bro lost on purpose
Flag: | Palestine |
Registered: | July 2, 2024 |
Last post: | March 28, 2025 at 12:22 AM |
Posts: | 801 |
nothing. OP is just mad that the region that has been outclassed for years isnt getting the respect it deserves full knowing the fact that their league is just korea and 1 team from china.
better than furia tbf. they at least get a map against g2
i mean they should start thinking about giving up on either t2 or GC. i dont see them making it in t2 with their current roster and even if they make it it seems likely that they would be relegated. they could make a mixed roster and get some t2 talent with some of the original SRG roster but then they'll have to sacrifice playing in GC
could get another GC player that is better no?
emea bottom feeder teams can get a map here and there
while america bottom feeder teams barely get any.
hope they switch something up pls drop alexis i beg
are they out of challengers for the remaining year? or do they have a chance to comeback?
remove kingg has to be the worst roster suggestion ive seen on this site
soulcas just here for vibes. sheydos needs to join a proper team
no it was unhealthy but funny enough
it kinda were the most enjoyable gameplay to watch. people actually played site and it wasnt just retakes after retakes.
chamber meta looked like a proper fps game while neon made everyone wish they couldnt see
both can be true
flor being the best option for apeks and flor being shit
they aint got big game players and their org has no money. their coaches are working overtime in bringing the best out of them
ur right but in this case FUT has the players being turkish and the org being turkish while cned was on an international roster
we are witnessing a future goat. xeus wins turkey their first trophy
certain orgs were to slow in signing players as they got resigned to their t2 which made coaches go for na players since there are barely any spots for them anyway.
FNC are also waiting on leo and thats also why hiro left since he didnt want to be replaced. getting crashies for them work perfectly
its the response to all the rage baits in kick off. flor fans really hyped her up to be thebest duelist just for her to get diffed by minibum
the crashies pickup is understandable and koalanoob came with the new coach
but ig orgs are trying something new?
sry the rage baits were too good today i had to comment on them
avova was the second best before kajak even getting the mvp in the final last year? he got cooked in kick off yeah but was playing amazing in t2 for 2 years straight.
so no avova is not washed
both can be correct
flor being shit and trans people deserving respect like everyone else
need fns of senti cuz this shit is stupid
if we dont make playoffs i may as well jump
governor is good
if ur delulu but there arent any good player son the market rn so u pick and choose
on ascent yeah but they are still far behind others imo. navi is def making it to playoffs over apeks
i mean did anyone expect anything different? feel like the best player on that team is avova
also cant put all the blame on flor but shes probably bottom 3 duelist its sad
trans are allowed bur apeks arent invited either way so
TH aint got a strong ascent. they lost a 11-1 lead last year to G2
These rage baits are pure perfection you guys deserve a trophy
feel like ur nit picking here since no team is perfect/ Also giantx have been a bottom feeder team for a bit so idk what ur expecting from them.
ur acting surprised that mid teams are playing mid
you kinda gave me a big question mark with ur previous comment but i also watched every FNC match that year so i am very biased lol.
they played COD, saw the airstrike kill streak and implemented it.
those plans on the fly were legit perfect from potter and i dont think she wouldve been able to do anything else in that short amount of time if they had scrimmed with demon1.
prior to them going to tokyo they also lost to nrg 2x and loud in the span of 2 weeks didnt they have time to scrim then? imo everyone in that team just peaked at the right time.
and again even if i agree they wouldve done better (with demon1 scrimming), i do not think it still was possible to beat prime FNC with leo and alfa being 1 and 2 respectively coming into that tournament i just cant see it. final mightve been close but FNC wouldve won the long game.
yeah ur reaching here cant lie. even if they had been scrimming with someone else they had ENOUGH TIME to prepare for the match against FNC seeing as they beat both loud and TL.
so using that excuse when they were playing the best valorant of their lives up to that FNC match is reaching imo
can would be better option tbf since everyone moved cali for the matches anyway why not just move to toronto?