
flor fans can you dm me

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I want to understand your thinking about why you support flor. This is a very serious thread by the way

It seems a lot of blind support.


why do we need a reason to support a good player

just seems like you wanna dog on people because you personally have something against her


i support flor bc she's really good and trans people are awesome 👍


shes a rookie, why not? xD


i support flor bc she's really good and trans people are awesome 👍


Godlike aim

Cheasle2 [#3]

i support flor bc she's really good and trans people are awesome 👍

supporting a player cuz they're trans is crazy work


I don't even understand this question.

You want to understand why people support flor?

Maybe because she's the most scrutinized pro by a landslide

Coming from a marginalized community to compete on the biggest stage, dealing with the pressure of T1 pro play on top of the hatred that people spew towards her on a daily basis? Maybe we want her to prove the people wrong who hate from a place of pure ignorance?

Just a thought.

Oh also, she's very good at clicking heads

omegaishere [#7]

supporting a player cuz they're trans is crazy work

I'm trans, why would I not support her 😭


She's a good player. Dont need to have any other reason or agenda to see that and support her. (trans people are still awesome though)

DelayKnee [#8]

I don't even understand this question.

You want to understand why people support flor?

Maybe because she's the most scrutinized pro by a landslide

Coming from a marginalized community to compete on the biggest stage, dealing with the pressure of T1 pro play on top of the hatred that people spew towards her on a daily basis? Maybe we want her to prove the people wrong who hate from a place of pure ignorance?

Just a thought.

Oh also, she's very good at clicking heads

crazy how clicking heads its secondary XD, people have so many complexes.

shrike- [#2]

why do we need a reason to support a good player

just seems like you wanna dog on people because you personally have something against her

Maybe because I know that she is a shit person behind the cameras and in social groups??

And it is really hard to type on VLR when I can only reply every 5 minutes

omegaishere [#7]

supporting a player cuz they're trans is crazy work

forget about the person, gotta support the agenda


I want to understand your thinking about why you support FNS. This is a very serious thread by the way

It seems a lot of blind support.

omegaishere [#7]

supporting a player cuz they're trans is crazy work

Why do woman tennis players support serena williams? makes no sense!


shes very good at headshots (i love trans people)

avrgvctenjoyer [#12]

Maybe because I know that she is a shit person behind the cameras and in social groups??

And it is really hard to type on VLR when I can only reply every 5 minutes

ah yes the random VLR user has more credence on her presence in social situations and how she behaves then the countless teammates who praise her positive attitude and support. ur deluding urself. I like flor because she makes people like you angry


Dont support her but she's doing good considering she went straight from GC to T1

xKali1 [#11]

crazy how clicking heads its secondary XD, people have so many complexes.

It's okay to be a fan of someone who is the first to do something. Yes, she's very talented and is great at the game and that is why she is on the stage to begin with.

But she's also inspiring others like her that it's possible to shatter the glass ceiling and that carries a ton of weight in itself

avrgvctenjoyer [#12]

Maybe because I know that she is a shit person behind the cameras and in social groups??

And it is really hard to type on VLR when I can only reply every 5 minutes

and you expect us to just trust you on this instead of support a player who’s breaking the social stigma of trans people in esports??


Clean aim i like seeing players with that calm aim like d1 flor metor riens. Also going through ur thread your just ranting about flor non stop kind of sad no?

avrgvctenjoyer [#12]

Maybe because I know that she is a shit person behind the cameras and in social groups??

And it is really hard to type on VLR when I can only reply every 5 minutes


avrgvctenjoyer [#12]

Maybe because I know that she is a shit person behind the cameras and in social groups??

And it is really hard to type on VLR when I can only reply every 5 minutes


avrgvctenjoyer [#12]

Maybe because I know that she is a shit person behind the cameras and in social groups??

And it is really hard to type on VLR when I can only reply every 5 minutes

lmao what

snowconedeity [#17]

ah yes the random VLR user has more credence on her presence in social situations and how she behaves then the countless teammates who praise her positive attitude and support. ur deluding urself. I like flor because she makes people like you angry

Whats Your Twitter? You want proof? Ill Give It To You

DelayKnee [#19]

It's okay to be a fan of someone who is the first to do something. Yes, she's very talented and is great at the game and that is why she is on the stage to begin with.

But she's also inspiring others like her that it's possible to shatter the glass ceiling and that carries a ton of weight in itself

then why all of the other stuff should be important?, im would have supported flor if was a rookie no matter the gender or marginalized community.

avrgvctenjoyer [#25]

Whats Your Twitter? You want proof? Ill Give It To You

Just post the link here buddy

avrgvctenjoyer [#25]

Whats Your Twitter? You want proof? Ill Give It To You

why the hell would i do that lmao. this is a really shit bait but if it’s not bro get some help ur entire account is shitting on florescent. Ur not an average vct enjoyer ur a florescent hater who is convinced she is someone she isn’t. i dont even think you’re transphobic i think ur just genuinely deluded

avrgvctenjoyer [#12]

Maybe because I know that she is a shit person behind the cameras and in social groups??

And it is really hard to type on VLR when I can only reply every 5 minutes


avrgvctenjoyer [#12]

Maybe because I know that she is a shit person behind the cameras and in social groups??

And it is really hard to type on VLR when I can only reply every 5 minutes

source: i made it up

avrgvctenjoyer [#12]

Maybe because I know that she is a shit person behind the cameras and in social groups??

And it is really hard to type on VLR when I can only reply every 5 minutes

Feel free to post the proof so people can Maybe side with you. Post the proof on imgur and link it. Its free. Go on!

xKali1 [#26]

then why all of the other stuff should be important?, im would have supported flor if was a rookie no matter the gender or marginalized community.

Because that marginalized community has more difficult barriers to entry in all facets of life?

Because representation matters for inspiring others to follow in the same path and know that it's possible?

It feels like you're trolling a little bit because if you spent 5 seconds watching the chat of any of flor's matches, you'd know the adversity she (and others like her) face.

Message me if you're still struggling with this concept. Would be happy to talk to you more about it

omegaishere [#7]

supporting a player cuz they're trans is crazy work

perhaps people cheering for representation of themselves or even close friends is a good way to insert yourself into a sport or medium and maybe encourages people to do what they want...

avrgvctenjoyer [#12]

Maybe because I know that she is a shit person behind the cameras and in social groups??

And it is really hard to type on VLR when I can only reply every 5 minutes

Flag: Indonesia
Registered: January 15, 2025
Last post: January 24, 2025 at 3:01 PM
Posts: 14

ion2x [#23]


Hows the scrims going blud??? You letting your team down again or no?

DelayKnee [#32]

Because that marginalized community has more difficult barriers to entry in all facets of life?

Because representation matters for inspiring others to follow in the same path and know that it's possible?

It feels like you're trolling a little bit because if you spent 5 seconds watching the chat of any of flor's matches, you'd know the adversity she (and others like her) face.

Message me if you're still struggling with this concept. Would be happy to talk to you more about it

I just think this shouldn't be relevant for esports, we should look players as for what they are, just players, everyone has their back story, some harder than others.


Hows the scrims going blud??? You letting your team down again or no?

I think you should kill yourself, actually

avrgvctenjoyer [#25]

Whats Your Twitter? You want proof? Ill Give It To You

So your a new account who is primarily taking a crap on flor for seemingly no reason and your defense is for the person to put their social media in a public thread? even if you have proof people aren't crappy all the time so unless you have stacks upon stacks of proof sitting for some reason somewhere in your files along with notable people who can vouch, your argument kinda just seems like its on 1 leg.

1 wooden rotten leg.


Just a couple of 15 year olds pretending to sound mature but in the end, their lack of real-life experiences ends up exposing their revtarded selves lmaoo


Hows the scrims going blud??? You letting your team down again or no?

hows the job applications going? still failing drug screens? lil pothead ragebaiting on vlr

shermie [#37]

I think you should kill yourself, actually

It was good knowing you blud, well done lmaoo

avrgvctenjoyer [#25]

Whats Your Twitter? You want proof? Ill Give It To You



Just a couple of 15 year olds pretending to sound mature but in the end, their lack of real-life experiences ends up exposing their revtarded selves lmaoo

“pretending to sound mature” you are censoring the word retarded, my friend

xKali1 [#36]

I just think this shouldn't be relevant for esports, we should look players as for what they are, just players, everyone has their back story, some harder than others.

That's an interesting opinion! And if we looked that way at trailblazers in their respective spaces, we would make no social welfare advancements as a society. Women may still be seen as less capable than men, POC may be seen as lower IQ than white people, etc. We need to celebrate these things to promote change

To say "everyone struggles" is a gross misrepresentation of marginalized peoples' struggles. Let me know when your government is actively trying to stop you from having basic rights and get back to me about struggle.

Players are people and we should look at them as such. Dehumanizing them down to just someone who plays a videogame is an insane worldview that strips the experience of watching esports down to a bland and boring exhibition.

Boaster is my favorite player because he's a positive force in the community. Some people might like Boostio who gets up and yells. That is part of who he is as a person and is why people connect with players


It was good knowing you blud, well done lmaoo

Dont care + what i said to you is more useful than anything youve typed on this site.

avrgvctenjoyer [#25]

Whats Your Twitter? You want proof? Ill Give It To You

it’s crazy how up in arms you were about this but the second someone calls you out on your bullshit you go quiet, whats the matter? trying to fabricate a reason as to why “she’s mean” other than “i don’t like her so therefore she must be evil” like bro genuinely what does hating on trans people and flor bring to your life other than misery


Just a couple of 15 year olds pretending to sound mature but in the end, their lack of real-life experiences ends up exposing their revtarded selves lmaoo

bro turned 16 🔥


People when they realize there isnt a world where they can win against the trans and marginalized genders argument

Kazriel [#40]

hows the job applications going? still failing drug screens? lil pothead ragebaiting on vlr

I ended up getting a IT job, thank god all fast food chains are filled with LRG fans lmaoo

xKali1 [#36]

I just think this shouldn't be relevant for esports, we should look players as for what they are, just players, everyone has their back story, some harder than others.

and this would be true if everyone had the same opportunities in esports, but they dont so it matters


I ended up getting a IT job, thank god all fast food chains are filled with LRG fans lmaoo

welcome to the real world Mr. Burger King

omegaishere [#7]

supporting a player cuz they're trans is crazy work

supporting a player because they are from your country/region is crazy work

xKali1 [#36]

I just think this shouldn't be relevant for esports, we should look players as for what they are, just players, everyone has their back story, some harder than others.

you actually are indeed right. the thing is, no one actually looks at them as "just players". there have been more than one instance of talented female gcc pros being denied trials - not even contracts, but trials - because guys didn't want to "play with women"


you think that is fair? from your argument, i think you don't.

thats why most people are cheering for flor - she's breaking a barrier and showing everyone that this isn't actually bad. so we can actually reach the ideal world you are talking about

DelayKnee [#44]

That's an interesting opinion! And if we looked that way at trailblazers in their respective spaces, we would make no social welfare advancements as a society. Women may still be seen as less capable than men, POC may be seen as lower IQ than white people, etc. We need to celebrate these things to promote change

To say "everyone struggles" is a gross misrepresentation of marginalized peoples' struggles. Let me know when your government is actively trying to stop you from having basic rights and get back to me about struggle.

Players are people and we should look at them as such. Dehumanizing them down to just someone who plays a videogame is an insane worldview that strips the experience of watching esports down to a bland and boring exhibition.

Boaster is my favorite player because he's a positive force in the community. Some people might like Boostio who gets up and yells. That is part of who he is as a person and is why people connect with players

People that are not part of marginalized communitys might have harders lifes than ones who are part of, no who is in his right mind thinks woman are inferior than men in any ways, biologically we are different and we have our pros and cons, players are people and thats how they should be seen, im not dehumanizing anyone, everyone should be respected equally regardless everything else.

and about the boostio and boaster comparison: 2 different people with different personalities, and both never harmed anyone, cause the both do content in their way.

i think your opinion its the kind that makes the dumb guys despise this communitys, cause from what i read, you want to be treated differently, im myself im a part of a small spectrum of people that struggle far more than normal people, and i was always treated like everyone else, not always but most of the time, and thats how should be, i assume thats how every marginalized community wants to be treated, rather than seeking attention.

fernz [#50]

and this would be true if everyone had the same opportunities in esports, but they dont so it matters

riots fault, gc shouldn't even exist, theres no reason for gc to exist, girls that are capable should be on vct and thats all.

foythvlr [#53]

you actually are indeed right. the thing is, no one actually looks at them as "just players". there have been more than one instance of talented female gcc pros being denied trials - not even contracts, but trials - because guys didn't want to "play with women"


you think that is fair? from your argument, i think you don't.

thats why most people are cheering for flor - she's breaking a barrier and showing everyone that this isn't actually bad. so we can actually reach the ideal world you are talking about

ofcs thats not fair, but making a different league to marginalize even more these communitys doesn't seem like a solution for me, riot should make teams motivate teams into make mixed rosters.

and shes certainly breaking a barrier, a barrier that should,'t have to be there, because creating a different league for those people its just marginalize them even more.

im rooting to gc to disapear and make a single league, even then won't be the ideal world, but i would be fair.

xKali1 [#54]

People that are not part of marginalized communitys might have harders lifes than ones who are part of, no who is in his right mind thinks woman are inferior than men in any ways, biologically we are different and we have our pros and cons, players are people and thats how they should be seen, im not dehumanizing anyone, everyone should be respected equally regardless everything else.

and about the boostio and boaster comparison: 2 different people with different personalities, and both never harmed anyone, cause the both do content in their way.

i think your opinion its the kind that makes the dumb guys despise this communitys, cause from what i read, you want to be treated differently, im myself im a part of a small spectrum of people that struggle far more than normal people, and i was always treated like everyone else, not always but most of the time, and thats how should be, i assume thats how every marginalized community wants to be treated, rather than seeking attention.

Brother, I am a 31 year old cisgender white man. But I have read enough to know that the fact that marginalized groups struggle doesn't nullify my hard work in getting where I am today.

Sure, anecdotally, someone who is not part of a marginalized community can have a harder life than someone who is. But there are statistics and a proven track record that prove the average trans person faces significant hard ship. What about that makes you uncomfortable or unable to recognize that?

The boostio and boaster comments were about following players' careers due to their personalities and who they are as people/their identities.

To say that the LGBTQ community is seeking attention is tone deaf at best. They want to be treated as equal. The problem is, they are not. Which is why we celebrate when they achieve something in the face of extreme adversity.

You clearly have no interest in changing your opinion or being open to different perspectives. So have a good day man.

xKali1 [#54]

People that are not part of marginalized communitys might have harders lifes than ones who are part of, no who is in his right mind thinks woman are inferior than men in any ways, biologically we are different and we have our pros and cons, players are people and thats how they should be seen, im not dehumanizing anyone, everyone should be respected equally regardless everything else.

and about the boostio and boaster comparison: 2 different people with different personalities, and both never harmed anyone, cause the both do content in their way.

i think your opinion its the kind that makes the dumb guys despise this communitys, cause from what i read, you want to be treated differently, im myself im a part of a small spectrum of people that struggle far more than normal people, and i was always treated like everyone else, not always but most of the time, and thats how should be, i assume thats how every marginalized community wants to be treated, rather than seeking attention.

Oh btw, historically, men have opressed women with that superior-being logic. Women were not allowed to vote because men thought they weren't capable. Thought they were childlike and incapable of independent thought.

omegaishere [#7]

supporting a player cuz they're trans is crazy work

I don't see the issue...
Why would you not support someone who you can relate to?

DelayKnee [#57]

Brother, I am a 31 year old cisgender white man. But I have read enough to know that the fact that marginalized groups struggle doesn't nullify my hard work in getting where I am today.

Sure, anecdotally, someone who is not part of a marginalized community can have a harder life than someone who is. But there are statistics and a proven track record that prove the average trans person faces significant hard ship. What about that makes you uncomfortable or unable to recognize that?

The boostio and boaster comments were about following players' careers due to their personalities and who they are as people/their identities.

To say that the LGBTQ community is seeking attention is tone deaf at best. They want to be treated as equal. The problem is, they are not. Which is why we celebrate when they achieve something in the face of extreme adversity.

You clearly have no interest in changing your opinion or being open to different perspectives. So have a good day man.

Your fkn opinion its: we should celebrate marginalized communitys achievements cause they face more adversity than regular people.

My opinion is: everyone its the same thing, the adversity that every person faces shouldn't be part of the celebration of their achievement, and everyone should be treated the same.

omegaishere [#7]

supporting a player cuz they're trans is crazy work

only supporting men is crazy work

DelayKnee [#58]

Oh btw, historically, men have opressed women with that superior-being logic. Women were not allowed to vote because men thought they weren't capable. Thought they were childlike and incapable of independent thought.

Omg not the "women used to be oppresed card"
wtf?? u live the 20's?, world has changed, why would that be important, what matters its what happening know, everyone knows woman were oppresed, they aren't now, thats whats important, we evolved.

xKali1 [#56]

ofcs thats not fair, but making a different league to marginalize even more these communitys doesn't seem like a solution for me, riot should make teams motivate teams into make mixed rosters.

and shes certainly breaking a barrier, a barrier that should,'t have to be there, because creating a different league for those people its just marginalize them even more.

im rooting to gc to disapear and make a single league, even then won't be the ideal world, but i would be fair.

I think you're misunderstanding GCC. It was not created to isolate women. It was created three years ago so women and NB could show their abilities and evolve together in a competitive environment, so they can slowly be introduced on the mixed rosters. It's meant to disappear once this happen more often. They're not "marginalizing even more", they're giving them space to show their abilities.

I understand your line of thought, but you have to understand that this is not a light change that will happen quickly. If riot forces the teams to use GCC players, it would cause more harm and backlash than good. They're aiming for long-term change, and this is the best way to let it happen the most naturally possible. And it's clearly working. Last year TLBR was the first GC team to compete on a challengers closed qualifier. This year, Shopify was the first GC team to qualify to T2, and Florescent is the first GC player to go to T1.

The next few years are promising, and GCC eventually will come to an end as a whole scene, to be integrated with the mixed. But this is still the beginning

Booster [#13]

forget about the person, gotta support the agenda

more people i thought were normal expose themselves as retards every day

foythvlr [#63]

I think you're misunderstanding GCC. It was not created to isolate women. It was created three years ago so women and NB could show their abilities and evolve together in a competitive environment, so they can slowly be introduced on the mixed rosters. It's meant to disappear once this happen more often. They're not "marginalizing even more", they're giving them space to show their abilities.

I understand your line of thought, but you have to understand that this is not a light change that will happen quickly. If riot forces the teams to use GCC players, it would cause more harm and backlash than good. They're aiming for long-term change, and this is the best way to let it happen the most naturally possible. And it's clearly working. Last year TLBR was the first GC team to compete on a challengers closed qualifier. This year, Shopify was the first GC team to qualify to T2, and Florescent is the first GC player to go to T1.

The next few years are promising, and GCC eventually will come to an end as a whole scene, to be integrated with the mixed. But this is still the beginning

they split the leagues based of genders and communitys, i would argue that flor would have ascended to tier 1 earlier if wasn't for gc and riot not movating teams to sign womans when theres no reason to not do it, and "i dont like to play with woman" isn't a reason.

foythvlr [#63]

I think you're misunderstanding GCC. It was not created to isolate women. It was created three years ago so women and NB could show their abilities and evolve together in a competitive environment, so they can slowly be introduced on the mixed rosters. It's meant to disappear once this happen more often. They're not "marginalizing even more", they're giving them space to show their abilities.

I understand your line of thought, but you have to understand that this is not a light change that will happen quickly. If riot forces the teams to use GCC players, it would cause more harm and backlash than good. They're aiming for long-term change, and this is the best way to let it happen the most naturally possible. And it's clearly working. Last year TLBR was the first GC team to compete on a challengers closed qualifier. This year, Shopify was the first GC team to qualify to T2, and Florescent is the first GC player to go to T1.

The next few years are promising, and GCC eventually will come to an end as a whole scene, to be integrated with the mixed. But this is still the beginning

and i hope to see mixed rosters/woman rosters as soon as posible, at least it "should work long term".

xKali1 [#62]

Omg not the "women used to be oppresed card"
wtf?? u live the 20's?, world has changed, why would that be important, what matters its what happening know, everyone knows woman were oppresed, they aren't now, thats whats important, we evolved.

I am replying to your senseless comment that said: "no who is in his right mind thinks woman are inferior than men in any ways"

You are purposefully missing my point because you have a terrible argument

Our society was built for white men, by white men. Meaning institutionalized sexism, racism, etc.

100 years ago, women were thought to be incapable of a lot of things until proven otherwise by trailblazers who broke the mold and shattered the glass ceiling

We celebrate those things because they were marginalized, oppressed and faced more adversity than those who the system was built to work for

When we celebrate that progress, we show that it is possible for others to follow in those footsteps

You really need to work on your reading comprehension because you're all over the place and keep trying to pivot the conversation

I'm done. Please do some self reflection <3

avrgvctenjoyer [#25]

Whats Your Twitter? You want proof? Ill Give It To You

let me stick my fist in your ass and then we'll see how homophobic you are ;)

xKali1 [#65]

they split the leagues based of genders and communitys, i would argue that flor would have ascended to tier 1 earlier if wasn't for gc and riot not movating teams to sign womans when theres no reason to not do it, and "i dont like to play with woman" isn't a reason.

would argue that flor would have ascended to tier 1 earlier if wasn't for gc


"i dont like to play with woman" isn't a reason.

Read the link that i sent. That's quite literally what it has been said

BrendanFraser11 [#68]

let me stick my fist in your ass and then we'll see how homophobic you are ;)


xKali1 [#65]

they split the leagues based of genders and communitys, i would argue that flor would have ascended to tier 1 earlier if wasn't for gc and riot not movating teams to sign womans when theres no reason to not do it, and "i dont like to play with woman" isn't a reason.

gc definitely gave a spotlight for flor to shine, so i would argue that it contributed significantly to her signing to a t1 team this year
if you don't mind me asking, how exactly would riot motivate teams to sign gc players outside of the current method? the company just asking teams to do so would not affect anything, and providing financial motivation for them to do so would likely fall under your self-defined umbrella of "inequity"

DelayKnee [#67]

I am replying to your senseless comment that said: "no who is in his right mind thinks woman are inferior than men in any ways"

You are purposefully missing my point because you have a terrible argument

Our society was built for white men, by white men. Meaning institutionalized sexism, racism, etc.

100 years ago, women were thought to be incapable of a lot of things until proven otherwise by trailblazers who broke the mold and shattered the glass ceiling

We celebrate those things because they were marginalized, oppressed and faced more adversity than those who the system was built to work for

When we celebrate that progress, we show that it is possible for others to follow in those footsteps

You really need to work on your reading comprehension because you're all over the place and keep trying to pivot the conversation

I'm done. Please do some self reflection <3

XDD, you sound like a red headed angry radical feminist man, i can't take you seriously, i won't celebrate things that should have been normal standards at first.

the main reason of this argument "why should flor be supported", the right answer was: "because she clicks heads" thats all, i prolly went to more in my 20 years of life than you in your 30s, and im 100% sure that i want to be treated the same as everyone and not celebrate these "changes for my spectrum" because thats how it always had to be, stop mixing this shit with esports.

foythvlr [#69]

would argue that flor would have ascended to tier 1 earlier if wasn't for gc


"i dont like to play with woman" isn't a reason.

Read the link that i sent. That's quite literally what it has been said

if any team t2 would have gave a chance to flor she would have went t1 earlier, cause she wouldn't had to win gc like 2 times in order to make a few teams to think "oh she might be good".


everyone got baited lmfao

ark2 [#71]

gc definitely gave a spotlight for flor to shine, so i would argue that it contributed significantly to her signing to a t1 team this year
if you don't mind me asking, how exactly would riot motivate teams to sign gc players outside of the current method? the company just asking teams to do so would not affect anything, and providing financial motivation for them to do so would likely fall under your self-defined umbrella of "inequity"

thats why i dont think gc its completely trash but riot had many better ways to improve the presence of these communitys in tier 1

i heard some guy made a system where t2 teams had mixed teams and everyone played ascension in order to play vct.

and you could make teams sign women making them penalize those "i dont want to play with woman" guys cause theres no reason to not want to play with woman, thats straight sexist.

xKali1 [#60]

Your fkn opinion its: we should celebrate marginalized communitys achievements cause they face more adversity than regular people.

My opinion is: everyone its the same thing, the adversity that every person faces shouldn't be part of the celebration of their achievement, and everyone should be treated the same.

In a world that clearly continues marginalizing people, ignoring marginalizing in favor of seeing everyone "equally" is stupid.

estiferous [#76]

In a world that clearly continues marginalizing people, ignoring marginalizing in favor of seeing everyone "equally" is stupid.

tf you mean "ignoring" margializing, i said its irrelevant for this specific field, being marginalized or not wont make you a better or a worse player.
marginalizing its relevant for a whole other fields.

avrgvctenjoyer [#25]

Whats Your Twitter? You want proof? Ill Give It To You

bro you live in Indonesia how you ever gonna get proof of anything when youre never gonna meet these players

shrike- [#70]


no dont question mark him, let him cook


I mean, no matter what she looks like the best player on Apeks already, so why not support her? If Apeks were good enough to make it into tier 1 through Ascension and she is now looking like the best player on that roster since being signed, I'd say she deserves to be in Tier 1.

milflover92 [#79]

no dont question mark him, let him cook

i agree with milflover92

xKali1 [#55]

riots fault, gc shouldn't even exist, theres no reason for gc to exist, girls that are capable should be on vct and thats all.

they qualified BECAUSE of gc, it allowed them to continue competing and being paid to do so, otherwise there's no guarantee they wouldve had the resources to continue competing all these years.

smthlikeyou11 [#74]

everyone got baited lmfao

Flor fans are more easy to bait than Tenz fans.

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