Flag: Wales
Registered: July 24, 2023
Last post: March 2, 2025 at 3:47 PM
Posts: 2454
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I feel like you have to at least take it into account. Everyone also predded NRG to be world beaters up there with G2 but they bombed out completely. It's definitely a factor that needs to be considered when you look at a team

posted 5 hours ago

My cope will never die

posted 5 hours ago

Bangkok absolutely tanked my expectations for them (100T is also just cope)

posted 6 hours ago

Now that Bangkok is over we can predict how each team is gonna look in Split 1


  1. VIT - showed the choking genes/mental boomage during Bangkok but I doubt that'd turn it's head during regional play
  2. TH - this is half cope but also neilzinho is a goated coach and I think he'd have been able to reset the mental and fix the map pool during Bangkok and bring TH back to their 2024 form
  3. TL - I HATE LIQUID I HATE LIQUID I HATE LIQUID I HATE LIQUID but also they did look a little out of their depth against world class teams so if TH get back to where they were last year then I don't have faith in them to keep up, still good tho
  4. KC - similar reasoning to TH, I feel like ENGH and Saadhak with a break would've had enough time to fix KC's most glaring issues + the team in general will all probably be more comfortable together after the obligatory first game as a new roster nerves
  5. FUT - FUT gatekeepers of EMEA, will always be good but never the top dogs of the region
  6. BBL - They showed a lot of promise at Kickoff but clearly choked against Liquid in the lower bracket, I think they'll have improved during their time off
  7. FNC - Mid ahhhhhh team
  8. GM8 - Same reasoning as BBL tbh, tho they didn't look as promising as them so I have them lower
  9. NAVI - ANGE1 may have been cooking in the time off but I also feel like individually the team is a lot weaker than everyone above them
  10. GX - Midder ahhhh team
  11. APKS - If batu looks more comfortable on stage in Split 1 then they could go higher but as of now it's flor 1v9 every game
  12. KOI - KOI is a Spanish team formed in December 2021, founded by former LVP caster Ibai Llanos, and former FC Barcelona player Gerard Piqué.


  1. G2 - Just made Bangkok finals, pretty self explanatory
  2. 100T - This is pure unadulterated copium I have literally zero reasoning
  3. NRG - I kinda fw the brawk addition but still iffy on MikesHD, if the teams coordination and comms are better I see them living up to the off season potential they showed
  4. Loud - They looked really impressive at Kickoff and honestly kind choked vs SEN, I expect them to look way better with more time together as a roster
  5. SEN - They looked completely out of their depth against international competition at Bangkok but I still think they'll be fine regionally, tho ngl I expect going out without a win in Bangkok will kinda boom them and put them at a disadvantage to the other teams that have had time off
  6. KRU - KRU gatekeeper team, the FUT of Americas
  7. MIBR - They did look decent at Kickoff but with nzr apparently leaving and them rumoured to be bringing in fucking Verno for some reason I expect them to get worse considering they're switching to English and losing one of their secondary callers for a guy mostly known for having comms and vibes issues
  8. LEV - Removed one of their better players but added Rossy presumably to be a second caller. Fuck knows what the roles on this team are gonna look like but they did have quite a few issues at Kickoff and I'm not sure removing nataNk solves any of them, especially considering what kiNgg has reportedly said about it
  9. EG - Could be higher with a bit of Potter miracle work but as of now they looked incredibly disconnected and individualistic as a team during Kickoff
  10. C9 - Same as EG, tho they did manage to beat NRG with Xeppaa's once every 6 months life series to keep his job
  11. Furia - Shitters
  12. 2G - Bigger shitters


  1. T1 - just won Masters
  2. DRX - looked incredibly good coming into Bangkok but choked pretty heavily
  3. GEN.G - I have faith in the 2024 core and coaching staff to massively improve from what we saw
  4. RRQ - I thought they looked really impressive at Kickoff and I think they're on track to steadily improve over the course of the year
  5. NS - Same as RRQ tbh, tho Dambi's reliance on Neon does worry me a little
  6. Talon - Looked pretty decent during Kickoff, could definitely be higher with their roster moves, ngl I'm kinda unfamiliar with the players they're bringing in but I'm pretty sure they'll be upgrades over ban and Governer
  7. DFM - Mogged PRX and showed that they can definitely compete in terms of firepower
  8. PRX - Finished team and I say that as a PRX glazer
  9. BME - I thought they looked alright, nothing special tho
  10. GE - Could definitely improve but their comps were kinda overcooked and their map pool looked a bit wonky
  11. TS - Nepo team
  12. Zeta - Guys the next Reykjavik run is just around the corner we promise

I'll be honest I only watched the last half of China Kickoff so I probably can't do a full ranking of it

posted 6 hours ago

Surely FPX PRX has to be way higher, that finals was sick. All 5 maps, PRX as the first APAC team to make finals and FPX making the full lower bracket run, SUYGETSU giving one of the greatest finals performances OAT

Shit was peak

posted 7 hours ago

Wait WHAT?

Send the clip cuz surely that ain't real

posted 8 hours ago

Cypher nerfs in the most difficult meta in the game for sentinel players is certainly a choice that was made

What did they do to my main?

posted 8 hours ago

Oh what were the other agent changes?

posted 8 hours ago

Ngl I didn't wake up in time to actually watch the finals but I've barely seen anyone talk about how he joins the 2 piece club with the 2023 FNC roster, TenZ and Sacy

He could be the goat of Korea

posted 8 hours ago

elysxxm do u clear HenBabyH?

posted 19 hours ago

I'd probably move d4v41 down a bit, I feel like he only plays senti every now and then, about the same amount as f0rsakeN and he's more known as an initiator player

posted 19 hours ago

I can't change my Reddit username bro this shit is so cooked why'd I do this to myself

posted 19 hours ago

I deadass forgot I was his twitter banner 💀

posted 19 hours ago

Ok look I made my Reddit account when I was 14 and I thought it was funny

Also flair

posted 19 hours ago

Yh u right we truly are a hive of intellectualism

posted 20 hours ago

F0nnel (I appreciate it)

posted 20 hours ago

Let's say hypothetically I transitioned to a woman would I still be welcomed and accepted as an insufferable schizo retard on this site?

This is the only defining factor in my decision

posted 20 hours ago

Idk I thought Shanghai finals were peak and G2's run was quite sick, plus TH lower bracket tear was some of the greatest shit I ever did witness (I am 100% bias) + Gen.G finally winning a trophy for Pacific was hype

And honestly I thought the group stage was hype asf as well

G2 vs T1
Gen.G vs FPX
Gen.G vs LEV

All giga banger games

Honestly I even preferred Madrid over Bangkok

posted 20 hours ago

Oh that was the last game of the night for us

Just had the vent about this fucking retard cuz Jesus Christ bro how much of a sad little man do u have to be to behave like that over fucking anime CS

posted 21 hours ago

TS and Zeta
2G and Furia
KOI and Apeks

Absolute cinema tournament tbh, I'd probably go with Furia or Apeks to win it, Furia cuz they have at least at some point looked like they're not eating their keyboards while playing and Apeks cuz strategically they're way ahead of the other teams they just have 3 actual sandbags

posted 21 hours ago

Just played a game where my one of my randoms had locked Reyna before anyone else had loaded in and the other one had tried to lock her as well, picked Jett instead. The Jett starts throwing from the first round cuz he can't play Reyna. During second round our Reyna (who's fucking ign was 'fear my glock' which is so fucking cringe in it's own right) says "fucking monkey" after every kill. One of my friends goes "oo you're hard" as a joke and then he immediately just starts buying a judge and sitting in spawn whilst also hard throwing and screeching the most racist shit he could think of down the mic the whole match and calling us bad every time we died and still for some reason trying to shit talk the other team. He wasn't even like a teenager or anything he was a grown fucking man, plus his aim was some of the worst I have ever seen and he only top fragged by sitting in corners with the judge and waiting for all of us to die.

Reyna mains deserve to all get sounded by an electric eel bro these fucking useless, fatherless people genuinely contribute nothing to society

posted 21 hours ago

That Heretics would've cleared Shiteality and Lulquid if not for the illness debuff

At least we make finals before we choke smh

posted 2 days ago

W jinx ig

posted 3 days ago

Come on bro he's not THAT fraudulent

posted 3 days ago

NA marteen is a criminal statement

posted 3 days ago

Does that mean Acend players are more historically relevant than OpTic core?

posted 3 days ago

Alright bro come on THAT is egregious

posted 3 days ago

A respectable jinx attempt, let's see if it pays off

posted 3 days ago

Surely it can't be a virus on my PC if it only happens on vlr tho right?

posted 4 days ago

It's specifically on vlr tho, idk what it could be other than something on the site

posted 4 days ago

every 30 seconds i have vlr open the site changes to a link that my anti virus blocks me from going on, wtf is this?

posted 4 days ago

Literally, like they'll piss and moan about duelist players being toxic then the next second wish the worst torture they can imagine on you because you shoot out their wall that does nothing but block your team from rotating

posted 4 days ago

And 90% of the time it's people who think assists by technicality = optimal supportive util

Sage mains genuinely think their fucking 10 healing on their Reyna carry is more impactful than an initiator or controller

posted 4 days ago

Sage mains are actually the most infuriating fucking people to get on your team in ranked

Like they absolutely under no circumstance ever play anything else, even when there's already 1 or even 2 sentinels on their team because the useless fucktards know they have zero fucking conceptions of how to actually use util and think wall main and heal duelist is the epitome of strategic depth and also can't bring themselves to play duelist because they have the aim of a catatonic 87 year old man missing most of his fingers and have the movement of a fucking target drone from the range. They somehow have zero sense of self preservation whilst simultaneously being the most timid fucking players of all time who refuse to peak anything even if their entire team is there with them. They contribute genuinely nothing whilst simultaneously being so fucking critical of anything that their hollow skull conceives as a mistake (i.e doing literally anything even slightly aggressive even when it's the correct fucking decision), which they for some reason think they're entitled to screech about in chat like a child because they healed you for 6 health and insta walled main (which got destroyed in the first 5 seconds of the round).

And when their team mates rightfully get annoyed at them for going 1-32 (their one kill was on someone who was detained) they screech about how kills aren't everything and they're "carrying with support" and then point to their assist number as if the useless fucking kills they get from impactless heals makes them a util savant (the one time they picked KJ they spent the entire prep phase trying to figure out how to place one turret (they placed it facing a wall 5 seconds after the prep phase ended anyway)). Like they seem genuinely insulted at the notion that an FPS game would require them to use their fucking gun.

I BEG Riot just nukes this god forsaken horse shit out of the game cuz if I get another one of these fucking troglodytes throwing my ranked games I am gonna crash out even harder

posted 4 days ago


Alright time to be normal again

posted 6 days ago

Bro put the TL jersey on and immediately lost all his Valorant abilities

posted 6 days ago

Truly a throwback

G2 vs TL is just modernised WW2 after all

posted 6 days ago

Difficulty impossible

posted 6 days ago

Droning from there?!? HELLO?

posted 6 days ago

Assaulting a homeless man with a brick

posted 6 days ago

G2 13-0 13-0 TL I don't have to lay eyes on this evil team again until Stage 1

G2 glorious heroes on NA strike down nefarious enemy of the people Team Shitquid

posted 6 days ago

Any KEKquid win needs to be investigated for match fixing tbh, fair call on this one

posted 6 days ago

Ngl I think TL's bigger win con is kamo showing up like he did against EDG (a game which they still lost KEK I HATE LIQUID I HATE LIQUID I HATE LIQUID I HATE LIQUID I HATE LIQUID I HATE LIQUID I HATE LIQUID I HATE LIQUID I HATE LIQUID I HATE LIQUID I HATE LIQUID )

posted 6 days ago

No I need my sheer hatred for Liquid satiated

posted 6 days ago



posted 6 days ago


posted 6 days ago

If TL win Bangkok I will genuinely give up on my degree

posted 6 days ago

In my head

They're currently playing DRX in the first round of playoffs

posted 6 days ago

mindfreak 1v3 against EG for me

posted 6 days ago
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