Seen talks going around on twitter on flor’s aim being better than anyone in vct.
aspas, kangkang, smoggy, chichoo, nobody, leaf, trent, valyn, jawgemo, miniboo, riens, wo0t, derke, trexx, less, chronicle, alfajer, leo, crashies, tenz, zekken, sacy, pancada, som, mada, asuna, cryo, demon1, ethan, c0m, forsaken,jinggg, something, mindfreak, primmie, t3xture, karon, meteor, buzz, stax, free1ng, mako, meiy, kingg, keznit, keiko, nats, xeus, cned, suygetsu, shao, kai.
c0m :-
suygetsu :-
miniboo :-
stax :-
sacy :-
shao :-
Asuna (He should not even be questioned about aim):-
Mindfreak (He has shitons of clutches no way):-
Flor is clearly better than crashies and kai. I am not saying Flor is bad but she has to prove her self in future but players above have there name engraved in the VCT with high mechanics and smart play. She has only played 2 games let her cook and also her first ace was classic PRX deathball (let this playstyle die, as PRX fan it hurts) ace playing off teammates :-
WDYM by washed, If u are talking about there current result u are just a dumbass, they have aim but they are not with there peak roaster. Aim alone is not going take u places, u need to have same comms , starts , ideas , macro , if all that would be same new roaster would not been successful as they were in 2024. Calling them washed is just stupid and shows that u don't vod review any of them and still calling washed without even knowing what makes them washed.
U are just casual (No need to give your opinion just sit back and relax) I watch all the game in between of 02:30 pm to 06:00 pm alternating between CN or APAC
Then I will watch 10:30 pm to 03:00 am (TH,FNC,TL,BBL and APK) after that 3:30 am to 09:00 am (NRG,MIBR,SEN,G2 and also LOUD from stage 1). Vod review after the tourney btw it is 03:25 am here.
aimers???? lmfao
yes, yes, yes, yes, no, yes, no, yes, no, no, no, no, no, yes, no, yes, yes, yes, no, yes, sick asf for 7 months so no, no, retired, no, retired, no, similar, yes, no, yes, hes washed, no, no, yes, no, no, no, yes, no, no, yes, yes, no, yes, yes, yes, no, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, no, no
half of them are less good or as good as flor in terms of aim what are you even talking about
show me a single clip of flor as good as these ones
Even if she was a Top 5 Aimer, that alone isn't enough to make your team win regionals and compete deep into internationals. Flo absolutely has some amazing aim - the Pearl clip definitely stands out this season for her. But at this stage, everyone has amazing aim. iZu was op-flicking on EDG players, Chichoo was cooking everyone in Swiss stage with his clutches, G2 boys all took turns in having their crazy important moments and the list goes on. We have seen how aim at this point in Valorant's life cycle is coming down to the finest of margins in reaction.
flor is defo very cracked aimer but not top1. there are like 15 names above her, on her good days maybe she top10 for sure. but idk man, we got lot of cracked aimers. flors aim will look even better as she plays more in t1 so we can wait ig.
to name a few, Aspas, tenz, forsaken, derke, primmie, something better imo. but then again, we will see more from her going forward. As she plays more, her skills will look even better, We just gotta wait.
Not a chance.
here's few player with crazy aim and some achievements from real tournament.
EMEA- shao, suygetsu, keiko, woot, reins, leo, alfajer, derke, scream.
America- aspas, zekken, tenz, less, demon1.
Pacific/china - forsaken,jinggg, something, kk, chichoo, life, meteor, texture, buzz, freeing, primmie.