yall are cool as fuck actually got room for one more
Flag: | United States |
Registered: | August 29, 2021 |
Last post: | March 29, 2025 at 10:52 PM |
Posts: | 2070 |
yall are cool as fuck actually got room for one more
team is kinda lifeless
most of the players have high peaks but their average game is uninspiring as fuck
only positive is showing that yay isn’t a gigafraud
w zeta not sure about xdll on iso but the macro plans were all solid which is an infinite improvement
kinda feel like they should just get syouta to do the second duelist he could take over
reduxx is so overrated and idk where it comes from
sen clout maybe
the caster doesn’t influence the outcome of the game bro they can be biased and still cast well
the problem is he doesn’t cast well lol
s0m will go down in history as the most wasted talent if he retires with his boyfriend
it’s kinda funny because frost has said now it’s primmies turn to be the inter since there are newer more inexperienced guys now
majority of this site and the valorant community is too young to care about anything besides what’s directly in front of their face
best to avoid cesspools
i don’t think yall actually watched talon because gov was super close with that whole team
i get most of my good games during the afternoon
feel like at night half the time my teammates are stoned as shit
Low key I feel like 100t just have mental block against sen at this point
Feel like they’re gonna play well against the rest
i’m crashing on the couch of a dude i met in valorant, if i get murdered it was a good run
why do they think anyone is here for their high school beef i just followed for scrims that’s all
you’re nobody’s idol or role model bruh yes you’re a lame for ripping slurs but i don’t really care
these roster moves are fucking ass
i had hope because they managed to scout karon last year but it was looking like a miracle
the core needs saving idk udotan could’ve been a good pickup
i’m down for ash but i hope they keep foxy maaaan he can be good on senti :(
despite it being a make a wish team he played against, he played a good game
good lurks on cypher too
hyunmin looks like a high sens player bruh hes so snappy with it
kinda hype for this team
yea they did beat up a bunch of toddlers but the players look damn promising
no longer primmie and friends
and thyy plays like karon
same i feel like he would tear it up on vyse because it lets you take fights when you want to so hope that happens
Apparently they wanted him out even while he was hard carrying through the offseason tourney
So I think FNS just didn’t fuck wit him
i actually barely have any reps on iso i mainly play jett raze when i go duelist but may have to grind him some if he’s that good in ranked
yea i’ve played since beta so im comfortable on pretty much everything except flash initiator because that shit sucks ass
yeah but that guy would be equally worthless on other roles except he would also refuse to smoke or drone
so it’s arguably better for me that he’s ass on duelist
should i just perma fill for highest chance of winning
im not an insane player or anything but i can smoke properly dart properly place trips down and run in so i dont really care if i get autofilled
feel like if i just instalock (any role) someone ends up playing an agent they absolutely suck ass at (or just picks someone like chamber/clove and can’t aim)
i’m low ascendant brw
all these people are losers beyond comprehension but discord logs are probably the easiest thing in the world to fake
i wouldn’t be surprised to see like 5 different teams potentially coming out on top in split 1 it’s waaay too competitive man
doing this shit from your main is crazy
lol is it not obvious he’s using his clout to try to impress girls half his age. reeks of guy who got nothing going trying to score now that he has something to wave around
i mean as long as he’s not insisting this is just a lame pick up line lol nothing wrong with that
this is why you don’t give children attention for doing negative effort shit like making spread sheets
every aim duel on this map sucks cock
heard so much glazing about this guy being next up and it’s just midsauce every single time i watch
what doing
first time in the history of the show that they rate pacific higher and suddenly they’re overrating, glazing
curious 🧐
i’m bouta start locking smokes so ppl quit playing this shit the clove on my team never has smokes available
why’s everyone pre empting their message like a fucking loser
uhh umm i dont like him don’t get confused but swatting is bad
so clearly concerned about the wrong things
when this xiesta kid getting a shot he’s next up
i’m optimistic really wanna see how they play without the language barrier anymore
mid? better? worse? qualifying to masters? not?
do you have a reason to believe someone is pressuring them to pick up verno lol . he has zero clout, and a bad reputation
the way more likely scenario is they had a talk about nzr underperforming and thought it was a risk worth taking
i wouldn’t call it unfair, they’re the ones that are choosing to get him after all . it’s more dumb than anything else
i’m a flashback truther but tbh he been kinda inconsistent lately
randomly will hit some crazy flicks but i’ve noticed a decent amount of whiffs on easy kills
if he steps up a little drx will mog whoever they face though
this is not even in the top 10 of horrible frost takes he eats these for breakfast
hype for new talon, think if they struggle it will be from lack of discipline. hope frost stays tbh might be a hot take but whatever
the mogging will feed families unless hyunmin gets nervous and shits the bed