Flag: India
Registered: October 11, 2021
Last post: March 29, 2024 at 11:13 AM
Posts: 38

yeah riot has crazy restrictions on what you can bring to arena

posted 11 months ago

Maybe it has something to do with restriction cause riot has known for trying to be family friendly. Like you see people doing dumb shit, consuming ALCOHOL and having a good time, whereas at riot international events i haven't anything like that.

posted 11 months ago

I don't know what you are on about, i decided to watch a game of CS Major - C9 vs Vit (quarter final). I haven't watched CS Major in like 3 year and its still the same stuff. C9 saved like 10 rounds out of 13, they kept giving free kills, your "experienced" can't hit a awp shot for shit. The executes are still the same. Same mollies for executes, same smokes no innovation. The T side defaults for a min, CT side saves if they are down 2 cause economy is fked. They don't try to do a simple 5 man push when nothing is working out. It was boring AF.

posted 11 months ago

saying miserable is kind of over exaggeration i would say. Most of the time controllers play off site in post plant anyways, also it takes time 30 sec to regen smoke so max 1 smoke in post plant if both used already to take site. also restricted by death location

posted 11 months ago

I 100% agree, Omen flash is integral part of his kit

posted 11 months ago

Fade tether/decay is still better in my opinion because it holds you down in one place so easier to combo whereas you can still run away with clove. Also Clove decay explodes in air since its on a timer so not great for lineup.

Also their heal requires kill/assist and ult requires also requires a kill.

Smoking while dead is definitely a advantage but their other kit isn't better compared to other agent for Teamplay.

posted 11 months ago

Ange1 vs Berlin on Clove would be a treat to watch

posted 11 months ago

Sacy is a great player and also helps SEN receive fan support from south america, ain't no way he will be replaced

posted 11 months ago

clove is not good replacement for viper, cause viper's kit is OP, post plant mollies, a refreshable wall that cuts site in half and her ult. No matter the nerf i don't think clove can contest viper.

posted 11 months ago

true, brim vs clove is better comparison, i just compared with omen cause i saw streamers like sliggy taking about potential for clove replacing omen. Also, wanted to talk about potential in pro play, and most team prefer omen on most maps so went with that.

posted 11 months ago

yeah, but i still think viper omen still better

posted 11 months ago

I have seen many streamer going on about how clove is OP and might replace omen on certain maps, but I think omen will still dominate cause:-

  • Omen's TP's allows for advantageous positions(especially vertically) and are great for getting out of sticky situations. Clove has haste but still needs to get a kill/assist for it and you can still get shot and overheal is temporary.
  • Omen's TP is better for team play like lotus defence A push, or attack C take (which Zekken and TENZ did a lot), Cloves pick-me-up requires a dead body
  • Nearsight covers larger area can go through walls whereas cloves meddle needs lineups and has a timer so not great for long line ups. Also personally i think a blind is better than a invulnerable because you can still get one tapped from invulnerable enemy.
    (I know you can combo it with raze nade, but unlike fade tether there is no movement debuff so it is easy to get out of unless timed perfectly.)
  • Both ults don't seem that great for team play, but still omen ult allows for quick reposition, whereas with Clove you need to still hunt for a kill after revive.

Clove's greatest advantage is their ability to smoke while dead, but most controller player anyways try their best to stay alive as long as possible.

Edit: Also Omen got global smokes compared to cloves restricted one

All in all i think clove is gonna be popular for ranked like Reyna, but pro play i am not sure

posted 11 months ago

GenG has a decent split.
Both teams have never played each other. There is no reason for them to ban it, just cause SEN has a good record on it. GenG has only lost split again PRX triple duelist, other than that they have had good performance on it.
It would make sense if SEN has owned GenG before but they have never played against each other.
Also SEN hasn't played against any APAC team this year.

posted 11 months ago

yeah should be
both teams haven't lost a game

  1. SEN/GenG
  2. SEN/GenG
posted 11 months ago

I don't know why everyone is like do this do that. The PRX players definitely want to win more than anything, and they probably keep thinking about how to win all the time. Let them figure it out and be supportive of their decisions if you like them.

posted about a year ago

So i haven't watched both the above animes you mentioned but here are some of the crime animes i like.

  • Deathnote - Must watch for every anime lover
  • Bungo Stray Dogs
  • The Millionaire Detective Balance: Unlimited
  • Erased
  • baccano
posted about a year ago

i got chrome night mode flag enabled

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

around 2 litres but i also drink other stuff like milk and fruit juice.

posted about a year ago

CHILL, he has just played 5 games this act. Which also means he doesn't care about ranked much.

posted about a year ago

I know we are on vlr so everybody is talking with valorant in mind, but when you think about it there are a lot of other esports which are not a fps like LOL, rocket league, dota, tft etc. Which doesn't require high reaction time etc but we don't see any females players in those league either(if there are i am sorry i didn't know). I don't think it has anything to do with being a guy or girl, its mostly mindset i think. Most of the time i have observed it is easier to get a guy with no experience in gaming to get hooked to video games rather than a girl. This is just my personal experience, i am not speaking for everyone.

As OP said it will probably improve with time.

posted about a year ago

Saw many Tenz vs s0m comparisons. I like tenz but in my opinion rating tenz above s0m is unfair because s0m has already proven himself on international stage, he has been good consistently and he makes less mistakes than tenz(we don't talk about cove incident), whereas we are currently on tenz hype train because of sentinels success in kickoff. If tenz stays consistent throughout the season than there can be a good argument that he is as good, if not better than s0m.

posted about a year ago
  1. Whoever makes decisions for 100T valorant roster - (Boostio and Zikz are good, but Boostio might go deaf before they win anything)
  2. Snake Chet
  3. Prod - i dunno why he thinks he is good
posted about a year ago

Agree, i feel like he is having trouble matching the tempo of the team as a duelist, with sentinel he can stay back and farm

posted about a year ago

Nothing against Demon1 but I would say Ethan is the best player in nrg

posted about a year ago

Watched PRX recent vlog, they seem to be having problems with Monyet. Hope they figure it out cause the competition in Madrid is going to be tough. But at the end of the day they are PRX and their style can be a nightmare for many teams.

posted about a year ago

the funny thing is even mickey mouse tournaments have prize money or trophy

posted about a year ago

Both SEN and TH are insane on sunset, that map is gonna go crazy

posted about a year ago

so i guess 2 teams are only going to play 2 matches and go home

posted about a year ago

So as far as i know EMEA got a trophy, Asia and Americas didn't and i dunno about china.
The head of Asia pacific said this:

So my take is:-
The players probably want a trophy
The fans want the winner to have a trophy
The Orgs definitely want a trophy to show in their offices
The only one that doesn't want to give a trophy is the organizer.

The grand finals of kickoff was definitely celebrated like it was a big deal then why not award a physical memento rather than just championship point which will be worth nothing after this season is over.

posted about a year ago

the reason Narrate is good, is probably because of his hard work and coaching style. My take from KC games was that their team work was really good and they setting narrate up for success. Whereas 100T core has been together for so long but their teamwork is still questionable and Asuna has been pro for years and he still doesn't know how to comm properly.

posted about a year ago

its swiss format, there won't be seperate groups
it will be swiss stage then double elim bracket for qualified teams

posted about a year ago

I agree NRG has a upper-hand strats wise since they haven't showed much and Sen has a lot of vods out there. But i do think sen might have better team synergy since they have played more together. Honestly unless sen gets hard anti-strated, that game is a coin toss. I would like to say may the better team wins, but Fk that GO SENTINELS.

posted about a year ago

In order for a esports to thrive it needs audience, and to get audience you need equal representation from each region. Like i am from asia and the only team i watch from emea is fnatic, i don't watch any other emea team. It does not matter how strong the competition is if no one watches. Why would riot put millions of dollars in valorant esports if no one watches it. China has a massive viewer base, so they, just like other regions deserve equal spot.

posted about a year ago

oh thank you

posted about a year ago

is it just me who doesn't know what itw means?

posted about a year ago

Not too sure about this since I think Kanpeki already played in the open Quals even though he was previously in TSM, and nature went to EG, so they don't even have 3 players.

posted about a year ago

So i saw this page:
and it says 2 teams TBD from VCL' 23.
Correct me if I am wrong, but since the other teams like TSM, Faze, G2(now franchise) etc are not in challengers anymore, who will fill those spots.

posted about a year ago