M8 over liquid 💀
Flag: | International |
Registered: | October 4, 2024 |
Last post: | March 13, 2025 at 5:29 PM |
Posts: | 650 |
Not your thread idiot why you keep pushing your ass you could've reply good or keep your mouth close
It was you who talked to me first so resist your consequences instead of being sensitive hoe
That's what you answer when you get traumatize by dicks
Go bitchin away hoe
Ninja agents pick suit kamyk's picks but serial is very good in terms of shooting and mechanics
In my opinion if serial did good in those agents liquid will pick him up
Hella money team who want to ruin valorant
They think they are galacticos real madrid
Hahaha do you remember when we talked about the academy players now one of them is making it to vct
Obviously they need a good fade n sova player NINJA is him when it comes to revealer initiators
Kamyk gave a lot to liquid during this short journey but i think eamon decided this change just to get money over selling him and upgrade the team by low cost player such as NINJA or Serial
He had one in LA champs moment what happened to her ?
Eamon i don't know what are you cooking but i trust in you
LohaN ain't you who was glazzing kamyk since he was in JL theb what happened and what are y'all cooking
Kamyk got benched just to sell him and get money then promoting NINJA who's better at Sova Fade (revealer initiator) i liked kamyk play style and dedicitaion ngl i wish him successful in his future
Lmao i don't know why they did that but i trust in Eamon
Yes you are right but i heard that geng has a very good scouters staff and heard they scrimed with youngster rank master probably it's just a rumors but all i know is geng will not cut a player for nothing surely they planned well for doing this decision
They did good ngl if GenG wants to be as good as last year they need to pick up someone who's shooting better than meteor or at least like him but in initiator version so the metaphor becoms the signins:
new player ≥meteor
Apeks ofc kaajak was 1v9 master if we rate as neutral
All they need is spending hella money to get a Russian fragger like something in for ange0
This guy is angel is horrible at everything so far
Shao can igl this team just give him another youngster fragger and you'll see the changes
TL DRX VIT PRX.. adapted this strat and they succeded
Want to see him in GX this team is stucked by very good talents they need a good coach such as bonkar
Tier two is washed why he's pushing to make a beneficial conflict between tier 1 teams and tier 2 teams for him
Just leave everything as it is just disband 1-2 trashes teams and replace them for another good teams like falcons on eu for example
Vct emea 2023 final liquid stomping the best val team in history 🔥🔥🔥 what a match
Won't see mindfreak out of PRX but if so mindfreak really fir rrq
Davai needs to step out of the roster he's old and finished
I watched apeks last year when they were the best in EMEA tier 2 but man fokus is something else this team is very huge in terms of everything shooting strats experience...
Mistic proves once again that he's the best player in emea tier 2 history but the player who surprised me more is alorante this player has to play in tier 1 next year if they didn't ascend
Verno got many backlashes for his officiel debut but i am sure he'll be back stronger with MIBR and prove everyone wrong since MIBR has a great youth players who can match himself with unlike NRG💀
Riddle :)
China dunno
I need to see a match between them they are by far the two strongest academy teams in the world
You know that the season still at the beginning but i agree about s0yf
Agree but there's no huge gap between all the regions
After G2 losing two things pop up on my head either emea run away with the lead or apac gonna conquer valorant as same as LOL but most likely EMEA will stand up finally
They haven't won any intenational trophy since 2023 and still at the lead with five internationals and had best teams versions (gambit FNC) 💀
Their org keep trash talking every team they meet so they deserve the lose
Absolutly but also T1 has brain (stax igling)
I wish T1 makes it for them,the reyna comp is kinda their crazy adoption
He's the most consistent player on G2 and their best player for me
Ofc i care about this since it touchs my princips and religion if he's "gay" i'll stop playing this game since riot didn't respect muslims beliefs
Is he guy or gay ? I am very confused cuz this game is getting awful day after day
Nah he's very good talent i am sure with players like aspas will appear as a crucial player