Flag: Bangladesh
Registered: July 6, 2024
Last post: July 30, 2024 at 7:06 PM
Posts: 20

sad because he clearly has the skills/talent

dunno if its a mental barrier or something, genuinely depressing to watch

posted 9 hours ago

only guy ive seen thats been overlooked for 2 yrs is elllement
kaajaks very solid from what ive seen however

posted 1 day ago

you just dont play enough in a game that requires you to spam q unfortunately

posted 2 days ago

tbf those old mwzera highlights are sensational i dont blame him

posted 3 days ago

funniest vlr user ever

posted 3 days ago

when curry was the fpl-c winner in oct 2018 💔

posted 6 days ago

yeah but dont think its a bad thing for the player with the best aim to really be a baiter...

posted 1 week ago

nrg chef was goin crazy what can you say..

posted 1 week ago

primmie is royally fucked no offense

posted 1 week ago

no way trace gets 1 map right..

posted 1 week ago

sometimes you gotta trust the process

posted 1 week ago

if i said what needed to be said about you i'd get banned

posted 3 weeks ago

i just dont get why someone that plays 1600 0.1 and is the best aimer on the team is first entry in nrg
common sense isnt common ig

posted 3 weeks ago

2 na
1 eu
1 apac
1 cn


posted 3 weeks ago

its almost like ur star player doesnt have to be a duelist...

posted 3 weeks ago

best comparsion you could give honestly

posted 3 weeks ago

this was what i was looking for, makes 0 sense honestly

posted 3 weeks ago

id assume plixx would replace minimise if it was jjh

posted 3 weeks ago