well until they do, you can't really use that argument ..
Flag: | Taiwan |
Registered: | May 8, 2024 |
Last post: | March 29, 2025 at 7:36 PM |
Posts: | 1585 |
well until they do, you can't really use that argument ..
Oh naurr
What a performance by Boostio! 30 camera glances, 12 pointing at his head after his teammates clutched a round, 5 stand ups out of his chair, 4 ear cuppings after winning against an eco, 2 staring contests with the camera and to top it all of 1 kill in the deciding map, truly GOAT status!
this is not a rivarly
at least we get sen vs 100T tmr which has always been a banger
calm down, they're winning against the 2nd worst team in the league
like, did anyone unironically think G2 would lose?
g2 often start slow, they're still gonna beat them even after giving them an 8 round headstart
not even just him, the whole team. NRG will embarrass them next week though, the real FURIA
ok so what's going on here
the cs frogs are gonna have a field day w/ this one
Give him a day then he’ll come back
What did you expect? G2 look more dominant than 2023 FNC
Grass is green, roses are red
We’re just merging previous agent abilities now, give us something fresh !
tbh it's about the same level of retardation but there's just more of it from americas since they have more fans
Flair or not, it doesn’t change the fact VIT and EMEA as a whole are horrid
Might aswell do it now, VIT are dogshit
Yeah some people can be so deluded. That being said, derke is still overrated
how do you always manage to do this
you're trying to reverse jinx it so hard that you're rage baiting so poorly