Flag: United States
Registered: August 2, 2022
Last post: September 10, 2024 at 2:21 PM
Posts: 22

I honestly kinda like it. It’s not great but I wasn’t much of a fan of the last one

posted 4 days ago

the next time i see an absolute braindead sen fan post i will change my flair as far away from sen as possible

posted 1 week ago

imo they should just let the coaches do a 1v1 in chess to decide who gets it

posted 1 week ago

If every tournament's playoffs were single elim, then loud would have won reykjavik 2022, prx would have won copenhagen 2022 and champions 2023, and geng would have won masters madrid

posted 1 month ago

Lev 3-1 TH and asbas gets 31 assists total

posted 1 month ago
  1. G2
  2. SEN
  3. FNC
  4. PRX
  5. FPX
  6. TLN
  7. LEV
  8. VIT
  9. TH
  10. KRU
  11. BLG
  12. FUT
  13. TE
  14. EDG
  15. GENG
posted 1 month ago

tbh the format of qualifying for madrid in kickoff was a kinda bad.
because kickoff's playoffs were single elim, the two best teams could have been matched together first round and only one of them could have gone to madrid.
for example in emea, even if fnatic and karmine corp were the best two teams in the region at that point in time, one had to be eliminated because they were matched up.

posted 1 month ago

with my aim i aint winning against any of em so fuck it give me tenz

posted 1 month ago

die four you, fire again, and ticking away all had a "climax" in a way, where the song got more extreme. this one stays the same most of the way through

posted 1 month ago

its an upset because no one thought it would happen, not necessarily because bili bili was a weaker team and still won

posted 1 month ago

im pretty sure this is almost everyones pickem rn

posted 1 month ago

BLG beat GENG twice in groups then go 0-2 in playoffs
SEN get the easiest group but then lose to FNC then get eliminated by KRU
PRX, EDG, and LEV get grouped
G2 look like the best team in the world until the upper finals where they get 2-0'd then they get 3-0'd in the lower final
VITALITY vs TALON in finals (its a draw)

posted 1 month ago

at this point i know sen are cooked, im just happy they made champs

posted 1 month ago

getting the #1 seed can be really useful, for example FNC's first match in champs will either be against BLG, TLN, or SEN, which are all pretty favorable for them

posted 1 month ago

nah its gonna be kru vs blg

posted 1 month ago

tbh it felt a bit unsatisfying that sen qualified through another team winning 1 match instead of them achieving it themselves

posted 1 month ago

three of those four teams are my favorite in their region, and the fourth is geng so that would not work well for me

posted 1 month ago

i do agree that if the goal is to have the 4 teams that qualify be the 4 best teams at the time of champions, then this system is kinda bad.
however their goal was to have a system where a team that does well throughout the whole year qualify through points even if they didn't do well near the end, and in this case it makes that goal.
i do agree that 100t probably deserve to be at champions more than sen do based on their current performance

posted 1 month ago

i made my full 1-16 before the kru vs 100t match thinking that there was no way 100t would choke...

anyway heres my updated one:
1 - G2
2 - GENG
3 - LEV
4 - TH
5 - PRX
6 - FNC
7 - SEN
8 - FPX
9 - DRX
10 - FUT
11 - EDG
12 - VIT
13 - TLN
14 - KRU
15 - TRACE
16 - BLG
originally i had 100t at 8 and every team from 13 to 8 down one

posted 1 month ago

stuff like this makes me wanna become a g2 fan instead

posted 1 month ago