Flag: United States
Registered: April 6, 2024
Last post: March 11, 2025 at 9:00 AM
Posts: 28

Actually didn't know he was injured tbh

posted 1 week ago

They kicked Yoman off the team, what do you think the chances are that GenG pulls a C9 and resigns Lakia?

posted 1 week ago

I mean, no matter what she looks like the best player on Apeks already, so why not support her? If Apeks were good enough to make it into tier 1 through Ascension and she is now looking like the best player on that roster since being signed, I'd say she deserves to be in Tier 1.

posted 1 month ago

From the end of the second map of XLG to the beginning of the 2nd map of this series, EDG won 32 rounds in a row.

Holy fucking shit

I'm fairly sure this is the largest round win streak in the history of tier 1 valorant

posted 1 month ago

Please Furia, just bring back the sub roster

posted 1 month ago

P L E A S E, come take this Yoru away from Zekken

posted 2 months ago

How the fuck did this happen


posted 2 months ago

This squad is doing better early season than anything Furia has ever put together before lmao

edit: IN FRANCHISING, I don't remember much about pre franchising Furia. Don't kill me Brazilians :)

posted 2 months ago

The more exciting game is Less vs Saadhak in EMEA rn, who tf wants to watch Furia with 5 subs vs 2G lmao

posted 2 months ago

NRG probably made the right decision for them with Bonkar yes, but there's no way we're gonna call Potter an overrated coach. Her ideas helped turn EG from the laughing stock of the Americas into the literal world champions. She definitely wasn't the entire reason, but she was a huge part of it, and I would say what happened to Demon1 in 2024 is the biggest example of my point. Demon1 looked nowhere near as good on NRG because the coaching wasn't anywhere near as good (the IGLing wasn't as good either, but I don't wanna put too much blame on Ethan as a first time IGL, with Chet's tenure coaching in CS and Val, he 100% should've been able to form Ethan into a better IGL than he was), but this illustrates that you can't JUST have good players, and you need to have top tier coaching too if you actually want to win championships. The reason EG succeeded in 2023 wasn't just because of the players, but also because Potter is genuinely a top tier coach. We could also talk about how Potter couldn't really succeed in 2024, but when the team has fucking Apoth it's pretty much a 4v5, so I don't really think that's her fault either lmao

posted 2 months ago

Resigning Beyn and dropping Athan after two months is honestly a much less questionable decision than it was to drop Beyn and sign Athan in the first place lol. Good move imo, basically saying "oops, we fucked up with that one, we're fixing it"

posted 2 months ago

nah, you're trolling right? There's no way you call the super sub Patitek mid. Dude came into TH for Shanghai without practicing with them for a month and helped take them to second place in an international. I see why nobody in this thread actually takes you seriously

posted 3 months ago

This is part of my thought process too. Trust in Plug recently beat 100T but didn't even make the playoffs of this event

posted 3 months ago

I mean, I'd say they've beat some pretty good tier 2 NA teams considering that they're in the grand finals of the playoffs, haven't lost a series, and have only lost 3 maps.

posted 3 months ago

Who would win? One of the worst VCT teams of all time or Rankers?

posted 3 months ago

If anyone is interested in the team stats for the whole tournament, here they are!!

Team Series Map Round Seed

  1. EDG 6/1 14/7 247/202 +45 CHN #1
  2. TH 6/2 15/10 288/264 +24 EMEA #3
  3. LEV 4/3 11/7 205/202 +3 AMER #1
  4. SEN 4/3 10/7 187/174 +13 AMER #4
  5. DRX 3/2 7/5 129/109 +20 PAC #2
  6. FNC 3/3 7/7 151/142 +9 EMEA #1
  7. G2 2/2 4/5 93/107 -14 AMER #2
  8. TE 2/2 4/6 95/113 -18 CHN #3
  9. KRU 1/2 4/4 78/78 +/- 0 AMER #3
  10. VIT 1/2 3/4 75/76 -1 EMEA #2
  11. GENG 1/2 3/4 75/78 -3 PAC #1
  12. PRX 1/2 3/4 68/72 -4 PAC #3
  13. FPX 0/2 1/4 51/64 -13 CHN #2
  14. FUT 0/2 0/4 36/52 -16 EMEA #4
  15. TLN 0/2 0/4 33/52 -19 PAC #4
  16. BLG 0/2 0/4 26/52 -26 CHN #4

AMER - 3, 4, 7, 9 - AVG Place - 5.75
PAC - 5, 11, 12, 15 - AVG Place - 10.75
EMEA - 2, 6, 10, 14 - AVG Place - 8
CHN - 1, 8, 13, 16 - AVG Place - 9.5

posted 6 months ago

I was rooting for SEN up until this point, but now I need to see EDG shut Boostio the fuck up and win China their first ever champs. Let's fucking go EDG, make history fucking happen

posted 6 months ago

I swear to god every time I put faith in a team they turn to shit man

posted 7 months ago

It's not gonna be an edited this time, if they somehow lose this after absolutely stomping them in the upper finals just know I'm gonna be upset LMAO.

posted 7 months ago

If you told me this would be the matchup when playoffs started, I would've said LEV all the way

Now though, G2 are probably taking this. Looking at their last 6 series, they have not only won all 6 series, they have won on all 7 maps in the pool in those 6 series. G2 are looking like a s c a r y team right now as a team, especially when they have no permaban AND ban advantage in the grand finals

Edit: Hold up, I might be wrong about the every map in the pool thing, I was counting split and I'm remembering that might be the map that left the pool, gimme a moment to look at everything again lmao

2nd Edit: They ABSOLUTELY be perma banning Sunset at the moment and only playing the other 6 maps. Still, with ban advantage they still absolutely look scary

posted 7 months ago


Tell me this team wouldn't cook if this became NRG next year. With the rumors of Chet leaving back for counterstrike, Crashies and Victor may leave as well, and I think that creates the perfect opportunity for Demon1 to come back in, and Potter could come, bringing Jawgemo with her, and coach an EG core with two fantastic OG members of NRG as well. There's definitely enough flex capability in the roster for Potter to move roles around per map like she likes to do, and Potter and FNS' minds together could most likely create some of the most insane strats we've seen yet

posted 8 months ago

Patitek would be an improvement over ANYONE on KOI lmao

posted 9 months ago

Patitek 100% DESERVES to be on a team after this performance, if Team Heretics doesn't keep him I really hope somebody picks him up. He has really shown his value this season, dude wasn't even playing with the team for a little over a month before masters, and then just comes back in and gels perfectly and gives amazing utility.

posted 9 months ago

I don't think anyone truly expected DRG to win this game so it probably comes as no shock that they lost, but I will say I was surprised by how close it was in this series. They showed signs of life/potential and there's a chance that, with some work, they could actually win an international game come champions if they make it there. I could see them beating FUT in a rematch tbh

posted 9 months ago

I wonder if people realize just how much Benjy is impacting on this roster

Over the last 5 series Benjy is +65, and he hasn't gone negative in a series since they played Sentinels in Madrid where he went -6. Dude is consistently f r y i n g for these guys over the last couple months and is an absolutely integral part to their success in these playoffs.

You fucking go fortnite dude, so many people doubted you

posted 10 months ago

Wait how is Foxy9 carrying the last two series out of nowhere, homies gonna make me actually start believing

posted 11 months ago

Honestly really surprised and impressed that C9 managed to pull this series back and win. Hope that they can keep improving

posted 11 months ago

Flashback had a ton of personal issues come up and requested to leave the roster for now. There is a chance he will be back but it depends on what happens in his life :( I was confused at first too, thinking they dropped flashback for Beyn, but no, DRX are actually being a W org here and respecting flashback a lot

posted 11 months ago