GENG FNS is next?
Flag: | Sweden |
Registered: | April 25, 2024 |
Last post: | March 24, 2025 at 5:19 AM |
Posts: | 2540 |
Honestly picking up Suggest made no sense other than him being a nepo sort of pick because he has connections to the coaching staff, the team chemistry was off during Kickoff but now this was an even riskier roster change with Suggest being an arguably worse player than Foxy9, hope he looks more comfortable throughout this stage
Alright, yoman was not looking great that's just revisionist history, his util usage was horrendous but Suggest is indefensible, he is a nepo pick
possible free money for boom betters, geng is coming in with two new members right? they might look rough here
didn't Jessie get an ace during kickoff against GE? he sitll has his moment I can't lie
el trashico of china
Whenever PRX loses it's always in the most embarrassing ways, the no sentinel comps were fucking them and 4 players changing roles clearly led to their loss yesterday, something is very shaky on initiator he's more of a one trick then jingg
crashies is the worst one, I can't believe there was no one else available
ange1, jessievash and for china its probably haodong but he still has moments where he looks sharp
Demon1 was a time and place player. Worked in a great system with Potter/Boostio/Jawgemo during a meta that suited him. He was on comfort agents and at his mechanical peak. He's been unable to fit into any other role or system, doesn't look comfortable in the current meta, his mechanics have dropped a bit and he has likely lost passion for the game. This isn't even factoring in his personal issues as well.
T2 prospects like mada have definitely proven their worth but Zander is kind of in a weird spot, he's being led by an accomplished igl but the 100T system feels complacent and uninspired. He's done nothing to stand out but he's not outstandingly bad or awkward either. Losing 13-1 for example is not the controller players fault.
MIBR were #3 at kickoff and C9 always beat NRG so no upsets
this is actually it, these guys show up to collect a paycheck but don't have the drive to grind out and win
You would've thought Zander was sent to the shadow realm looking at how people talked about him 5 months ago compared to now
map 1 was bad but map 3 was outright trash from them, they'll farm EG and 2G but I don't see them making it to playoffs
theyre getting worse every season since Stage 1 last year
zander must be the most inconsequential pickup of the year, no one has said this guys name since he joined 100T lmao
How I can be like Asuna and stay perfectly mid for my entire life and earn paychecks from it?
Wyatt's voice is more suited for casting then ender/mimi/riv combined
G2, MIBR, 100T
EDG, FPX, Wolves
I think Trace is just going to miss out and Wolves finally step up, I'm not convinced by NOVA just yet. EMEA is the hardest to predict imo, you could rank the 3rd-7th place teams of the region in any way lmao, I could see any of BBL/TH/KC/FUT/FNC/TL being there along with Vitality in Toronto, I have a feeling Liquid might miss out tbh
the most skippable game of the season
I actually don't understand why reddit and twitter were glazing Rossy so much, I watched all of T1's games last year and he is not some superstar player lmao
You looked at a scoreboard and decided these things?
I mean it's at the point where he's not even an outstanding controller player anymore (he's like a middle of the pack, maybe lower middle controller player in tier 1) and you have 3 other players on the team who could Viper better. He's really not offering enough value to the team right now considering what he's being paid. Where are the clutches, the God-tier mechanics, the big moments? Demon1 is a time and place sort of player, worked in the Potter/Boostio and the meta suited him perfectly at the time, now there's no comfort for him.
LEV and FUR should be wins but MIBR and G2 should be losses for them, their game against C9 was kind of a must win
potman might drag it to a map 3, but DRX will win in the end
Idk why teams are acting like they're forced at gunpoint to play Yoru on every map, like DRX and LEV for example
Feels like they just chose Demon1 to make up for losing a superstar player (Aspas) but really they needed a cracked t2 aimer, Demon1 ain't a superstar anymore
I thought China was boring af but Americas has been almost equally boring, no banger games
They had Natank and they sent him out to pasture
yeah exactly, go back in the old reddit and vlr threads and you'll see how everyone was shitting on tex/mazino/kingg during kickoff
both cant win a trophy in the big two five
its very low level and shallow valorant tbh, second half of lotus told the whole story, G2 were playing patiently and furia just imploded lmao G2 just had to wait for them to make mistakes
and you won an international
tr0ce falloff is real
Tbh I don't think s0m is passionate enough about the game for that, multiple streamers that are friends with him have said that s0m doesn't care if NRG wins or loses and that he just wants to get back to his lucrative streaming career
should have replaced crashies, Boaster was actually shooting back during kickoff if I'm not mistaken but now you have crashies being negative firepower, can't win with that
Kekeznit was the baiter this whole time, not Aspas
FNS isn't even the igl he used to be lol even putting aside fragging he has done a really poor job calling rounds in the current meta and Ethan on yoru is beyond cooked
this was kind of a must win game for NRG, I really think this org is done until FNS is out of the picture, even putting aside mechanics he has done a poor job calling for this team in the current meta