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Nobody can convince me this guy isn't overrated. If the team is doing well, he pops off and people are given the sense that he's the cracked, irreplaceable backbone of the team. However when they're losing, he handicaps the team so incredibly hard.

He's a jett one trick, his neon is reasonable enough, but he looks just lost and very ineffective on anything else like raze and yoru which are the meta on most maps right now, resulting in a less synergetic and worse team comp. You can see the difference it makes.

He rarely entries and has a very instalock baiting jett gameplay style. This isn't necessarily right or wrong, and when the team as a whole is playing well it works, but as I just mentioned, when they're losing, it looks worse than my grandma playing. His rate at which he entries site is a complete outlier when compared to basically every other duelist.

Also, the rest of team just pumps money into him. He'll force up, constantly have others buy him, thus inflating his stats like acs/kd. Just now on the 2nd half of split, he buys, swings, dies, gets gun dropped to him by teammate, swings (dashes but insta collapsed on), dies, forces, swings, dies forces (last round anyways), swings, dies, all while teammates buying him are going on weaker weapons just to support his financially demanding and exhaustive style, resulting in a statistical gap growing between him and his teammates when you click tab, which paints a very incorrect picture of who seems to be doing better/worse.

Again, he's good when they're winning, he's one of the worst if they're losing. If you ask me he's genuinely the one of the weaker players on the team besides maybe Simon, who's been going through a rough patch. People are being completely blindsided by the amount of value KK brings just because he has flashy aim.

tldr: bro is overrated


gonna have to disagree with you on that one vortexy, only in that he's not overrated. but you bring up some good points.


fair enough, overrated probably has too much of a negative connotation


Name 5 duelists better than him.


buzz, derke, kangkang, demon1, me


meteor, aspas, derke, buzz, and let’s say jawgemo who has a very solid case to be considered top 5


surprised you didn't mention t3xture


yeah i meant to write him instead of meteor


Texture yoru and neon is ass. And texture kickoff performance was so mid. So how is he above kk for top 5?


Meteor who plays only iso isn't top 5 duelist lol. You complain about kk not being good with yoru and now you are including a player who plays only one duelist that's not even the main duelist in top 5 lol.


meant to write texture instead, but come to think of it, when meteor plays duelist, the impact he has vs kk is clear


Bro just admit it you hate kk lol.


bros going up and down this thread just to hate on me lmao


Where down? You are mistaking me for someone else ig. But you are indeed looking like a kk hater with all these replies and statements.


silly me, it must be another Ryandr with a drx flair yapping away down there, what a coincidence


This top 5 has a lot of contradictions. First of all, if you are putting buzz above KK, then the list is clearly based on recency bias. But then, even if you have recency bias, it would also make no sense to put Jawgemo above KK who has been performing even worse than KK has this event. You are clearly reaching. Kangkang is on the same tier as aspas, texture, and derke and any of those 4 can be switched around and debated to be better than the other.

Also, you mentioned that Chichoo is arguably the best player in the world right now. I would have to disagree. I need to see him preform this well in a few more tournaments for him to be considered that. He's an amazing player as he has always played well in previous tournaments, but in this one he popped off extra hard and I'm not sure that can be maintained.


Jawgemo Buzz Derke Aspas t3xture


Hes their win condition-if hes winning the team is winning, if hes losing the team is losing. I think thats the problem that they rely too heavily on him they need others to step up




Which is fine right? Can't have all 5 star players


yeah but like KK don’t carry the bad things, don’t care what’s hater say. Just be happy with your life 💖 don’t regret it, you have to be proud of yourself like I’m really proud of you 🫳🏻🫳🏻🫳🏻


yeah lets ignore stinkers from smoggy p1mon & nobody..


EDG outplaced SEN/VIT.
What's your opinion on Zekken/Derke then.


idt kk is overrated (he was probably the best in the world during Neon meta, obviously that's changed) but in that regard z0kk0n will always be overrated by notables like bren (goated caster, worst analyst of all time) and s0n fans (there are too many)


kangkang mentioned he was uncomfortable playing Yoru and the fact he was forced to change mouse (press conference just a minute ago) it does affect him not able to play wireless mouse (cause dont want reoccuring issue). He still gave it his all.


Ehhhh... the more opinionated stuff I say about different teams, the less credible I feel what I'm saying becomes. All i'll say is I think Chichoo is in contention for best player in the world and his performances have been one of the reasons why the team placed higher.


Bro said he rarely entries when he has been one of the best entry in recent times. Like bruh do you actually watch the games? At least make the bait believable. Yes he overextends a lot and throws many rounds being overaggressive but he isn't a baiter.


Idk about you but did you even watch the game? Him having a very ranked jett baiting style isn't wrong or right, if it wins them the round then good for the team, but just go watch round by round, how often is he first on site? Incomparably less than every other duelist in the tourney. This isn't a subjective thing btw.


You are now judging him completely based on one map split where the whole team's prep and play was so trash. Kk has like the highest fpkr and fdpr for a reason. He had similar stats in champs too.


one map? This playstyle is replicated throughout most of edg's maps




facts are facts


This is a horrid take. How the hell does Kang Kang bait and rarely entry? What? Are we watching the same player? Guy literally always ends up having the most FDs on the team, hell he has even more FDs than even JAWGEMO in both times they played G2 and these guys die the most on their respective teams. If anything he's relying too much on getting an equalizing kill/entry and first engagements that he gets punished hard for it because teams prepped against his style of play. Hell people are memeing EDG on the EDG vs G2 game on lotus cause they kept going A, and their loss on that map can be attributed Kang Kang dying before they can even leave the A choke. In terms of being overrated, I agree he's definitely not had a great tournament at Bangkok at all with people's expectations of him, but most of your points about him are just a hit or miss and isn't even his fault, it's the Coach's. They weren't able to convert a majority of their timeouts at all and their playstyle are relying too much on heroics to shift the momentum when they're down and not being able to keep that momentum when they're up


First death metric is a bronze way of drawing conclusions that he entries. He loves to take early gunfights.

By that logic, if I swing mid nonstop and die over and over in my ranked games, does that mean I entried a lot?

As I said above, you can scrub through the rounds one by one, it's like he's afraid to just dash on site. There's no subjectivity to this that he entries less than almost all others, it's just straight fact. Whether or not it results in a better/more impactful match in favor of edg is the subjective part up to you.


Is an early gunfight not an entry? Isn't that quite literally the meaning of going for an entry frag that they can use to enter site? (Especially if he picks off a controller or sentinel) If you watch how teams have adapted to EDG you'll realize they're punishing exactly what he's going for, that's why he can't even make it to the site first, which is apparently your metric for what an entry is. Because he's the first to die in a majority of their rounds, the other players on the team are forced to trade him (if you realized, EDG's trades in particular have been terrible lately) and they ultimately lose the round because of this as they practically have no more players to effectively hit a site with in the first place. Like I am genuinely so confused here when you say he's a baiter and rarely entries. The guy on the team that thirsts the most for kills and looks for the most engagements and may sometimes potentially throw a round for it is not entrying and is baiting, now that's something I've not heard in a while. The term "entry" in this game isn't as simple as you think it is if you think KangKang of all players is a baiter brother


He literally entried only 4 rounds out of 12 last map (rounds 2, 6 (which is t1's eco), 8, and 12) Go watch vods of other maps and count them up, they all paint a similar story.

You need an impact entry as a duelist, lurking mid and dying over and over isn't the answer. Even if you get a pick there, does it translate to actually hitting site and getting a plant down and winning a round? Sometimes it does, don't get me wrong.
But after numerous deaths, he gets a pick mid, does it mean you are able to get site control and not get mowed down while trying to reach site and plant bomb or not lose on time like we were seeing? This is where you need to watch the games, and see what an incredible handicap he is to the team when edg is losing.


Mate, I want to make this clear I am not defending Kang Kang's performance at all, this was probably one of his worst internationally, but calling him a baiter when more often than not, he's EDG's first point of contact in most of their offense rounds, heck sometimes EDG overly rely on Kang Kang getting a pick before they make a move at all and saying he's a baiter or whatever (only time he isn't is if they're on a weird buy or force-buy or faking) is just wrong, cause a baiter is the 2nd point of contact to get the trade, how does Kang Kang bait or trade if he's usually the first to die? And I had to make sure so I rewatched EDG's attack on Split just now, and oh he's trying his best to entry alright, but T1 are quick to contest the space he takes, and same again in the G2 matchup on lotus A. He's losing all the space he tries to contest because teams are just ready for him whichever objective he tries to go to and picks him off before he becomes a problem


There is a difference between "being the first point of contact" and taking fights versus being impactful and winning you rounds. Like I just said, you can get a pick mid and still get mowed apart trying to reach site to plant or run out of time as we can both see. Just look at that short attacking half, how many times would he be just afk, while the omen is trying to flash entry in himself out of desperation to actually get on site? Would it kill to risk just dashing in first, or at least together? Nah let me just let em' die on site i'll run away, lose space, etc.

Don't think people like you are comprehending the difference between baiting and not having an impactful entry, versus taking raw duels and farming fk/fd stats which doesn't often translate to getting a bomb down and winning rounds.


My point of mentioning him being the common first point of contact for EDG was to refute you calling him a baiter, cause that's just simply wrong, and since you just pointed it out now, is that even him being a terrible entry or is that just a hole in their comms/tactics? Like this problem ain't exclusive to just Kang Kang, but the coach/igl too. After the timeout on offense at round 10, Kang Kang was mid to probably look for a pick there and almost instantly left it since Nobody was probably calling for him to hit with them, because of that he late rotated all the way through to spawn to not get spotted, but the side at B was already going in for a site hit without even waiting for him. That whole round looked a mess from the start cause it was already very disconnected between the plan and action, the B players not waiting for him and choosing to exec off of almost no info. Not just this round too, but round 7 as well. He'd start off with CHICHOO the lurker at A for some reason and the 3 players at B main and this wasn't the positions they were playing at ALL during their first match against T1 on Split where they stomped them on offense.


When I call him a baiter, you seem to be taking it too negatively. As I've said before it's, their playstyle, if him staying back and trading out his teammates with cracked aim wins them rounds then good for them. I also agree the poor decisions are not just all on him, but there's just simply too many times where he's been a massive handicap for his team, generally when the team as a whole is on the losing side. He will sit and watch his team entry and still refuse to touch site, even when not accounting for the fact that he has no relevant util to dump and a jett dying first after hitting site is better than pretty much anyone else dying on the team. Just because the team is still good, people are turning a blind eye to these massive liabilities.


I just don't think baiter is the right word for his playstyle, but anyways enough of that. You mention he will sit and watch his team entry while he AFKs for a bit, but imo that's again attributed to their comms and indecisive calls, like the round I just mentioned, and it's not like I disagree with you saying that Kang Kang can be a huge liability in their offense rounds when they're down scores, but the more I rewatch the split game again today, the more I see the disconnection in the team. I think round 11 in particular showcases a lot of what you're trying to say, but there were wayy more problems than just Kang Kang. They wanted to play contact this time at B and after making noise mid B side, Kang Kang makes his way to B main slowly walking and they're getting ready for an exec. Right before the exec happens, Nobody decides to peek out too much not expecting the op for some reason even though they should know the OP is not at mid, and he gets picked off by iZu before anyone and especially Kang Kang makes a move, but keep in mind, Nobody still had his drone at this time. The team itself I feel like has gotten problems that really showed in the G2 rematch, ESPECIALLY when momentum is against them, yes. It's causing Kang Kang to be indecisive in his decision making, not knowing where he needs to be or knowing where he needs to push, but that's also a consequence of which site his team wants to end at, so it's not a problem that's limited to just him, but the whole team. It's why I was pretty disappointed in how they played at playoffs not particularly at the results, I wholly expected T1 to win after taking Bind and Haven, but not a 3:1, especially after CHICHOO showing the world that EDG still got it in their first playoffs match.


Still think you're clearing KK's name for the unwillingness to entry too much. Yes there can be disconnects, but so many times he's simply too afraid to just go. You replace him with another good duelist rn and they would have more likely than not actually entried, either get a pick or make space/be traded out.


KK 100 percent does entry, its just that EDG as a team often doesn't even set him up for these entry plays or he doesn't even get that many chances to. On split to begin with KK is often using his dash mid to take early fights or ramp control on A. It's totally braindead to run full site execs thru main on split. Common issue this entire series was that KK was getting picked off early or traded out since he was the one making these early contact plays for the team. Especially against OP merchants like T1, you cannot just expect to gain main for free and just run a set exec with jett dash. Especially if you use init util to contest other areas of the map, a jett dashing in is just a sitting duck. It's not 2022, the meta has evolved away from a hard entry style in every aspect. You basically seem to want EDG to run a PRX type 5 man exec spearheaded by a jett dash when its not even the optimal way to play the game in 2025. If you wanna see KK entry just watch VCT CN where EDG can play with zero macro and just util jump dash site.


Fair points, but imo he's doing it to an extreme. Like the last few rounds for example, the team is desperately trying to hit site, they're blinding in, omen tp's in to entry, getting picked apart, and he's just sitting main afk, they're just pushed out and nowhere to go and picked apart with a time crunch. Dash out together and trade each other out. I'm not saying he should be hitting site every time, but you gotta at least try to help a little bit more than that.


literally watch any of his neon gameplay, he's not baiting fam. You're only basing all this from one map, not even one game.


It’s not off one map, all the stuff I’ve said at the very top in the original post are translated across almost all edg games. And likewise why conclude if he’s playing a baiting style based off just one agent?


Kangkang is good, but not the god people think he is, i think he needs to calm the ego down, stop playing a instalock reyna retard and play FOR the team, rather than the team plays for him


his neon is reasonable enough


He rarely entries and has a very instalock baiting jett gameplay style

kk is anything but a baiter. did you watch the game? look at his fkfd stats


omg a sensible NA VLR user ?? aint no way
jk xD
people are dumb


yeah but did u see the way he did entry, its either muggles a retard, or nobody's a retard or kk himself is a retard, i mean, dashing into a viper ult when leaf's in it, wtf man


i agree its a risky play. but he looks stupid cause he died. if he wins the fight, which he did against t1 in the first game, he looks like a god


agreed but most of the time i always see him dying to shitty entries and not checking corners which breaks my heart because i want him to succeed


read #20


First you say he baits then you say he loves taking early gunfights. Make it make sense


Guy genuinely has no clue what he's talking about. Apparently by his own definition an entry is being the first one on site and if he isn't the first one on site, he's baiting, like what?


Difference between refusing to entry site, versus taking raw aim duels which don't often translate to getting a bomb down and winning rounds. After dying countless times mid, lets say he gets a pick. You still see them getting shredded trying to reach site to plant or run out of time.


I agree with your points about yoru and throwing. But baiting is crazy. He's had the most or tied first contact fk/fd on jett the agent you said he was baiting on.


I've said it few times already in this thread but taking aim fights doesn't mean you make more impact than a useful site entry. After getting a pick after dying countless times mid, does that mean edg got easy site control and plant? No, we saw them get mowed apart trying to reach site or run out of time.


You said it yourself, he's not baiting, he's just not getting as many site entries (which is also not solely his fault). There was literally no need to say he has a "very instalock baiting jett gameplay style" when you don't even agree with that yourself. Taking the first fight, no matter where it is, is not baiting (especially if it's part of the game plan). Also, that's less of a KK issue and more of a team game plan issue. You even said it yourself, that it's "not right or wrong", so why even mention it if it doesn't benefit your argument that KK is overrated?


It’s not right or wrong if it gets them results. However when they’re losing as I’ve already stated, it’s a massive handicap for the team.


I already mentioned you saying that. You didn't fully get my last question. What you are saying isn't a knack on KK unless you believe that the game plan is like this because he's afraid to or can't enter site. Which, in that case, I wholeheartedly disagree, because KK has shown that he can hard entry for his team several times before. Once again, if you believe it's just the team's gameplan and not the fault of KK why mention it in your argument that he's overrated?


I see your confusion. Your mistake here is thinking that having a gameplay style of pumping resources into him to take duels with cracked aim and entrying are mutually exclusive. You can have a gameplan of what I just mentioned, while also not having an afk jett who almost refuses to touch site first. There are too many instances where he is to blame. For example, when they need to desperately hit site towards the end of the half, the team stuns, blinds, smokes, mollies, omen tries to tp entry onto site, but KK is nowhere to be see, just sitting afk in main, refusing to at least dash in together with the omen and trade each other out. He bails out, the team loses control, time crunch and they get picked apart running around mid.

I’ll be damned if the team called for jett to prep his dash and have only omen tp in as entry and told jett to sit back and not entry.


I'm not confused at all, you're argument just lacks substance.

"Your mistake here is thinking that having a gameplay style of pumping resources into him to take duels with cracked aim and entrying are mutually exclusive"

I do not think that, my whole argument here is that he has been taking first fights and that literally means that he is not baiting. This was his worst series, yet he still had a FK FD of 15 19 (he took 34 first duels, the most out of any player in the series), and when I watched him during the game, he did not shy away from his taking the first duel at all. My point is that whether he took the first duel or not or played passive and where he took the first duel was based on the game plan and team's decision 99 percent of the time.

To back up this argument, I looked at his worst map Split and the round you were talking about. I looked at all the attack rounds and the only round where he wasn't opping and decided to play a passive role were 6 - 3 and 6 - 4 on Split where the omen entried instead of him. Having the omen entry at 6 - 3 seemed to be part of the team's game plan as KK and Chichoo's role was to divert attention to mid and A and leave only one or two players looking at site. But let's look at the round you were talking about, 6 - 4, which I actually believe to be a team communication issue more than anything (so not just KK fault, but the entire team's fault). I think the team was deciding whether or not they wanted to rotate after the first player got picked off and the communication on whether they were going to execute or not resulted in a half-assed play that led to smoggy dying and the team getting picked apart at mid after. Besides these two rounds, KK was being super aggressive in taking first duels whenever he wasn't opping, so I refuse to believe you truly think that happened because he was afraid to enter site or baiting for stats. Even if you do want to blame most of round 6 - 4 on him being too passive, that's only one round; nitpicking these rounds does not mean that Kangkang has an instalock jett baiting playstyle like you said he does. It's better to look at his overall willingness to entry and take the first duel as well as the overall game plan of the team to determine whether he is baiting or not and just by using my eyes and analyzing the rounds I can tell he is not.


If he does well they would have won the whole tournament
If he does bad still they come top 3 with stupid strats 0 teamplay and 0 game knowledge

They are the highest ceiling team in the whole world along with Vitality


w ragebait


"He's a jett one trick, his neon is reasonable enough"

  • Buffed neon or not, he farmed champs on it so to say its "reasonable enough" is a crazy statement. Kangkang has a slightly worse tourney on raze and hes "ineffective", go look at regional and other international stats and tell me otherwise, sure its not standout but that doesn't make it bad. He himself has said he doesnt like yoru.

"He rarely entries"

  • You have genuinely lost your mind, you can be honest and say you don't watch EDG play.

" the rest of team just pumps money into him"

  • If you have a star duelist, who can pull BS rounds out of their ass, your team does this. zekken, derke, oxy, keznit, aspas. Don't act like this is a new thing. Did he or did he not, say EDG with that guardian buy against TH when they lost all momentum?

"Again, he's good when they're winning, he's one of the worst if they're losing"

  • The team rides and dies with him, further proving he isn't a baiter. Also, if your team get stomped, your stats are gonna look ass

"tldr: bro is overrated"

  • tldr: this dude has lost his mind

You can't tell me he didn't look completely ineffective on agents like raze and yoru, the meta right now.

Yes he rarely entries, do you not see edg's games? Look at how rarely he's first on site. Literally the only times he really tried entyring site last map was rounds 2, 6 (t1's eco), 8 and 12. Just 4 out of 12 rounds where he avoided site and dashed heaven. He'll literally just sit in main waiting for the omen to flash and tp onto site and entry for him, or lurk around mid. This is seen replicated over and over across edg's maps. It's wild how people like you make false claims with no actual evidence or numbers, but will rather just throw an insult at me instead. Solid argument.


#29, he is very often the first contact. If I'm the duelist and I'm the first to jump on site and I immediately die, does that make me a good entry? no. EDG's playstyle is very contact based and working the map for kangkang to get a kill. If your definition of entry is always first to jump onto site then by all means fine, that is never gonna be kangkang. However, to call this dude a baiter when most of the time hes taking the first duel for the team, is beyond me. He's never gonna be like 24' zekken where hes the hard dive with a util dump bc that just isnt their style, but he does entry for the team all the time whether that is first bloods or taking space and map control.


  • Round 1: Dashes vents to help take middle and first to take contact in A heaven and with no real util, fights spawn to stop rotates
  • Round 2: Dashes ramp trying to early punish, then team stopped at choke
  • Round 3: Mid control to crunch vents but dies first
  • Round 4: Dashes ramp trying to early punish and dies first taking heaven after drone
  • Round 5: Mid control, early fight smoggy/zmjjkk get first kills of round
  • Round 6: First kill onto sylvan, slows the round down and then hard hits
  • Round 7: Gonna dash site but omen flashed so regroup to take heaven control, first contact on meteor and dies
  • Round 8: Full flashed, dashed heaven and dies to rocket
  • Round 9: Change up to atk op, you have to bait with op
  • Round 10: Started mid sewer side, team hit site without him there
  • Round 11: First mid contact, nobody dies and the round turns into a scramble
  • Round 12: A Heaven control dashes site and dies first

I said it before, yes that's their style, if it works good for them. Good thing you went through the rounds, you can see yourself what a useless entry that was.

"Dashes vents to help take middle" wtf does that even mean, look at the game there's almost no benefit in that, they already know through vods that t1 will likely leave it open at that point of the round, hence the dry solo dash in. Imagine if he went onto site instead with a dash. Ignoring the complete trolling he did by swinging into ct alone and dying for god knows what, his team gets mowed down trying to reach site by dropping/running out one by one. Heck they can't even touch it. Only an absolute troll would try to sugar coat him in that round.

This is applicable to most rounds he plays, besides the few I've listed. Look at what you wrote. 'nobody dies and round turns into a scramble', 'started sewer so team hit site without him', 'tries to punish but dies', 'was gonna dash on site but nah', 'picked up an op, so ofc he can't entry now silly goose ofc he has to bait'. Like you're just writing a whole lot of basically nothing.


Dashing vents creates space and means there is no possible mid re-clear from mail bc they'll play into a cross fire. And how is there no benefit of that? Mid is literally the most important spot on split. "Imagine if he dashed onto site", you're saying this like they have full map control, they're taking mid for a reason. If a raze double satchels to vents, are you gonna sit there and say "he should've saved it for the site"?

I just genuinely cant understand how you think kangkang is a baiter? Yes everyone has their moments of baiting but to consider him a baiter is wild. You just straight up ignored everything about taking first contacts and taking space. If the only thing you care about is being first on site then fine, kangkang is a shit entry and miniboo is the best. There is so much more to being an entry, first contacts and early fights like I wrote, rapid map control like I wrote, along with site hits like I wrote and he does it all. He had a bad event so hes a bad player? You are ignoring everything just to fit your own narrative


The sugar coating is unreal ngl. You’re just saying a whole lot of nothing, thinking you’re saying something of value. Nobody with a straight face can look at that and think it was the right play which set them up for success that round (rather then getting completely trashed apart while trying to touch site which is exactly what happened). I get sen kind of got dumpstered on but perchance instead of attacking me at a personal level when you disagree, you say what you want like a big boy so you can leave some of your heightened emotions out of it and communicate your points a bit more effectively.


He's 100 percent right you legit just don't understand how split is meant to be played. Also he's legit not even attacking you lol, this is exactly what you are doing. You quite literally cannot comprehend that the current meta isn't a 5 man 2022 set exec so you call him a baiter. Tbh if anything you are the one attacking him personally and not responding to his points.


When did I attack him personally? Bro said I genuinely lost my mind how many times right from the start?


when will valorante players stop renaming or changing meanings of terms? getting an "entry" means getting an opening kill, not fcking stepping your foot first on the site.


entrying does not mean getting on to site, an entry could be fighting mid first, or dashing up heaven.


KK is fine I think he should still playing entry duelist than yoru he is better on those


i agree, this is how kangkang has looked like in bangkok but it might just be a slump since champs kk was a lot better


hes still that guy, but edg was a bit behind the meta this tourney. They ll be back full power by champs, and chichoo is a fucking god holy


If he wasn't chinese, some of his plays would've been glazed way more on this site. A champs winner and 3rd place the next masters? Any team in the world would take him as he is now. Maybe some of his decisions were questionable, he threw sometimes, but he's definitely miles ahead of many other over hyped duelists out there.

How about derke? He had no impact in the last map for like 10-11 rounds straight. No one bats an eye. Zekken had a mid tourney, no worries. But Kk is overrated because he couldn’t singlehandedly take his team to finals.

Actually we cannot accept the fact that T1 played better, stopped Kk, stopped Chichoo, the rest were already in the mud.


theres so many things wrong I dont know where to start


Lmao bro everyone has bad performances , if u ever saw the games u would notice till the playoffs everyone on edg was playing pretty decently good and not like excellent but it was just chichoo 90% times clutching up going +20 +30 to give them the win and some other hero rounds by others and when chichoo dipped in the playoffs they just couldn't hold off ,also in the gro stage their map pool weakness was Always covered up due to the opponent picks


One bad series after only pulling good performances since champs and everyone is out for his head😭


but he got hype moments and aura


For the record Kang Kang did do this today, dash into a point that is, but I already mentioned earlier he got instantly contested and killed because T1 already know what the hell he's going to do and are ready for it, Split is not an easy map to just 5 man default on, that's why you see a lurker always on A. So what happens next? Rely on trades? Their trades have looked completely ass this series except for Fracture so their confidence in that is also probably quite low, not to mention iZu playing Yoru means he gets out of jail free so he can't even be traded, and it doesn't help that they got steamrolled on bind, their OWN map pick. So recklessly do the same play again till it works? Of course not, they have to switch it up somewhat, maybe get a pick somewhere to increase chances of a successful site hit. The reason why I mention the problem being the team entirely and not just him is because they should know he wants to go for an earlier gunfight at mid round start for an easier site entry (heck they should know exactly how Kang Kang wants to play memorized) because it's quite literally right at the beginning of the round, but that's not what it looked like today at all. Throughout some of the rounds, Kang Kang did not start close to the site hitters and on the rounds that he did, they got absolutely destroyed by T1 so this probably forced him to think of something else. While Kang Kang was hunting for a pick, his team was prepping for a site hit KNOWING (or should know) their duelist isn't with them and that he would be late to come for the exec. Is Kang Kang at fault for his weird positioning? Probably. But it's also the team's fault for knowing this and still executing like normal. Then the rest is just them throwing one by one as a result of the fumbled rounds. Smoggy tping in before util and Nobody peeking with a drone still in his pocket.

If Kang Kang isn't dashing onto site or whatever instantly, that probably means he doesn't think it will work if he doesn't get some sort of pick first (even if the trades go in their favor) which you can really only get with a read on what the enemy is doing or have good info on where everyone is, otherwise that's just gambling that Kang Kang is good for one.

Then eventually we've got EDG's defense rounds, which IMO is what your post should be more focused on instead. He got 0 on Split defense, going for hero plays and one and done spots that even a Jett can't get away from making him almost untradeable for his teammates.


But he makes emotes on stage! ( -_•)·︻テحكـ━一💥




analysis from one map = overrated l0l


my ranked teammates:

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