u can skip the text and just read the team names
amer: c9 and sen. i've always liked xeppaa's content, i fuck heavy with oxy. sen i've always liked because of tenz, but zellsis and johnqt make me fw this team
emea: fnc and kc. fnc was the first team i've been a fan of, since 2022 i watch every match and they were my first esports jersey. kc is an org and fandom i really like, and now mainly bc they have players i like (saadhak, suygetsu, engh)
apac: ngl i don't watch that much apac but rrq and t1. i started rooting for t1 because of autumn (t1 hc), because a was a c9 fan at the time, but now with stax and buzz, i like the team even more. and rrq is just one of those teams i just like for no reason, but if i could say a reason i'd say monyet
cn: fpx and wolves. i've always liked the fpx players (especially life, aaaay, and autumn). wolves has juicy (whom i'm a fan since bleed) and fayde (a coach i respect a lot)