6th man for ns
Flag: | South Korea |
Registered: | November 24, 2021 |
Last post: | March 3, 2025 at 1:40 PM |
Posts: | 3227 |
theyve literally fallen in the group stage 4 times
yeah theyve won, but im talking about consistency. edg is far from it
fnatic valid, prx and edg have bummed out of too many internationals
yeah they may have never won a trophy, but has there even been a team this consistently good
Dw people said the same about geng last year
nah my goat estrella will go back to his sentinel roots
oh fr? thats lame asf the team making ascension for korea will be weak asf then
a shame if that happens. wanted to see t1a wipe ascension
I refuse to believe na talent pool is that small to be reusing washed players like him
korea literally clears
3 years ago sea fans called kr a one team region 😂
its a good game until you reach end game. im actually pretty excited to pick the game back again once all the regions are out which will take just a few more years
Pretty shit because half the characters who should have been dead magically survived. Maybe because all the jjk fandom is complain
Riot royally screwed over korea even more during 2020-22
Lol life was kk before kk
shadow slave cuz its easy to read, LOTM takes quite a while before it gets good and everything makes sense
mid best role to learn in the game, teaches u all the fundementals.
ahri is a really good champion to learn if you are new
The fact that there's no resolution makes the writing better. It shows the hypocrisy of gihun ideals, especially with the conversation that frontman and gihun had during the scene where gihun is willing to sacrifice some players 'for the greater good' when his goal was to save everyone in the first place. It links back to the first episode where the recruiter talks about him being trash like everyone else, where you can have all these ideals and aspirations but ultimately the human nature to preserve ones self is king.
It was pretty good from a writing perspective. Really liked how they dealt with the confliction between greed and security with the xs and os. Pacing felt really good too, I think people complaining about it just wanted to jump straight into the games without fleshing out the characters.
Only problem is that the actual games were a little uninspiring and deaths weren't as dramatic but that's to be expected tbh
All korean men have served in the military. And pretty much all of them died asw so what plot armour?
u would never catch mako and karon going negative against naos and boom lmfao
wasnt it cheating allegations? (obv false)
Nah he was great when he was playing
I remember fns saying he was the hardest person to kill back then
a premier team won ascension
more to do with talent buddy
definitely cheating, look how much his stats improved from 2 acts ago
its so easy to whiff when you are focused on util on an agent you have no experience in
literally doesnt even make sense to put foxy on controller when geng has both munchkin and karon
what is solo thinking
He fell off way too hard this year and he's old
Unfortunately it's over for him
Complete opposite, look at cs there's an abundance is boomer pros in tier 1
It's just that val is an newer game and there's an abundance of young players
Tac fps isn't hard mechanically
League u need much faster fingers and apm depending on who you play
i would assume because a lot of val players came from cs and thus they treat every intl tourney as a 'major'
Hyunmin might just be the best aimer in kr. It's pretty much up to his game sense if he wants to become top tier
Insane aiders, both looked really lost first half but started to get into rhythm
Bruh relax geng nearly lost to a tier 2 ind team last off season
Cmon now sscary chases the bag not opportunities
Still think its TOs fault tho doesn't make sense for TOs to schedule a tournament without the greenlight of an actual date, esp when you're much smaller than the governing body of the espory
Nup they literally released it last year. They release the calendar before every year
Doesn't have the exact dates but cmon now anyone with a brain wouldn't put a tournament for t2 in October when it's been released over a year
didnt riot announce around when split 3 would start ages ago? cuz then thats not riots fault its the fault of the other tournament organisers
Pretty much means his career is over rip