for me it has to be China but Japan Italy India and Turkey all have top tier food
You mean food full of spices right? People always mix up spicy(hot burning flavor) and spicy(taste of spices). I am always confused when people call indian food spicy and talk about how hot or burning it is when in reality it depends on regions but mostly it's not that hot but rather full of spices which is mainly the reason it's so good.
Some of those dishes was considered Persian at some point.
Don't forget that a few hundred years ago, the entire Arab countries, Pakistan, and the Middle East were all for Iran.
And this means that many of the foods we have in Arab countries or Iraq, etc., were originally from Iran or were slightly modified from Iranian foods.
Anyway, my friend, I will definitely invite you to come to Iran one day or go to an Iranian restaurant one day and I can host you and guide you and im sure you gonna be amazed from our dishes!!!
Number one for me has to be China, the diversity in flavors and sensations just makes it the best in the world. You can go to Chongqing and get your tongue burnt off or you can go to Suzhou to have as many sweets as you can ever imagine. The way those guys are able to take a duck and cook it to absolute perfection always impresses me, even though I grew up in close vicinity to French cuisine, another country cracked at making ducks. Their innovative use of uncommon ingredients is also just doggone awesome.
Speaking of French cuisine, it is my second favorite cuisine. The intricacy of the foods and the various techniques they've invented really appeals to the science part of my interests, as many of the techniques such as poele and sous vide all follow principles of food science and therefore are able to amplify the best flavors in the ingredients. Simple but awesome French dishes such as foie gras, frogs, and snails are also so regionally unique that it makes the cuisine stand out even more.
Italian food is overrated, Spanish food is underrated.
geospliced top 10 cuisines:
yup, with very slight differences like pyeongyang naengmyeon and other national NK dishes, and because NK "sneaks" an absurd amount of SK/CN food to their mainland, it's almost all SK/CN adopted cuisine.
also--KR is overrated in cuisine. however, if you're talking about the general eating experience and not region-specific cuisine, KR is EASILY peak, especially the food we can serve in alleyways, eateries, and street food (arguably the best in terms of overall experience)
In a very roundabout way I think that the UK should be up there.
They are the embodiment of "A jack of all trades is a master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one.”
To give an example: I adore indian food. I love cooking with spices and own way way way too many (im at 3 drawers now x.x). However I also enjoy the more simple concepts of german food, where you focus on the ingredients themselves and dont distract from them with the spices.
The UK has both. They are double useful for us in Europe since they already adapted a lot of the foreign recipes to work with more local ingredients.
First of all, I’m really happy to see so many people here who appreciate Turkish cuisine. However, I want to clarify something: what most people refer to as "kebab" is actually "döner" or "döner kebab." The word "kebab" doesn’t refer to a single dish but rather a category of dishes.
Around the world, when people say "kebab," they usually mean döner, but kebab is much more than just döner. Here are some different types of kebabs:
These are just a few of them and not like pizza varieties. They are all dishes cooked in different ways with different ingredients.