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Registered: May 5, 2024
Last post: March 6, 2025 at 7:05 AM
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but those stuff is more like baiting

posted 14 hours ago

I am not gonna lie, it's being teased but people are saying it won't happen though i believe there's a very good chance it can, after 2024 sacy wanted to play with aspas one last time before retiring, mibr has aspas and the exact role empty that sacy plays, it can happen

posted 14 hours ago

I am not even a liquid fan, nats was the first player i ever liked and thats why i put that and i have decided to put on flairs that whichever team hes gonna be in, also lets see how fnatic does man, fumbling derke

posted 16 hours ago


posted 16 hours ago

Are u fucking idiot, yes G2 threw rounds but that's on them just in the same way how t1 threw rounds 2 consecutive rounds on split both the t1 players just aligned to get G2 1v2 win, this didn't happen then split never goes to overtime and then the round of how that jawgemo 1v4 happend to keep them in the game still otherwise good chance G2. Would have lost abyss , T1 didn't play shit until the G2 game and then dropped the best fucking performance while G2 fumbled it hard, t1 improved witht every game they played leading upto the point where t1 became better than g2

posted 20 hours ago

I don't think sideshow said that because the grand finals were so close but rather because he said G2 were doing better the entire tournament in comparison to t1, but that take is so bullshit man like yeah in swiss stage definitely but in playoffs t1 started showing up heavy, they are downplaying t1 like t1 had a cindrella run , t1 didn't have a cindrella run, they improved on their game with every match they played and that's how they got good , g2 even had map veto and let's be real t1 would have won on both the bind and fracture as well, if t1 had some pretty normal games before the finals and then went on to win then it would have been true but this didn't happen. This happened with acend and that's why it's a fraudulent win like they had a pretty normal tornament and then dropped a giga banger performance against gambit to win it, that's fraudulent. Cause if u apply sideshow logic then we can even to some extent say that this happened even in the champs 23 where the best team of the tournament didn't win which was prx or Fnatic

posted 20 hours ago

And tbh the fact is if fracture or bind were in the pool as well then there's an over 60% chance T1 would have won both thosw maps as well

posted 21 hours ago

U meant Fnatic ain't winning anything from split 1 ?

posted 21 hours ago

Says the fan of a team that got demolished 1v5 by nats every round

posted 1 day ago

Check out his Twitter, it's a 90% done thing , he will be in here for split 1 , less goo baby

posted 1 day ago

I think so too , W tbh, we can get him for split 1 then as tho lesser practice but we have the vision we need so yeah

posted 1 day ago

Bruh this can happen, sacy only retired because he wanted to have a last year with aspas and he couldn't have it, now a spot is open, he can temporarily be back and fact is the role fits him perfectly

posted 1 day ago

Lmao hell naah, termi is goated, stax on DRX had a big clearcut mental issue of cracking under pressure which heavily impacted his calling , only now that he has got over this issue, termi made a DRX team that people were saying gonna go out 0-2 in kickoff get to bangkok, he shouldn't be responsible if the players are choking , it's their first damn tourney

posted 1 day ago

Look how NRG fumble their first match

posted 1 day ago

He's still sick dude

posted 2 days ago

Bro patman is flex he plays literally everything

posted 2 days ago

Bro u should ** yourself

posted 2 days ago

Why do people like u exist? U definitely know yourself you are baiting here, dumb people like you exist all over the internet and in the real world , my verdict is you all should drop dead , atleast we will have some rationality and peace in the world

posted 2 days ago

I am thinking this is sarcasm

posted 2 days ago

His team is a top 3 in EMEA bro what r u on?

posted 2 days ago

Buddy this was meteor first event playing viper

posted 2 days ago

He is coping , let him

posted 2 days ago

Trace, bilibili, xi lai

posted 2 days ago

Abt game? Tho I know lot of dummies exist here, still there are people here who know abt the pro vct games and there aren't much like that on twitter except the pros themselves

posted 2 days ago

Definitely bro, if not as coach, someone can pick him as the assistant coach, tho for stage 1 is hard but there a over 50% chance for stage 2 he will be picked

posted 2 days ago

Language barrier in most cases

posted 3 days ago

T1 won a masters along with buzz and stax, meteor got his second international while playing double duelist on every map in the BO5 before PRX

posted 3 days ago

Yeah and that's how t1 actually won, it was pretty understandable cause edg also won against G2 fracture the same way , they played muddy and chaotic which is contrary to the calculated gameplay G2 plays, they were like we are gonna always flood in and create chaos and not even give you enough time to plant cause quite apparently G2 does fumble a lot when it comes to playing chaotic situations and quite honestly dragging g2 to play in the mud was the only way t1 could win

posted 3 days ago

Bruh he did his best, a 1v2 is already hard enough to win in itself while that stax cluch thing , stax is showing very less body to shoot when he was shooting trent , it was just unlucky as the time to drfuse came to 0.8 sec , anyone can become hindsight after jumping into the smoke to kill the defuser , his angle was not right

posted 3 days ago

Exactly the entire game felt as if t1 was fighting an uphill battle tbh even when they were winning rounds

posted 3 days ago

Tbh i wouldn't call them unlucky rather they were very dam lucky jawgemo got them the 1v4 abyss ace to keep them in the game that round loss could have meant victory for t1 on abyss, jawgemo clutched 1v2 on split and then the next round trent got lucky at 1v2 with them again lining up, trent also got lucky somewhat not completely in the lotus initial rounds 1v3 where his guardian shot wall banged to give him a headshot, their luck rather ran out later as match went by where they couldn't win such clutches, also G2 should have won the 5v3, 12-10 scoreline on pearl where they were on full buy and t1 had a scrappy buy, but somehow it ends being a 2v2 and trent is overconfident and peaks and dies to make it a 1v2 for jonah

posted 3 days ago


posted 3 days ago

waiting to see their reaction and their faces and reasons after t1 won bangkok lol

posted 3 days ago

w sen fan

posted 4 days ago

W bro

posted 4 days ago

You didn't watch the games bro, they won in kickoff but all the wins were extremely messy and uncoordinated and a lot of them based on hero plays

posted 4 days ago

Actually right

posted 5 days ago

Buddy u gotta pipe it down ( talking about the marijuana usage)

posted 5 days ago

I don't think so man like edg looked bad in 2024 till muggle joined and then they looked bad, it's more of the fact that all edg players took big breaks after champs win thus it will definitely have effects on their form and map pool and their bad map pool was surprisingly unexposed during the Swiss

posted 5 days ago

Yes man , I think I will advice you to stop watching and listening to bren

posted 5 days ago

Lmao bro everyone has bad performances , if u ever saw the games u would notice till the playoffs everyone on edg was playing pretty decently good and not like excellent but it was just chichoo 90% times clutching up going +20 +30 to give them the win and some other hero rounds by others and when chichoo dipped in the playoffs they just couldn't hold off ,also in the gro stage their map pool weakness was Always covered up due to the opponent picks

posted 5 days ago

Different meta is good bro, like tbh right now it's th best different metas yeah it's a little more favored towards the tejo breach , but we are seeing viper, vyse, cypher, kj, iso, yoru, Jett, raze, brim, astra, skye , fade, it's already better than before I think

posted 5 days ago

Yo same , but tbh I did it for the trolling and memes , and not like believed that this would happen

posted 5 days ago

I mean in 2024 there was the twitter beef between them but I watched some of the old fns clips and he and xeppaa are talking and are so cool with each other, so is the beef like just for impressions and in a joking way like how zellsis does with other teams or was that real?

posted 5 days ago

Bruh don't worry, at the rate agents are coming out , we will get an agent ban per team by the end of this year or by next year tbh

posted 5 days ago

Mate , the year just started, chill the fuck out, someone will beat them don't worry, now I don't mean to be rude, but imagine they don't win bangkok๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€

posted 5 days ago

Bro he had said he's middle eastern I think so, I heard this from sayf stream , idk tho

posted 5 days ago

I mean it's his first time calling , mistakes tend to happen especially it's first time calling in high pressure game

posted 6 days ago
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