Seen talks going around on twitter on flor’s aim being better than anyone in vct.
Killer_xd [#8]No . I'm not transphobic or anything but her aim is good it's just that the league she was in was easy and she can outaim anyone .
jawn [#10]
only played like 2 matches
jawn [#10]
yeah that’s what he was talking about
jawn [#10]
I mean apeks only played against gentle mates and TL
cxrsedval [#13]only played like 2 matches
and she passed the eye test with flying colors, she always got her one while playing in the worst team in the league
batu also was impressive
jawn [#18]and she passed the eye test with flying colors, she always got her one while playing in the worst team in the league
batu also was impressive
batu fucking sucks
Just_some_loser [#9]Only the vocal minority of ppl baited by flor's clip farming in GC say that. I dont think anyone who's consistently watched tier 1 gameplay and seen the likes of less alfajer etc over the years will make these claims
How to say you didn't watch Apeks games without saying you didn't watch Apeks games
nobody___100 [#20]then do it
aspas, kangkang, smoggy, chichoo, nobody, leaf, trent, valyn, jawgemo, miniboo, riens, wo0t, derke, trexx, less, chronicle, alfajer, leo, crashies, tenz, zekken, sacy, pancada, som, mada, asuna, cryo, demon1, ethan, c0m, forsaken,jinggg, something, mindfreak, primmie, t3xture, karon, meteor, buzz, stax, free1ng, mako, meiy, kingg, keznit, keiko, nats, xeus, cned, suygetsu, shao, kai.
jawn [#18]and she passed the eye test with flying colors, she always got her one while playing in the worst team in the league
batu also was impressive
got diffed by keiko on smokes too
cxrsedval [#26]aspas, kangkang, smoggy, chichoo, nobody, leaf, trent, valyn, jawgemo, miniboo, riens, wo0t, derke, trexx, less, chronicle, alfajer, leo, crashies, tenz, zekken, sacy, pancada, som, mada, asuna, cryo, demon1, ethan, c0m, forsaken,jinggg, something, mindfreak, primmie, t3xture, karon, meteor, buzz, stax, free1ng, mako, meiy, kingg, keznit, keiko, nats, xeus, cned, suygetsu, shao, kai.
cxrsedval [#26]aspas, kangkang, smoggy, chichoo, nobody, leaf, trent, valyn, jawgemo, miniboo, riens, wo0t, derke, trexx, less, chronicle, alfajer, leo, crashies, tenz, zekken, sacy, pancada, som, mada, asuna, cryo, demon1, ethan, c0m, forsaken,jinggg, something, mindfreak, primmie, t3xture, karon, meteor, buzz, stax, free1ng, mako, meiy, kingg, keznit, keiko, nats, xeus, cned, suygetsu, shao, kai.
Probably the worst list ive ever seen
cxrsedval [#26]aspas, kangkang, smoggy, chichoo, nobody, leaf, trent, valyn, jawgemo, miniboo, riens, wo0t, derke, trexx, less, chronicle, alfajer, leo, crashies, tenz, zekken, sacy, pancada, som, mada, asuna, cryo, demon1, ethan, c0m, forsaken,jinggg, something, mindfreak, primmie, t3xture, karon, meteor, buzz, stax, free1ng, mako, meiy, kingg, keznit, keiko, nats, xeus, cned, suygetsu, shao, kai.
90% of those aren't better aimers, they might very well be better players but raw aim, a lot of these aren't better
Even if she was a Top 5 Aimer, that alone isn't enough to make your team win regionals and compete deep into internationals. Flo absolutely has some amazing aim - the Pearl clip definitely stands out this season for her. But at this stage, everyone has amazing aim. iZu was op-flicking on EDG players, Chichoo was cooking everyone in Swiss stage with his clutches, G2 boys all took turns in having their crazy important moments and the list goes on. We have seen how aim at this point in Valorant's life cycle is coming down to the finest of margins in reaction.
ExcessVal [#33]90% of those aren't better aimers, they might very well be better players but raw aim, a lot of these aren't better
? literally everyone on that list has better aim than florescent, and you say 90%? so your saying florescent is better than aspas, derke, tenz, demon1 and alfajer?? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
cxrsedval [#36]? literally everyone on that list has better aim than florescent, and you say 90%? so your saying florescent is better than aspas, derke, tenz, demon1 and alfajer?? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
c0m does not have better aim, that's just delulu
Quavers [#37]c0m does not have better aim, that's just delulu
lmao then what about the other 51 names
ButterflyEffect23 [#2]Twitter is an e-asylum for mentally ill people, don't pay attention
says a guy on
jawn [#18]and she passed the eye test with flying colors, she always got her one while playing in the worst team in the league
batu also was impressive
got outfragged by her coach on 1 map
NRGSUPERFAN [#7]Everyone looks the same to me cant lie. if flor is the best so is every other aim complication guy on youtube as well
the difference is that the aim compilation guy is hardstuck immo2 while she's a t1 player
cxrsedval [#26]aspas, kangkang, smoggy, chichoo, nobody, leaf, trent, valyn, jawgemo, miniboo, riens, wo0t, derke, trexx, less, chronicle, alfajer, leo, crashies, tenz, zekken, sacy, pancada, som, mada, asuna, cryo, demon1, ethan, c0m, forsaken,jinggg, something, mindfreak, primmie, t3xture, karon, meteor, buzz, stax, free1ng, mako, meiy, kingg, keznit, keiko, nats, xeus, cned, suygetsu, shao, kai.
aimers???? lmfao
yes, yes, yes, yes, no, yes, no, yes, no, no, no, no, no, yes, no, yes, yes, yes, no, yes, sick asf for 7 months so no, no, retired, no, retired, no, similar, yes, no, yes, hes washed, no, no, yes, no, no, no, yes, no, no, yes, yes, no, yes, yes, yes, no, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, no, no
half of them are less good or as good as flor in terms of aim what are you even talking about
cxrsedval [#39]lmao then what about the other 51 names
most of them aren't comparable, you literally named like 10 insane aimers and like 40 mid to below average aimers
flor has extremely good mechanics
honestly people be hating because GC player but if u watch the clips the shots are insanely good
cxrsedval [#27]got diffed by keiko on smokes too
keiko mvp'd the whole event and is top 10 at masters what is your argument bro
cxrsedval [#39]lmao then what about the other 51 names
"? literally everyone on that list has better aim than florescent"
cxrsedval [#13]only played like 2 matches
anyone with eyes can tell that flor has very good raw mechanics
whether or not that makes her a good player all around is another question
cxrsedval [#26]aspas, kangkang, smoggy, chichoo, nobody, leaf, trent, valyn, jawgemo, miniboo, riens, wo0t, derke, trexx, less, chronicle, alfajer, leo, crashies, tenz, zekken, sacy, pancada, som, mada, asuna, cryo, demon1, ethan, c0m, forsaken,jinggg, something, mindfreak, primmie, t3xture, karon, meteor, buzz, stax, free1ng, mako, meiy, kingg, keznit, keiko, nats, xeus, cned, suygetsu, shao, kai.
the only people that are comparable in aim to her in this list are aspas, less, alfa, tenz, kk, demon1 and primmie
MrBlooBloom [#44]the difference is that the aim compilation guy is hardstuck immo2 while she's a t1 player
argument was about aim and mechanics not about skill level and even then there are a lo of pros with similar mechanical skills like flor or better who arent getting the same hype.
nobody___100 [#45]aimers???? lmfao
yes, yes, yes, yes, no, yes, no, yes, no, no, no, no, no, yes, no, yes, yes, yes, no, yes, sick asf for 7 months so no, no, retired, no, retired, no, similar, yes, no, yes, hes washed, no, no, yes, no, no, no, yes, no, no, yes, yes, no, yes, yes, yes, no, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, no, nohalf of them are less good or as good as flor in terms of aim what are you even talking about
lmao what???? take a look at ur answers lmao wtf
jawn [#52]the only people that are comparable in aim to her in this list are aspas, less, alfa, tenz, kk, demon1 and primmie
chichoo? derke? forsaken? something? meteor? zekken? buzz? bro didnt even add keiko when he literally shat on florsecent lmao plus not to mention you mentioning those names contradicts u saying florescent is a top 5 aimers lmao
cxrsedval [#56]chichoo? derke? forsaken? something? meteor? zekken? buzz? bro didnt even add keiko when he literally shat on florsecent lmao plus not to mention you mentioning those names contradicts u saying florescent is a top 5 aimers lmao
i would only add something, flor in raw aim outclasses all of the rest you named
you don’t seem to understand that better aimer ≠ better player
jawn [#18]and she passed the eye test with flying colors, she always got her one while playing in the worst team in the league
batu also was impressive
batu was terrible
jawn [#58]i would only add something, flor in raw aim outclasses all of the rest you named
you don’t seem to understand that better aimer ≠ better player
yeah, easily
flor is defo very cracked aimer but not top1. there are like 15 names above her, on her good days maybe she top10 for sure. but idk man, we got lot of cracked aimers. flors aim will look even better as she plays more in t1 so we can wait ig.
to name a few, Aspas, tenz, forsaken, derke, primmie, something better imo. but then again, we will see more from her going forward. As she plays more, her skills will look even better, We just gotta wait.
cxrsedval [#32]who on this list isnt better lol tell me
c0m crashies sacy asuna mindfreak shao suygetsu miniboo stax kai all have worse raw aim than flor
Notbaka [#12]Every Russian player clears that bum bro so not even top 500
florescent is top1 aimer in vct(aimer not a player)
dambishe's good not close
She clears them in raw aim
jawn [#58]i would only add something, flor in raw aim outclasses all of the rest you named
you don’t seem to understand that better aimer ≠ better player
do you really think that nAts and suy are worse aimers than flor? the most delulu take on vlr so far
Itsover [#69]do you really think that nAts and suy are worse aimers than flor? the most delulu take on vlr so far
Nats and suy maybe the better players(now) than flor, but she has better aim for sure
Amexdxyz [#70]Nats and suy maybe the better players(now) than flor, but she has better aim for sure
another delulu vlr user, both nAts and suy have way more impressive mechanics than flor, it's not even close.
ButterflyEffect23 [#2]Twitter is an e-asylum for mentally ill people, don't pay attention
I agree that twitter people are hella retarded but that doesnt deny the mechanical capabilities that flor has. Go watch her newest fragmovie and then even dare to name 5 people who could EVER hit clips like those. You would be lying to me if u name people who arent named primmie demon1 or oxy
sameer40 [#62]top 1 because were talking about aim, so mouse control correct? then yes because nobody hits the shots they do respectfully the only person that comes to mind is oxy
you can include primmie for overall combat, or oxy, or xeus
but saying theyre below top 5 is flat out asinine in just aim alone
nAts is both faster and more precise than flor, doing that on a higher sens as well
ttk10pokas [#25]How to say you didn't watch Apeks games without saying you didn't watch Apeks games
show me a single clip of flor as good as these ones
Yistyy [#19]Top 5 might be a stretch, but VLR underrates her like crazy lmao.
I swear vlr is the most biased platform to talk about valorant. Say something about flor or primmie and you get treated like you just murdered someone
Not a chance.
here's few player with crazy aim and some achievements from real tournament.
EMEA- shao, suygetsu, keiko, woot, reins, leo, alfajer, derke, scream.
America- aspas, zekken, tenz, less, demon1.
Pacific/china - forsaken,jinggg, something, kk, chichoo, life, meteor, texture, buzz, freeing, primmie.
Itsover [#69]do you really think that nAts and suy are worse aimers than flor? the most delulu take on vlr so far
yes they are, although suy is closer than nats
cxrsedval [#65]how do you have almost 13k post but still a dumbass 💔
better aimer ≠ better player
you have a hard time understanding that worse players can have better aim
wagonVAL [#64]c0m crashies sacy asuna mindfreak shao suygetsu miniboo stax kai all have worse raw aim than flor
c0m :-
suygetsu :-
miniboo :-
stax :-
sacy :-
shao :-
Asuna (He should not even be questioned about aim):-
Mindfreak (He has shitons of clutches no way):-
Flor is clearly better than crashies and kai. I am not saying Flor is bad but she has to prove her self in future but players above have there name engraved in the VCT with high mechanics and smart play. She has only played 2 games let her cook and also her first ace was classic PRX deathball (let this playstyle die, as PRX fan it hurts) ace playing off teammates :-
FiredSkull [#87]c0m :-
suygetsu :-
miniboo :-
stax :-
sacy :-
shao :-
Asuna (He should not even be questioned about aim):-
Mindfreak (He has shitons of clutches no way):- is clearly better than crashies and kai. I am not saying Flor is bad but she has to prove her self in future but players above have there name engraved in the VCT with high mechanics and smart play. She has only played 2 games let her cook and also her first ace was classic PRX deathball (let this playstyle die, as PRX fan it hurts) ace playing off teammates :-
still a better aimer than all those people, over half of these players are mega washed
cxrsedval [#26]aspas, kangkang, smoggy, chichoo, nobody, leaf, trent, valyn, jawgemo, miniboo, riens, wo0t, derke, trexx, less, chronicle, alfajer, leo, crashies, tenz, zekken, sacy, pancada, som, mada, asuna, cryo, demon1, ethan, c0m, forsaken,jinggg, something, mindfreak, primmie, t3xture, karon, meteor, buzz, stax, free1ng, mako, meiy, kingg, keznit, keiko, nats, xeus, cned, suygetsu, shao, kai.
As an Asuna glazer even I cant defend that boys aim, shit shakes more than I was as a baby
wagonVAL [#88]still a better aimer than all those people, over half of these players are mega washed
WDYM by washed, If u are talking about there current result u are just a dumbass, they have aim but they are not with there peak roaster. Aim alone is not going take u places, u need to have same comms , starts , ideas , macro , if all that would be same new roaster would not been successful as they were in 2024. Calling them washed is just stupid and shows that u don't vod review any of them and still calling washed without even knowing what makes them washed.
U are just casual (No need to give your opinion just sit back and relax) I watch all the game in between of 02:30 pm to 06:00 pm alternating between CN or APAC
Then I will watch 10:30 pm to 03:00 am (TH,FNC,TL,BBL and APK) after that 3:30 am to 09:00 am (NRG,MIBR,SEN,G2 and also LOUD from stage 1). Vod review after the tourney btw it is 03:25 am here.
Greed_ [#84]Not a chance.
here's few player with crazy aim and some achievements from real tournament.
EMEA- shao, suygetsu, keiko, woot, reins, leo, alfajer, derke, scream.
America- aspas, zekken, tenz, less, demon1.
Pacific/china - forsaken,jinggg, something, kk, chichoo, life, meteor, texture, buzz, freeing, primmie.
Bro knows the balls, the guy who downvoted is just a retarred u have a solid point.
cxrsedval [#26]aspas, kangkang, smoggy, chichoo, nobody, leaf, trent, valyn, jawgemo, miniboo, riens, wo0t, derke, trexx, less, chronicle, alfajer, leo, crashies, tenz, zekken, sacy, pancada, som, mada, asuna, cryo, demon1, ethan, c0m, forsaken,jinggg, something, mindfreak, primmie, t3xture, karon, meteor, buzz, stax, free1ng, mako, meiy, kingg, keznit, keiko, nats, xeus, cned, suygetsu, shao, kai.
stax, sacy, crashies, asuna LMFAOOOOO
cxrsedval [#27]got diffed by keiko on smokes too
She was on the losing team bro LMAO. How little ball knowledge do you need
NYANYANYANYAN [#73]something
all clear in raw aim
named all the most washed people in history Lmao
Toph_ [#81]One of the best in vct currently. However, this is vlr these guys genuinely think demon1 is one of the best aimers in the game. Theres like 7-8 better aimers than her in vct.
demon1 is a 85cm arm abusing shmuck so
Coolkas [#97]Lowkey he can going top tier team if he doesn't go to gc early of his career. If only he came out as a guy, it's okay being a guy with feminime energy like that guy on fnatic
like that guy on fnatic 😭😭😭😭😭
wagonVAL [#64]c0m crashies sacy asuna mindfreak shao suygetsu miniboo stax kai all have worse raw aim than flor
Suygetsu worde ????? Are u dumb ??????
FiredSkull [#90]WDYM by washed, If u are talking about there current result u are just a dumbass, they have aim but they are not with there peak roaster. Aim alone is not going take u places, u need to have same comms , starts , ideas , macro , if all that would be same new roaster would not been successful as they were in 2024. Calling them washed is just stupid and shows that u don't vod review any of them and still calling washed without even knowing what makes them washed.
U are just casual (No need to give your opinion just sit back and relax) I watch all the game in between of 02:30 pm to 06:00 pm alternating between CN or APAC
Then I will watch 10:30 pm to 03:00 am (TH,FNC,TL,BBL and APK) after that 3:30 am to 09:00 am (NRG,MIBR,SEN,G2 and also LOUD from stage 1). Vod review after the tourney btw it is 03:25 am here.
who cares about them having comms ideas macros bro thats not what the convo is about. this whole thread is about raw aim. you sound like a a freak doing all this over a vlr thread. I dont care about your vod reviews bro
p0tsuz [#101]Suygetsu worde ????? Are u dumb ??????
suygetsu hasnt been competent since 23
only reason hes still on a team is cause emea is braindead and is passing around washed dogs
wagonVAL [#64]c0m crashies sacy asuna mindfreak shao suygetsu miniboo stax kai all have worse raw aim than flor
Suygetsu 100% has better aim than flor what. He was literally still carrying KC lmao
molayking2 [#104]Suygetsu 100% has better aim than flor what. He was literally still carrying KC lmao
there is nobody carrying KC. they are all the same level of mid. none of them are great, none of them are horrible
wagonVAL [#105]there is nobody carrying KC. they are all the same level of mid. none of them are great, none of them are horrible
Are we watching the same games he literally had the 2nd highest hs% in emea at 42% and was hitting ridiculous clips and you put him in the same group as "c0m"
molayking2 [#106]Are we watching the same games he literally had the 2nd highest hs% in emea at 42% and was hitting ridiculous clips and you put him in the same group as "c0m"
Amexdxyz [#66]florescent is top1 aimer in vct(aimer not a player)
Stfu are u a fake flagger i kinda feel like it
Itsover [#78]
show me a single clip of flor as good as these ones
flor already make better clips on gc and obviously in ranked/scrims, just give time for her on tier 1 man
ttk10pokas [#113]flor already make better clips on gc and obviously in ranked/scrims, just give time for her on tier 1 man
Most of gc are hardstuck 100 rr players, for an average radiant that elo feels like nothing. Elo abuse exists for a reason
Itsover [#118]Most of gc are hardstuck 100 rr players, for an average radiant that elo feels like nothing. Elo abuse exists for a reason
yeah but flor aim is not better ou worse bcz people she play versus, she played 2 games in emea and show the same gameplay of gc times
FiredSkull [#87]c0m :-
suygetsu :-
miniboo :-
stax :-
sacy :-
shao :-
Asuna (He should not even be questioned about aim):-
Mindfreak (He has shitons of clutches no way):- is clearly better than crashies and kai. I am not saying Flor is bad but she has to prove her self in future but players above have there name engraved in the VCT with high mechanics and smart play. She has only played 2 games let her cook and also her first ace was classic PRX deathball (let this playstyle die, as PRX fan it hurts) ace playing off teammates :-
kai is an incredible player and his performance from bangkok should not take away from that. He alongside life, GuanG and aaaay are just as good shooters if not better than EDG (when I say better I dont mean EDG in their peak form, I mean the average performance they put up)