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Registered: January 17, 2024
Last post: March 24, 2024 at 9:36 PM
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the post is a year old Rokun...

some receipt holder bumped it

posted 11 months ago

"For all the butthurt SEN fans, this thread would've still been made even if SEN got 3-0 39-0'D aced every round. This thread still holds up even if SEN didn't qualify to begin with."

let's start reading posts from now on before replying Rokun :)

posted 11 months ago

Madrid format was nice, but qualifications for Madrid? no.

posted 11 months ago

childish reply bro :/

posted 11 months ago

"For all the butthurt SEN fans, this thread would've still been made even if SEN got 3-0 39-0'D aced every round. This thread still holds up even if SEN didn't qualify to begin with." you skipped this part :)

posted 11 months ago

their expectations at the start were really unfair given their history but they lived up to it, proud of them :)

posted 11 months ago

looking back at it with critique and stating what's true doesn't invalidate the results of the competitors within the event, but the entire event itself. We can move on and forget about it but that asterisk is there and will remain, it is what it is.

posted 11 months ago

holy cringe, also aren't you a known baiter? shouldn't have replied back :/

posted 11 months ago

I guess so

posted 11 months ago

fluke was a poor word imo, should've called it fraudulent instead

posted 11 months ago

you are actually cooked if you think calling Less a happy meal boy to a mental giant isn't cringe. This entire post is embarrassing lmfao.

posted 11 months ago

What you typed was still cringe? "He turned Less from a happy meal boy to a mental giant" surely we're not defending that right

posted 11 months ago

aspas, Less, and N4RRATE

HM: Zekken, Demon1, tuyz

posted 11 months ago

I think the roles and overall confidence at the time were better for PRX than what it is right now

posted 11 months ago

Does that change my point? PRX were objectively stronger with Jinggg over Monyet, that's a fact, idk what else to say.

posted 11 months ago

PRX with monyet (their worst player) = PRX with jinggg (their ex best and most impactful player) apparently

posted 11 months ago

Fraudulent is the word that describes quite literally my entire post regarding Masters Madrid though? Because of my format argument? Call it bait if you want ig, SEN would be out if it was single elim idk what else to say really. Kick Off deserved to be double elim in playoffs.

posted 11 months ago

no? not at all? Are you watching VCT?

posted 11 months ago

and guess what dude, that part you quoted came directly after this, "This thread still holds up even if SEN didn't qualify to begin with."

You clearly didn't read shit before typing out #134 lol. TLDR: read!!!

posted 11 months ago

Maybe the word "fluke" was used improperly, should've called it fraudulent instead.

posted 11 months ago

Level of competition looked worse than any major event final last year tbf, but it was exciting.

posted 11 months ago

So you are stupid then, because SEN qualifying or not changes literally nothing about what I'm saying. Let's ACTUALLY read the post before replying because I specifically brought that part up already. TLDR: read :/

posted 11 months ago

format still sucks, didn't really target my point at all with that take. If SEN bombed out in the swiss stage then this post still holds :/

posted 11 months ago

I see it now and that sucks, not nearly as bad as Kick Off's playoffs though since the best performing teams of a more structured group stage are actually given the chance of a double elim playoffs whereas teams like NRG and LOUD would've been gone from the tournament and qualifications after facing their 1st and only loss (which in NRG's case did happen).

posted 11 months ago

I don't? I'm using the example to emphasize the importance of double elim lol. GENG would've been the champions if it was single elim even though SEN deserved it today, how do you not understand my point.

posted 11 months ago

single elim = bad

all or nothing mindset changes nothing, teams will always play to win because why would they deliberately give themselves a big disadvantage. SEN played to win vs GENG in their first match, lost, and came back to win the tournament thanks to double elim.

Arguing against an objectively more faithful format is silly, Madrid is less significant because it is and that's what I'm pointing out. SEN deserved to win Masters Madrid but that doesn't mean the event itself isn't fraudulent, my point still stands. Why would Shanghai even be unfair if the playoff process of it is double elim which agrees with my entire take?

posted 11 months ago

GENG beating SEN 1st time would've made them champions lmfao, that's how single elimination works idiot, them beating PRX then SEN = winners of Masters Madrid. Why do you decide to argue with people about a topic you have no understanding in clearly.

posted 11 months ago

Dude are you stupid, GENG beating SEN the first time if it was single elim would've KNOCKED THEM OUT. What???

posted 11 months ago

You just never read threads you reply to do you

posted 11 months ago

tell me cobalt who would be the Madrid Champions if the playoff stage was single elim, like Kick Off's.

posted 11 months ago

They're going to champs guaranteed, no reason to do all this.

posted 11 months ago

Nobody said it's unfair for GENG??? Wrong thread maybe?

posted 11 months ago

Back track? Would you like a link to a thread of me praising SEN way before Kick Off even started?

It's unfortunate that you literally cannot grasp the truth in that I'm not a rabid SEN hater because I'm speaking the truth :/

Again, read my post. This thread would've been made no matter which team VCT won Madrid. Wake up dude :/

posted 11 months ago

That's a very stupid claim you're making, but it's whatever if you actually believe that. If you wanna defend single elim so badly, all I'm gonna say again is that SEN wouldn't be champions if it was single elim, and that's that. Sentinels went through the gauntlet because they lost a match in the group stage, but they were still given a 2nd chance to come back from it, whereas teams that went flawless in groups are gone after their 1st loss... :/

posted 11 months ago

Ah yes fluke cuz Sen won

re read the post :/

posted 11 months ago

I don't believe that changes anything though? If I believe that the format is awful then in what way I'm I not casting doubt on the legitimacy of the winners? The only reason why I even brought up SEN by name was to congratulate the team I was cheering for and to emphasize the fact that double elim is important as SEN literally won Madrid specifically because of it that you're completely failing to see because of again of this dumb narrative you're pushing about me.

And I AM just upset about the format... see what you're doing there? You're implying that I'm upset about something else, sucks to see you think of me that way :/

posted 11 months ago

And we know that SEN are 100% the hardest grinders in Americas because.........................................................................................................................................................

posted 11 months ago

happiness_ is literally a known baiter and you fell for it again a month later and I'm letting you know about that because you made a fresh account just for this. Idk who you even are bro, whats with this dick holding talk wtf.

posted 11 months ago

#4 again. Every team works hard but you're insisting in believing that SEN are the hardest grinders because every other team didn't try hard enough apparently, you are unbelievably dumb right now.

posted 11 months ago

I literally do not care who wins, Madrid will still remain as a fraudulent tournament because of the reasons I've already stated. If EG kept their roster and won this event I would still be saying the same thing. You're making up this stupid narrative about me just to disagree with lol.

posted 11 months ago

I would still be saying that it's fraudulent NO MATTER WHO WON, what don't we understand. The fact that SEN beat the top seeds that are only the top seeds because of the single elim format in Kick Offs that literally makes up my entire argument is what I'm talking about.

posted 11 months ago

I'm so lost right now, if SEN had the map veto advantage then they still would've won, that's literally what I said and you're arguing against it and calling me a SEN hater or some shit? You are unironically stupid or something.

posted 11 months ago

not my ign, also what I said is just true.

posted 11 months ago

Stupid take, teams have worked just as hard as SEN have been and just because SEN won Afreeca doesn't change that fact at all. NRG could've scrimmed 10x harder than SEN the second they got their roster complete but we wouldn't know that, but yet you're insisting on pushing this stupid narrative because teams aren't vocal about their offseason work as much as SEN has been. You're undermining literally every team not named GENG, LOUD, SEN, and PRX in terms of their practice regime.

posted 11 months ago

I'm proud of them winning but I think we're overrating their strength with how bad the formats so far have been, hopefully they can prove to everyone that they're actually the best for Shanghai.

posted 11 months ago

who's my team to you exactly...?

I've said it for like the billionth time that I've been cheering for SEN and I've rated Masters Madrid very lowly the second the KicK Off format released, so way before any actual results from any team came out. You're making up a narrative for no reason :/

posted 11 months ago

80% of your reply is just blind hatred, shows what kind of person I've been arguing with :/

Facts are there and I've presented them to you, SEN wouldn't have won Masters Madrid if it was single elim, if you can't accept reality then so be it :/

posted 11 months ago

If you genuinely believe that single elim brings as much competitive integrity than double elim then that's alright dude, but Masters Madrid SEN, Champions LA EG, Masters Reykjavik OPTIC, etc etc would disagree with you :/

There's never been single elim qualifications for Masters/Champions until now, take that as you will (also idk where that FNC name drop came from) :/

posted 11 months ago

It's clearly bait you idiot, why did you make a fresh account just to bump a bait thread.

posted 11 months ago

GENG just choked, idk what else to say. If SEN didn't get embarrassed in the UB then they still would've won.

posted 11 months ago
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