Flag: | India |
Registered: | June 10, 2023 |
Last post: | March 9, 2025 at 11:22 AM |
Posts: | 134 |
Guys recommend me a new mouse for big hands my hands are humongous ok to understand how big my arm is I can palm a size 4 football with my thumb and pinky finger.
ukw atleast I acknowledged my mistake lol unlike some idiots
that is true but i think they will be better now cuz they will be comming comfortably remember what had happened to pANcada bro same thing here imo but I like swerl and want him to do well
no bro i thot that shit was wires underground . Ay man at the end of the day im 17 bro Im also learning shit man .
On top that I think korean teams will have problems and running a server aint cheap
its abt chemistry not skill
Bro myanmar has no access to internet due to military takeover
Singapore is 2000km further away from thailand so ur wrong ig we wud get better ping
This is a map for reference for yall
Swearl is gr8 but imo he shud be benched . I don't think he speaks chinese so there might be comms issues so ya he deserves a chance in apac
Do you think adding a server in Thailand and Vietnam help asia as a whole to get better instad of Korea only . Indian players will be able to get quality scrims with sea ,korean and chinese teams . Sea players can easily scrim with other korean , chinese and indian teams . Im saying this because Ive heard from ppl in the scene that the best scrims happen in korea , hong kong and singapore . Sea teams have trouble scrimming in hong kong due to ping and vice versa and same with indian teams except that they have trouble in all servers . It will also help indian players and sea players to get scouted straight from ranked . What do you think ?
ofc it aint shit i just wanted to say most of india gets 80-90ms
Most ppl are not from south india bro , I live in Kolkata I get 55 ms but you have to agree its difficult for most people .
On sg server most players get 70-80 ping without exitlag so if just only sg server then no . Like in 2024 like I grinded Mumbai on my main and sg on alt . I peaked dia 3 that act on mumbai and in sg I peaked plat 2 I dont use tracker but I can garentee I played more on sg so imo sg only radiant shud be better than mumbai radiant . I think riot can fix this by adding a thailand server it will fix a lot of problems as Thailand is closer to India the players would get less ping , more server options to SEA players and it will help India to develop as a region .
disagree throughtout masters and kickoff Buzz had only 1 terrible bad map and stax is igl he will be inconsistent like uk the more T1 will play stax's fragging will get better you can't forget this that Autumn is their coach and can't give solutions to problems ,Meteor himself said this , so imo he can get a pass for not fragging as much like he is doings the coach's job and igling . Ive watched every single T1 game so I can say this confidently .
Tell me ur Val hot takes both esports and game related
My hot take is T3xture is slightly overrated . Dont get me wrong gr8 duelist player but like he can only play jett and raze . His neon is horse shit and he can't play yoru . Like in this meta you have to be gr8 at all duelists or else your team is trolling . Like ik T1 played double duelist but guys they had 2 insane yoru players so they could make it work .
true tho but reyna??? and fade on abyss tf
bro wdym underrated no one rated him except me in a vlr thread
If you want a better alternative get the kreo ikarius costs 45 bucks and has 4k polling rate tho it has really better build quality than the mice u mention + the shape is similar to the mice u have mentioned . imo 8k polling rate is overrated 4k is just fine .
Im a ge fan but i like them becuz they are an indian org and im Indian but my fav team in terms of players all time is fnc 2023 my fav players were derke , chron and alfa , I respected Leo's gameplay and I found boaster funny so like I loved that team and I knew they wud win something that year but like most other people I didn't see them dominate the way they did .
Izu shud we mvp most consistent on that team most clutches in the tourney ,has played all roles this tournament
I would take persia for sylvan like mako is gr8 but t1 need a passive player who has cracked aim . Mako is a cracked aimer but is very aggro like sylvan is passive and imo everyone on that team is hella aggressive and adding another aggressive player like mako is suicide like the team would be too unbalanced . Persia is cracked af and is very passive and is a good clutch player but i don't think they should make changes .
its not about stats its abt util and aggregation he leaves zekken hanging in site .
honestly n4rrate is getting a lot of hate yes he does deserve some of it but I feel bang also deserves some hate like in the current meta an omen player must be aggressive he is playing for the end round sorta clutch situations . I feel he needs to incorporate aggregation in his gameplay. I feel sen should return to their off season roles where narrate played senti and zellsis was playing flash initiators and viper,like narrate is a good fade and gekko player but he is not as good on others initiators and he is good at pouncing on small windows so he shud move to senti . Zekken doesn't op as much on jett so on jett maps n4rrate switches to jett . John needs to play every single recon initiator and be more aggressive . They need to fix their spacing issues and overheating issues I have faith in Kaplan and John . The biggest problem this team lacks character and personality like they always give up bro if tenz or sacy were there and sen was 7-0 8-0 down they would be like forget about the score do what got us here and take it one round at a time , even before map 3 started tthey looked like they had lost IDK wat Kaplan said before the map but anything instead of yall played gr8 abyss was their best map and we could have won it there but its ok you all have showed a lot of character and its bind now and then they discuss the tactics .Like anything but that is trolling
ya but last two years he's not been doing gr8 in China he has not even come close to qualifying since joining TEC his closest was like last in playins in kickoff 2024
Only flexed for 1 year, so i didnt and besides besides omen and yoru he was good on kayo at the end of the year but his gekko was just ass im sry he was ass on gekko
ya i put davai in 5th then im like yooo drx rb was different
bro thats one map bro aspas raze is gr8 but like thats a once in a lifetime game for aspas + sen had a slo start
no cuz he played yoru on one map only in his prime
i didnt add zekken cause he has showed his best self while playing he was gr8 on flex but uk he his stats were better when he played duelist and sova and on others he would be very inconsistent
for me
two tournaments dont forget tokyo
Raze :
bro i didnt need a research paper
its under the all time catagory dude his rating is even 1.19 with 270acs like its fair that I put him he was fnatic's raze player in chamber meta
bro raze is alfa's second most played agent
For me all time
all time
rn :