always interested in hearin some new stuff
(also give genre name would be nice)
elusin, elysia crampton, phreshboyswag, bloodz boi, lusi 7896, kiryano, user2222, juliaforever, thrilliam angels, focus group, tek lintowe, europa, hayden kolb, harto falion, jackzebra, spira me, sg lily, caponeti, yuri online, billionhappy, humanangst, aruit, moh baretta, tenkay, expiry date, dion, teen vague, bootleg baby, w3bcam, marlon dubois, tuffhustle, polo perks, bronclair, all of surf gang, evilgiane, st47ic, kashpaint, sasaeng, lilac, luvbug, agelast222, octi, novagang, euro5tar, sayako, 7nightz, forever united, emotegi, hpsb, yoyou, noctilucents, ayegy, fatshaudi, joongloom, reserv, rainfield, tonguetiedd, lor2mg, ange halliwel, oh yoko, juniper fields, organ tapes, fakemink (kinda blowing up real fast)