I'm curious, i'm bad at drinking water :(
So you drink whenever you feel thirsty then, which mean you are drinking enough water daily, which means that you aren't bad at drinking water. Your body will let you know whether or not it needs water, you don't need to overthink it. If you feel like you're experiencing symptoms of dehydration or something then just drink an extra cup as you eat.
I'm only telling you this btw so you don't decide to suddenly drink 4 L of water daily straight into hyponatremia from reading this thread.
I really don't think drinking 5L of straight water is good for your health at all. The least it can do is make you feel very bloated and need to go toilet a lot. But water poisoning is definitely not fake. In fact, its recommended that you not just drink water, but also get water from other parts of your diet such as fruits and vegetables. Drinking 5L of just water every day will definitely cause issues in the long term. If I'm wrong, and drinking that much still water is safe and fine, then by all means go ahead and correct me.