Flag: Albania
Registered: July 18, 2022
Last post: March 16, 2025 at 12:59 PM
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It’d too hard to pivot atp and pretty pointless, because Riot has multiple esports that use USA arenas for their regular season, they could incorporate a change over the next couple years if they commit to doing it, but by then the Visa problems would have likely been resolved either in a good or bad way

posted 3 days ago

I was malding watching that the first time but when I replayed it Ethan did mess up and say hold water one or two of the times on accident. Plus in the Voice Comms they will turn the players mics up so we can hear it easier so I’d give Verno the benefit of the doubt on that one

posted 5 days ago

Week 1 NRG vs MIBR would feed families

posted 2 weeks ago

Same could be said for golf bro… all you do in golf is watch people walking to the next hole waiting for them to hit

posted 2 weeks ago

Did you even watch them that year, as soon as they got Demon1 the team took like a month to integrate him and then they were the best team the rest of the year, they got second in regionals, second in Masters, then won champs. How is that “one win” and a “fluke”. Watch the games bro don’t just comment

posted 2 weeks ago

Ain’t he the OG crypto scammer?

posted 3 weeks ago

You might want to take out the beginning part cause I thought you were being rhetorical since zellsis is in fact pretty toxic in ranked matches and does have a history of toxicity in the pro scene. He was literally suspended a couple of a years ago because he was being racist/sexist to a staff member. If anything the beginning makes it seem like you are defending Narrate since what you said in that first section could be applied to both

posted 3 weeks ago

Mid-rounding largely relies on information you can get from your initiators. Sacy was one of the best at providing information which makes sense why SEN struggle so much this year at that aspect. This also is the reason why crashies is still being picked up, but people just be looking at stats and hating on him not understanding the value he brings

posted 3 weeks ago

Koreans playing on a Japanese team in APAC aren’t imports. If they made it so teams could only pick up one player outside of the orgs country that’d be super unfair to players who live places where they don’t even have representation in a VCT team

posted 4 weeks ago

Ye I kind’ve explained that bad, sry english isn’t my first language so sometimes what I type may come out weird. When I say tier 2 doesn’t matter to an extent, I meant in terms of finding talent. I feel like you can find talent in tier 3 or ranked that is very mechanically gifted and they would be more beneficial for your team rather than someone from tier 2 who understands the game well but doesn’t have elite mechanics. I hope that makes sense

posted 1 month ago

I wasn’t comparing their success, I was just bringing up how the strategically best team over the last years has lost due to mechanics. This was me saying that at the end of the day mechanics matters the most

posted 1 month ago

I mean what you’re saying is basically just agreeing with me, Heretics and Vitality’s rebuild basically just focused on getting 5 mechanically gifted players and putting them together, and it worked out great for them. I’m not saying the players have to be from ranked I’m just saying focus on getting 5 players from any level whether it be tier 1/2/3 or ranked who have amazing mechanics and seem like a decent understanding of the game. Because I feel like strats aren’t that important and can be added later

posted 1 month ago

The carries that happen still rely on good IGLing and team play with utility to set up the star player in CS. In valorant carries happen, but you need all the players to be mechanically gifted in Val to win nowadays, in CS that’s not really the case it’s still pretty strat heavy.

posted 1 month ago

I don’t think they’d be the best team but I promise you they wouldn’t be the worst franchise team.

posted 1 month ago

I feel like every year it’s becoming more and more geared towards mechanics, because unless a new map comes out, there isn’t much to explore on the old maps in terms of strategy since the agent comps aren’t being changed that much. Which is also why Rankers are successful because they have a unique comp and aren’t trying to force it to catch the opponent by surprise they are just genuinely playing a weird comp that has the agents they are best on

posted 1 month ago

Ye that was mb on generalizing the CS stuff I was just tryna make it more understandable when I was talking about how little the skill gap is when comparing pros to top level ranked players. But for those CS teams ur saying adding 1 player is what drastically changed their results its because they need at least one carry, the other 3/4 members usually don’t change because they understand the strategy even though they may not be that mechanically gifted. In valorant you can’t just do the add 1 guy and ur team will magically ascend, unless you’ have 4 mechanically good players and are missing 1. All 5 players have to be good mechanically, and I feel like Rankers are showing that, because any of their 5 players can pop off whereas the teams they are facing have weak links mechanically which allows them to exploit sites and kind of just run teams over, in addition to their unique tactical-ranked style play

posted 1 month ago

Ye I agree, I just think that the 12 hours a day should have a major difference depending on what it’s used for. Players may rank top 10 every act by playing 12 hours a day of ranked. But their mechanics shouldn’t be able to make the gap so close with those players playing 6-8 hours of scrims plus individual practice. It just makes me wonder if pro players are actually practicing optimally, like maybe just mindlessly scrimming and VOD reviewing those scrims may not be the best way to improve

posted 1 month ago

They are smart but when orgs think of smart they think of players who learned from grinding tier 2 or experience from being pro in another game. I feel like Rankers is showing tier 2 in Val really doesn’t matter to an extent, because M80 has had the best strats 2 years in a row but have crumbled in the finals to teams who had better overall mechanics, not really strats.

posted 1 month ago

I like them, I just think people don’t like their personalities. I find them fun to watch, because their playstyle is like ranked except in pro play

posted 1 month ago

This take might get hate and be perceived as braindead but it’s just an OPINION not a fact so please comment your opinion while being nice. I believe Rankers doing this well just shows just how bad valorant is as an Esport. In other esports there is a clear gap between pros and people who play the top level of ranked, where even though they may be mechanically gifted the strategy involved in the game will keep them from ascending. In Valorant it just seems like the gap between pros and ranked players isn’t that far off because mechanics outweigh everything in Val. It’s the same reason why we are seeing NRG struggle, although FNS’s strats are good he doesn’t have the firepower to compete, and it’s becoming more apparent the teams that succeed have an IGL who can frag. In a game like CS when you watch Faceit it’s easy to tell who is a pro and who isn’t, but when you watch 10 mans, or even high level ranked games in Valorant it would be virtually impossible to tell who the high level pros are unless you had like Aspas or Zekken whose mechanics are insane. I think Valorant will die as an esport because quite literally all that matters is having good mechanics and even mediocre strategy with top mechanics will always beat good strategy but not having all players skilled mechanically. Imo it’s the reason why all the games are coin flips nowadays and you can’t predict the winner accurately anymore. Sorry for the yap.

TLDR: Mechanics mean everything in Val, good strategy isn’t as important as having 5 mechanically gifted players. If you want to win as an org just invest in mechanics and kick out anyone who can’t keep up mechanically regardless of how tactical they may be.

posted 1 month ago

Damn mb I was misremembering, I meant after Madrid then I didn’t realize it’s been like 10 months since Madrid

posted 1 month ago

Is it just me or has Miniboo been underperforming since the tournament where he had Patitek stand in for him last year. I swear before that bro was looking like the most dangerous duelist in EMEA

posted 1 month ago

For who is the better valorant player the answer is Shanks no question. If Tarik put all his effort into being a pro he would probably be the answer but since he never will Shanks has to be the correct choice. Since he actually played at a high level at one point in Val and had success. Also Tarik’s CS achievements mean nothing since this question is talking about Valorant for the people who have/will bring them up

posted 2 months ago

His UNIVERSITY esports team

posted 2 months ago

I’ve never watched mooda so I don’t really have an opinion on him but I just find it ironic how zellsis is tryna claim moral superiority in this situation when he literally got suspended from playing val for harassing staff, and he used to do similar stuff to girls on stream as mooda a few years ago. But I guess playing for sentinels and rebranding yourself with Tarik/Tenz is enough to hope people forget

posted 2 months ago

It’s just Korean culture in esports, it’s 10x worse for League

posted 3 months ago

If we doing hypotheticals, if G2 started attack they win 13-0, and don’t care so much it’s an off season tournament just enjoy that players are actually willing to play, if a player isn’t playing it’s likely because they didn’t want to.

posted 3 months ago

“Yall were too quick to judge” bro in the video they basically just said his igl style and the way he wanted to play didn’t match what they thought was best in addition to chemistry issues. If those were the reasons they dropped him that’s even worse, the style they wanted to run clearly hasn’t worked and the style Rossy had them doing actually yielded results. The Org gotta step in cause at the end of the day you shouldn’t care if the players don’t like the style, they should care if the style is actually winning you games.

posted 3 months ago

Clearly everybody posting about it, if you don’t care, don’t comment, just try and stay off the site for a day or try using it without checking threads for a day.

posted 3 months ago

I’m not gonna pick a side because tbh I think both Sinatraa and his ex are at fault for what happened in their relationship. What I wanted to comment on was that screenshot he posted of the guy leading his investigation, cause if that guy was actually leading the investigation I feel like it’s a bad look on Riot to have someone who was clearly biased from the get go leading it. What do you guys think?

posted 3 months ago

Nah they just gonna blame zellsis if they do bad

posted 5 months ago

They’ve made more money in the first 6 months this year than they did for the entirety of last year. Their brand keeps growing, money ain’t the problem

posted 5 months ago

They paid 1.5 mill to buy out Tenz years ago, if they really want Aspas they could get him. Money ain’t that problem it’s just whether the team thinks they would get better

posted 5 months ago

Nah, zekkens Jett and op ain’t that good in relation to other franchised players, his raze is insane though. But zekken has played flex in the past and been good, and I definitely feel like aspas replacing him on duelist and then zekken replacing zellsis on flex would do better than what they have

posted 5 months ago

I meant from valorant mb

posted 5 months ago

Not a downgrade, plus he ain’t replacing zekken he’s replacing zellsis

posted 5 months ago

SEN are the one of the only esports teams that actually makes a lot of profit…

posted 5 months ago

Get Aspas, move Zellsis to sixth man, fuck the chemistry

posted 5 months ago

Is he restricted or unrestricted FA?

posted 6 months ago

I ain’t a fan of yay but even I can see you’re just hating bro

posted 6 months ago

Nah teams through the years have said PRX players talk a lot of shit. If you watch the players streams it’s pretty obvious they usually talk shit in game. I’m not saying this as a negative to PRX tho, I personally like trash talk between teams

posted 6 months ago

Ain’t no way a PRX fan calling someone bad at mid rounding

posted 6 months ago

They gonna comeback and win this series mark my words

posted 6 months ago

The people complaining about him more racist tbh

posted 7 months ago

Please never make a list again 🔥🔥🔥

posted 7 months ago

Shane Dawson shoulda stayed cancelled, what he did was worse than Chris

posted 7 months ago

Bro if any G2 fan is reading this they ain’t gonna care about you flaming Icy 💀

posted 7 months ago

“Racists prop Rodri” says the guy supporting a racist comment

posted 7 months ago

Tbh Victor needed a change of scenery. Bro was always getting way too emotional after losses, it’s fine in the right team environment but it kinda just looked off with the current team

posted 7 months ago
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