Flag: India
Registered: August 3, 2024
Last post: September 11, 2024 at 8:39 AM
Posts: 32

yay being an rfa means that teams need to match how much bleed paid him right?

posted 6 days ago

my personal list: meteor, chichoo, benjy, suygetsu nats

posted 1 week ago

there was a cs2 tournament in india recently and the problems were more of technical issues and corrupt organisers, i dont think safety is as big of an issue as people say it is

posted 1 week ago

you compared c0m being rich and succesful to being indian, its understandable that he thought you were racist

posted 1 week ago

trexx is better, no?

posted 1 week ago

even if turkish players are good, full turkish teams (FUT,BBL) have never been that good

posted 2 weeks ago

not russ 😭😭😭

posted 3 weeks ago

did not age well

posted 3 weeks ago

china has much bigger esport scene + more talent than india, cant even compare the two

posted 3 weeks ago

its so obvious that TH is gonna win, its gonna be a boring 3-0

posted 3 weeks ago

2 1 (Grouped) > 1 (didnt qualify) 4
being grouped is better than not qualifying

posted 3 weeks ago

is this the dad's burner acc? the post history is weird

posted 3 weeks ago

no, edg will win

posted 3 weeks ago


posted 3 weeks ago

they were just the better team on that day and were able to win the OTs

posted 3 weeks ago

its just funny kinda like how theres j0ngg and y0y, its not that serious

posted 4 weeks ago

wdym they placed the same as they did with rb and stax

posted 4 weeks ago

trust the thumbnail guy

posted 1 month ago

inb4 sen 2-0s edg and people call it a fluke (totally fluked 4 games)

posted 1 month ago

DRX has no chance if buzz plays like he did today

posted 1 month ago

this game is more sloppy than stage 1 g2 v lev

posted 1 month ago

Updated region rankings
posted in General Discussion
NA > SA >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> APAC >>>>> CHINA >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> PISSMEA

posted 1 minute ago

posted 1 month ago

lakia is sitting at 2 kills, geng are definitely underperforming

posted 1 month ago

VIT yetujey??

posted 1 month ago

talon/vitality getting to playoffs would be worse imo

posted 1 month ago

LEV if they play like they did in regional playoffs

posted 1 month ago

i hope they disband so i can see smth farm EMEA

posted 1 month ago

NRG yay would be 🔥

posted 1 month ago