Flag: United States
Registered: July 3, 2024
Last post: March 5, 2025 at 1:55 AM
Posts: 514
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Once you use a bidet you can never go back

posted 15 hours ago

I can see zeldris, alym, and canezera all becoming good t1 duelists, I also think ion2x has a lot of potential, and then reduxx for obvious reasons.

posted 15 hours ago

Well it makes me use less toilet paper which saves me money, also they cause less irritation than just dry toilet paper, I don't have to get up and walk to my sink I just press a button and it washes my ass for me. There are a lot more benefits too tbh.

posted 16 hours ago

Its a toilet attachment that sprays your butthole with water washing away all the poo.

posted 16 hours ago

I have a bidet and then after I wash my butt with that I wipe with toilet paper to dry the water

posted 16 hours ago

Ain't no way a NRG flair is saying this when at least Sen made it to masters, unlike a certain 7-8th place team

posted 16 hours ago

Since its a tournament about the worst teams shouldn't the teams that win be knocked out and the teams that loose advance, and the team who looses the most is crowned the worst team.

But I think that if we are talking about the best the bad teams it would be Boom, GE, or M8.

posted 16 hours ago

That is true, it is very satisfying when EMEA's superteam always manages to not be as good as everyone says.

posted 17 hours ago

FNC because its so satisfying to see all the people still stuck in 2023 slowly come to realize FNC is just a middle EMEA team now

posted 17 hours ago

I'll do you one better PRX

posted 1 day ago

He's unbanned now, do you think any team will pick him up?

In my opinion I feel like he could be a good assistant coach rather than a head coach because the strats and anti-strats he comes up with are pretty good, but I feel he lacks other traits that would make him a good head coach.

posted 1 day ago

sen loud kru
edg drg blg
vit kc bbl
t1 rrq nongshim

posted 3 days ago

By you're logic we can say that china and emea looked horrible at bangkok because they also lost to T1

posted 3 days ago

When did I say you were scary? I said that you shouldn't be scared of someone else using you're own comments against you when you made those same comment.

posted 3 days ago

Harassing isn't stalking, also if you're so scared of you're own comments you shouldn't have made them at all

posted 3 days ago

Its not stalking to view someone's public account, you're just mad someone is pulling up you're chat history because you're a Vitality simp

posted 3 days ago

Are G2 still bo5 throwers and the america's GF was a fluke, or do you think that G2 is going to become like Heretics and get to every master's and then throw any bo5 they get to?

posted 3 days ago

I mean I hope Sen beat TL for the pure reason of TL being pretty boring to watch, and Zellsis being pretty fun to watch when Sen are playing well

Also I like both TE and T1 so I don't care who makes it but I'm rooting for TE personally

posted 1 week ago

Bro's debt is going to be passed down to his kids 😬

posted 1 week ago

It would be a prx level throw if they get eliminated

posted 1 week ago

I mean everything but the lotus ban makes sense. By banning lotus they showed another map they didn't need to and Vit didn't ban split in the previous game which probably means that Vit was confident on it.

posted 1 week ago

They were the only team that didn't go to 5 matches in their grand final game and were only competitive on the first 3 maps.

posted 1 week ago

You cherry picked a total of 4 matches out of the 28 he played with G2, and I can provide you with many more matches where he bottom fragged and cost them important games, and many more times where he went -10 or more. Meanwhile Jawg lowest with G2 so far was - 7 in a game that G2 didn't even have to win. You can't highlight 4 games where he played good when you don't highlight the dozens of times he was terrible.

posted 1 week ago

Except even now that Icy's on EG he hasn't made any notable plays and is still terrible.

Jawgemo may be going negative, but he also isn't going -10 like icy consistently did on G2 and Jawg has won G2 rounds that they would have lost otherwise, Icy hardly ever did that.

posted 1 week ago

The only hope another chinese team has is if another region eliminates EDG, because currently every other Chinese team forgets how to play valorant when playing against EDG.

posted 1 week ago

Icy feels like a bad system duelist, he never makes the 'x-factor' plays other top duelist do, he consistently went negative and consistently was at the bottom of the scoreboard. Icy can't even frag with EG, Jawg is a clear upgrade to icy.

posted 1 week ago


posted 2 weeks ago


posted 2 weeks ago

Well I mean jerk chicken is good even without the sauce, canes chicken is just bad without the sauce, and even then its not that good.

posted 2 weeks ago

Canes sauce is just a thousand island sauce, its nothing special.

posted 2 weeks ago

Rainsing Canes is overrated and the only thing that's truly delicious is the bread

posted 2 weeks ago

You saying this is like me saying curry and naan isn't good and then calling all indian food bad, you can't just try a couple of dishes and then call all of a countries food trash.

posted 2 weeks ago

He was also the HC of Gen G from 2021 to 2023

posted 2 weeks ago

You can overclock on a b650 motherboard what are you talking about?

posted 2 weeks ago

He actually got everyone wrong that's crazy

posted 2 weeks ago

They have generational trauma from Sen and somehow always end up playing them, and have lost almost every time they have faced and even when they did win Sen still got rewarded because they made champs and 100T didn't.

posted 2 weeks ago

Didn't your hockey team just get beaten by americans

posted 2 weeks ago

I think brawk was probably the best player they could have picked up to replace verno because of his time on MxS with mada, and he's pretty good.

posted 2 weeks ago

I mean 'gas' can be both a gas and liquid, it just depends on how hot it is.

posted 2 weeks ago

either troll with them or carry like your life depends on it.

posted 2 weeks ago

I mean I like rankers personally, but tbf I also like most of the tier 2 teams

posted 2 weeks ago

Don't forget signing a player for the rest of his life span even though he's not that good, and only ever top frags against nrg

posted 3 weeks ago

And then they could pick up a lot a promising tier 2 duelist like penny, alym, zeldris and so many more, or even picking up flor would probably be better than Icy

posted 3 weeks ago

What makes it worse was riot reworked the ping system to try and reworked some maps to combat against offsite, and now it just doesn't matter because tejo can just play offsite anyways with his guided salvo

posted 3 weeks ago

Make offsite post plant harder to do too, because its so boring to watch a team just plant bomb and then run offsite and spam the spike every round.

posted 3 weeks ago

I think your just venting because of how dogshit TL was in 2024 and how even if they win against china, they will lose against an american team like they always do.

posted 3 weeks ago

How could you forget about Grenada and Barbados and Antigua and Barbuda

posted 3 weeks ago

Why do you call Mexico, Mexico, when its full name is "los Estados Unidos Mexicanos"(United States of Mexico)

This should answer your question.

posted 3 weeks ago
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