Flag: Japan
Registered: June 18, 2024
Last post: June 28, 2024 at 6:03 AM
Posts: 28

The reason why JP Tier1 cannot make good roster is just why JP Tier2 is good.

posted 3 days ago

I'm not sure if NTH was really trying their best or not, so I think it's not appropriate for tixx and Million to make such comments.
However, I believe that at least the latter part of Mittii's statement is unacceptable.

posted 4 days ago

For non-JP speaker, here is the situation (please don't take it at face value as some parts were machine-translated):

Initially, it started when NTH blatantly changed their composition to an off-meta strategy in the match against SG.
From one perspective, since their elimination was already certain, it might have seemed like they weren't trying their best (one of the reason is NTH didn't take a timeout).
As a result, tixx and Million(MRSH) commented like "they should do their best."
In response, mittii said something like "SZ has many foreign players and is easily criticized, so stop making such comments. If you are going to say things like that, go back to your country."
(Please consider that the full meaning may not be conveyed 100% accurately in the English translation).

EDIT:He post the following comment

posted 4 days ago

Thank you for the valuable information !

posted 4 days ago

I think "go back to your country" is a pure hate word regardless of the context, and I wonder how people who often join watch parties can say such things.

posted 4 days ago

Maybe so. However, if the display is regulated by rules like an issue of Russ, I personally don't understand why they have the Japanese flag on Liquipedia (Maybe I'm just overthinking it.).

posted 4 days ago

I sometimes receive replies from you, so I understand what you're saying. The issue I want to highlight is that there are people who claim to be "1JP". This is especially noticeable in the JP community, and I mentioned emotional arguments as the reason for this.
If Caedye and yatsuka have dual nationality, would people still call RID a 1JP team if they don't have the Japanese flag on In this regard, I feel that there is quite a lot of hate towards SZ.

posted 4 days ago

What I want to say is that since he initially had the Japanese flag on, we can't really know which nationality he has obtained, can we?
Out of pure curiosity, I’m asking because disputes over nationality markers can arise within the JP community…

posted 4 days ago

Japanese people tend to emphasize whether a half-Japanese person can speak Japanese to confirm their identity as Japanese. However, I think this is an "emotional argument" and too hateful.😞

posted 4 days ago

I remember that when he was with Akroma, his flag was Japan.
He is supposed to be a half-Japanese, half-French dual citizen, so it should have been fine to keep the Japanese flag originally. But why?

posted 4 days ago

You just wrote what you can say from yesterday's game. 😂

posted 1 week ago

What I want to say is his positioning, shoot is good for Tier2, but bad for Tier1.
We could say he is bypassed because he rolls, but he is not a strong shooter to begin with. If his shooting is as good as you say, then his K/D should be better!

posted 1 week ago

Another thought
ZETA is committed to an all-Japanese roster, and they are nepotistic.
Therefore, they would choose ex-ZETA AC roster.

Since we play many roles depending on the intentions of RID's coach vorz, ZETA makes flex comp for each maps.

posted 1 week ago

I don't think his shoot is good.
He looks like the type of player who has good aim in Tier 2 but bad aim in Tier 1, because of his mind to fight.
Popogachi (ex-DFM,CR) is same type player. You'll understand his moves on RGO against ZETA.

posted 1 week ago

Three coaches and three analysts at ZETA have not improved enough to make it look like nothing is being done.

posted 1 week ago

-hiroronn, yuran, Laz(if he plays initiator, remain him)
+yatsuka(sentinel/controller), xdIl(initiator), CLZ(initiator)

posted 1 week ago

Honestly, when I look at ZETA-DFM, I think the quality of the initiator is bottom tier in both cases.
Do you have any good suggestions for modifications for the two teams?

posted 1 week ago

W Riot
But all T1 team do this

posted 1 week ago

SZ roster is decided by Fadezis's EN-speaker list (because of Yoshii's language issue?), then I don't think you need to worry unless you have Japanese nationals and English speakers as the core of your team…

posted 1 week ago

I don't think so.
International competitiveness is most important to play at the Pacific League.
You seem to dislike SZ roster, but it can be said that SZ becoming a role model as a fast-tempo overseas team is helping to improve VCJ's level.
If VCJ teams can't beat SZ, they won't be able to do well even at Tier 1. I think the same can be said about players.

posted 1 week ago

To be honest, since there are many rich org in Japan, good players belong to various teams. This is the point.
If international players are banned, the quality of each team will only go down.
EDIT: I think the number of the team like Sp1NTH+Sp2NTH-2KR (yowamu,HaReeee,pepper,thiefy,tempura) will be increased

posted 1 week ago

Aace my goat

posted 1 week ago

The biggest problem of FENNEL is agent pick imo.
FL finally returned Sunset's agent pick to the meta today, but I don't think it would have been as hard as it did if I had done it sooner.

posted 1 week ago

Yeah I think so.
For the same reason, EMEA is also one team region with TH , right?

posted 1 week ago

It seems like you forgot the winning team of the Masters Shanghai.

posted 1 week ago

I saw this debate last year.
Japanese fans in twitter said " DFM > ZETA" because DFM's strategy is better than ZETA's one, but that was incorrect.
Even from the perspective of the first match's results , ZETA win one map against DRX, but DFM does not get a map against RRQ, this is very huge difference imo.

posted 1 week ago

-SSeSS (as inactive)
+akame (as an IGL)
How about this? Medusa speaks Japanese, but that can be said to be his only selling point when playing for DFM...

posted 1 week ago