Apeks will go 0-5 in stage 1
Flag: | Indonesia |
Registered: | July 8, 2023 |
Last post: | March 26, 2025 at 11:57 AM |
Posts: | 305 |
Friendly fire
its sad, time to add more player
I aggree, there is no fking why CN team can easily get 4 spot in Champions while their team except EDG are trash.
I can smell the RRQ win here. RRQ will have mental reset here, and become good and good every day. The peak is when they win against T1 26-9
thanks to god we have another indonesian team in vct.
I can smell the BME win in this match
Lets sing dude
Boom, boom, boom, boom
I want you in my room
Let's spend the night together
From now until forever
Boom, boom, boom, boom
I wanna go boom, boom
Let's spend the night together
Together in my room
Prx fans keep blaming monyet whenever PRX lose. When Monyet getting good, they kick him for jingg. From that the "PRX downfall arc beginning"
"nt bang pls dont blame urself u did well we proud of u kub🫂🫂 rest well after this see u kub
nt jj~ 🥺🥺 get lots of rest for now and we'll wait for u guys in stage 1~!! you come back stronger. we believe!!! 💪🏻❤️
ggnt kub 🥺🫳🏻🐹 no worries naa, ask p'kla to buy ticket for u nong jing and im always proud of you ♥♥♥
NT KUB NONG JING , take care of yourself , thanks for your hard-working for all the times and comeback stronger kub see ya in split 1 ♡♡♡ we lose today but didn't mean we lose forever and always be by your side until you get the trophy kub ♡♡♡
ggnt jj, we are always here to support you so don't be too hard on yourself okay ❤️
ggnt nong, you’re doing good so far, rest well and comeback stornger nong 🫂"
BME vs GenG
PRX(have 2 Indonesian) vs DRX
Kick all japan + kr except meiy, and add 4 random indonesian
map 1 NS 99 - 101 RRQ
map 2 NS 100 - 98 RRQ
map 3 NS 201 - 203 RRQ
where is y0y?
Makanya gw bilang mending dukung BME bang, soalnya klo kalah pun ga masalah, ga ada kecewa nya, tapi klo menang auto bahagia. Ga kayak RRQ, lu udah punya harapan gede ama nih tim, eh tiba tiba waktu mau menang malah ngechock, dan kena kambek dan itu dah sering kejadian,
what do you mean? i never say rrq is god tier, RRQ is worst than Low tier dude, RRQ is belong in trash tier
yang penting percaya dulu bang, klo ancur mending support boom aja kaowakwoa, daripada RRQ yang terbukti ga pernah gagal ngecewain fansnya
liat dulu vct apac stage 1 ini, klo ga ada peningkatan kick aja, lagipula kayaknya rrq ga kontrak crazyguy lama, mungkin sebagai back up klo tiba tiba esteler pindah, nanti misalnya klo stage 1 ancur, pasti dicari pemain lawan, lagipula klo mau ngambil player indo kagak bisa karena bermasalah di visa, lu tau sendiri indonesia klo masalah kayak gini lama amat
Battle of low tier
BME win this match, i don't know but i can smell it
china is the only region with no master trophy
RRQ will win champs if they kick that 1 imposter, mark my words
Duelist primmie
Sentinel davai
Initiator kush
Controller monyet
Flex f0rsaken
Remove all kr player, and disband. This team should shame for that result
Nice king, kick all those Kr imposter
RRQ should learn
Omen : Watch them run.
Chill dude we have omen
PRX exist
nahh, there is no good match in this tournament, all the team is ass
There is no interest in this game anymore, only the tournament that keep this game alive.
2022 is peak valorant dude when chamber user is in all the game, when chamber get nerf, this game getting boring day by day
Primmie got lucky again, but he’ll be exposed in the next game