2023/01/19 is when demon1 joined, they had a qf finish in lock-in which u can argue was too soon for demon1 to be integrated as it was only a month after he joined, but then even throughout the season they lost to teams like furia, lev and 100 thieves all of the above either scraped through like EG did on 4 wins 5 losses or missed out entirely on qualifying.
you say "watch the games" but u literally got the wrong placement in regionals, they finished third behind both LOUD and NRG.
you say "watch the games" but u didn't think to mention that in the masters where they placed so highly they beat a fallen off their prime DRX who looked severely washed, a fut which shouldn't even have qualified for the tournament, Loud which to their credit they genuinely just played a good game against and a 100thieves who for the past 3 years have looked so mid a team like rankers nowadays genuinely looks like they'd win against them.
in the champs that they did win they had by far the easiest route to the grand final with every single team that finished top 4 but them being on the opposite side of the bracket than them by now, EDG did not look nearly as good as they do now and DRX had began their fall off.
As i said in my first comment, They were mid the entire year, finishing 4/5 in regular season, proceeding this, they get some of the nicest seeds for brackets imaginable and beat 1 team which were falling off and 2 which shouldn't even have been there. What part of this provides "They are a strong consistent contender for success", From the dictionary itself a "fluke" is an unexpected stroke of good luck, No doubt in my mind the players were good to be able to win, but they had a serious amount of unexpected good luck to help them along their way.
All of this is factual information, The only thing that's conjecture or subjective is your comments which base off placements rather than the route taken, It would be pretty easy for a Football, Rugby, Etc team to get to the finals of their respective events considering their opponents are a consistent class below them, It doesn't take away their win but it's not exactly something to be praised for.