Is there anybody who knows wut happened to GenG roster?
GENG decided to kick foxy9 and play 4v5 against boom. anyway i still think geng gonna win this game with 4 people
geng would win even with 3 players bruh
Don't underestimate my favorite team BOOM esport. They would win against 3.5 man roster-GENG
ur fav team is NOT BOOM esports bro stfu u quirky hypocrite
I watched this boom roster play more than 99.99% of vlr user or even most of indo fans
alright so how good are they then? give a 115 page analysis 🗿
true btw, 1 ns player was enouh to stop 3 boom players
lmfao GEN.G only need 2 players then
if BOOM win a map, then GEN.G is cooked
nah bruh this shit is getting out of hand I'm predicting GEN win 2-1, GEN.G is so fucking washed
pinoy talking like GE/TS better than BOOM lol
I support LOUD dumbass, and I'm half filipino bru
lol boom actually one of the most favored underdog team to win atleast 1 map against strong team, only to play slop for the rest two
bersex beast mode ahh mankind
BME win this match, i don't know but i can smell it
Gen 2-1 NT Boom