is slightly too high and TS should be near the bottom.. But wtf is KRU and Fut doing that high. Switch Kru with loud and fut with TH

posted 19 hours ago

Sure. But by that metric the GenG is the best Madrid team. They actually beat sen and only lost the GF(hint : they are not). Also it meant TH was the best team in champs.

G2 lost twice. Once to EDG and once to T1.

And funfact : if you win 13-0 with 0 death in your team, and you lose the next 3 maps in OT. You still are the worse team and you still lose.

I'll admit at the start T1 was shit. But nobody cares how slow you start in a race or literally any competition. Its about who finish first.

posted 4 days ago

If Fut made it in 2025 , unless they made some significant tactical overhaul(their players are among the best aimers in world, it's just they are bad tactically and macro wise) then EMEA is cooked as a region

posted 4 days ago

Ok fair we dont see the trial so that make sense

posted 5 days ago

Why? He is a good player in the Philippines challanger, but its nowhere as strong a scene as the KR or JP or even ID considering how badly naos go battered in ascension. And even then he is not the best one there. JA better if prx want a sentinel(which they really need).

Papi imo is probably the best player there and in pacific he looks solid but not game changing. Just because a player have great firepower in challengers doesnt mean its an upgrade unless they are utterly dominant like something. Especially over players who do it internationally like davai

posted 5 days ago

This. Patmen is not the solution. No hate to him but the PRX brand is strong enough to get pretty much anyone in SEA . So why him?

If you want a sentinel, get Grumble. A duelist get juicy. If you want an initiator go poach Invy. An experienced igl? Crazyguy is right there. Patmen is not a Something or Hyunmin that dominates their region previously.

posted 5 days ago

This statement gives the same vibe as that quote

"Albania, together with China made up 1/7 of the world population"

Meteor > Forsaken and Xccurate

So ofcourse
Meteor +TenTen > Forsaken + Xccurate

posted 5 days ago

Its not that he's on the chopping block. Its that he have the most option to leave. He can go back to emea and replace anyone but Derke. He might be the one who is the most open to leaving because he have more opportunities outside the team.

posted 5 days ago

Nobody ever claim that GenG was the best team in Madrid (they were until the grand final, where they lost. So they are not, GF is part of the event. Hell its the most important one, hence GenG is not the best team in Madrid) yet when its NA lost they make this stupid claim.

GenG have a better claim to be the best team in Madrid than G2 here. Considering GenG did not lose a single game until the GF and actually beat sentinels before.(Disclaimer , only a lunatic would claim GenG is the best team in Madrid, they lost when it matters. Im not saying they are, im just saying claiming G2 is the best here is even worst) while G2 dropped a game to EDG and another to T1. What do you mean they are the best?

Its insanity, and these type of people (and their social media manager) is why people hate G2. "Perfect Valorant" this, "we're actually better that". Didn't most of them also say they are better than Lev going into champs last year? Turns out one of them finish 3rd while the other didn't win a single game in playoff.

G2 looks good, until they start losing. Just because something looks clean doesn't mean its good. Otherwise they would have won multiple trophies by now. Everybody have a plan until a neon stun and slide on your face, and all you are left with is cope

posted 5 days ago

Nah that's revisionism. We expected them to finish 2nd below DRX in that group... That group has ASE and FUT, iirc.

But them finishing 2nd is certainly a surprise. Everyone expected Loud and DRX to be the competition to Fnatic. Idk if it's bigger than PRX finishing 3rd with a content creator though. Especially as the tourney goes on we realized EG is insanely good and the other good teams crumbled. PRX meanwhile is pretty much an underdog in all their matches. Facing DRX , Peak Kang Kang EDG, Fnatic, NRG and EG with cgrs

posted 1 week ago


posted 1 week ago


posted 1 week ago


posted 1 week ago

This team is literally just better korean prx istg

"We're losing"
Solution : Double duelist every map

"We suck at this map"
Solution : pull out a Reyna, put meteor on it

posted 1 week ago

Its not even an NA - Apac region bias. The crowd were loud for SEN. G2 just have no fans. You can play this in New York and probably it will still have more T1 fans

posted 1 week ago

Overwatch exist u know.

Cs and R6 are not the only fps in the world

posted 1 week ago

Its a map pool issue. But other than that? Yes

posted 1 week ago

Derke go kill, also give him an Op
Less go kill

Tbf this plan has been working soo far until now.

Derke basically won the DRX game

posted 1 week ago

Yeah fair. I just realized thats what u meant.

Im just saying Emea haven't won in 5 tournaments. Apac is only the best in 1 of them(maybe 2 if T1 somehow win this one)

posted 1 week ago

Pacific was not the best in any of them. Neither was emea.... You are arguing with the wrong person...(Read the post above)

posted 1 week ago

5 tournaments*

posted 1 week ago

Honestly top 3 is arguable but currently americas 1 considering how they trash EDG. But yes there's a big gap between those 3 and the 4th

posted 1 week ago

B-b-But Vit one of the favourite to win, even above the current world champion... How could this happen? None of the Apac team are ranked above 4.....

Classic emea glaze

posted 1 week ago

"meteor is overrated"
"Buzz and Stax are serial chokers"
"whodf is Sylvan and Izu"

posted 1 week ago

Vit is just Derke and Less taking turn carrying while 3 players baits them

posted 1 week ago

Sounds like bad prompting to me

posted 1 week ago

Assuming they clone nats... Yes

posted 2 weeks ago

First jawg yesterday and now zekken trying to bring down an airplane?? Are they all taking courses from subroza???

posted 2 weeks ago

Both of our flairs have the same number of achievement ....

posted 2 weeks ago

Pacific did not win masters , GenG did
Americas did not win anything. Loud, Sen, Optic,EG did
Emea did not win anything, Gambit, Acend, FPX, Fnatic did

posted 2 weeks ago

Every single time this G2 make it to an international they always say they play "perfect valorant"

Just say you like seeing dudes standing for 30 seconds at the start of the round and be done with it. There's no such thing as "perfect valorant"

Didn't see the other post mb. Was watching the match

posted 2 weeks ago

Yeah China will never be real contender. No way they win a valo championship in their first real year.

posted 2 weeks ago

Ez 0-2 another Biank master class. Valyn and Trent banished to Twitch

posted 2 weeks ago

Where's your Tejo???? So far tejo have 100% non mirror win rate in this tourney. Have they not played DRX who ran tejo on all maps???? What are they cooking? This is 2024 comp.

As Vyse says "adapt or die"

posted 2 weeks ago

I don't know how to tell you this chief...

He's korean American

posted 2 weeks ago

East Asia vs West *

It's literally china and Kr vs NA and Eu(+cis)

posted 2 weeks ago

Whats wrong with sea fans.

Br got all their teams in the bottom 3 last year. And they missed 2 events

Sa missed 2 international events

Yet i dont see either region beg for a region split.

WE missed (1) one event. And even then RRQ and Talon still looks competitive. Stop complaining

posted 2 weeks ago


Bro what

They were in Shanghai... They finished 3rd...

Their core was in Iceland back in 2022.

G2 is NOT a rookie team

posted 2 weeks ago

Didn't people also say that about G2 last year at champs.. How they are playing perfect valorant etc. then they win 0 games in playoff

Turns out you can play "perfect valorant" all you want, all it took is 1 amazing player(Aspas in amer final+playoffs) or a competent team with better shooters (Fnatic) to beat you

posted 2 weeks ago

Emea won 2 trophies in 2023...

posted 2 weeks ago

Not even by the supposed victim.

It was just a random prx fan reading translations

posted 2 weeks ago

I was the guy on heybays's team when he was boosting his gf. Just hating

posted 2 weeks ago

Would be funny af though

posted 2 weeks ago


Called it (i was trolling but looks like it might happen)

posted 2 weeks ago

He enables kangkang. Edg already have enough firepower with kang kang, chicoo and smoggy. They need a util player

posted 2 weeks ago

Hahahh no. Its not even the best indian dish

posted 3 weeks ago

Foxy to prx.

They doubled down with something and become competitive again.. lets do it again.

posted 3 weeks ago

True c0m is bad but this lev team was nowhere near an international trophy last year(their champs run was the only event where c0m js performing).

Unless you switch c0m for Leo last year they aint winning shit. You can't win when your star players hates the rest of the team

posted 3 weeks ago
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