You really got these hands.
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Registered: | June 16, 2024 |
Last post: | March 20, 2025 at 6:17 PM |
Posts: | 345 | You really got these hands.
Firstly, damn, how you breaking a Sora. It's a surprisingly sturdy mouse for its weight. Secondly, understandable that the Sora V2 is a bit overrated especially because it was supposed to be an 8K-polling rate mouse but you have to buy a separate receiver.
Nevertheless, I think if you want simply the best mouse - it's gonna be the Viper V3 Pro. The most up-to-date sensor that no other mouse can use for another few years. It's a decent size and shape. Pretty much the best wireless mouse option.
If you're fine with wired, Endgame OP1 8k. Some of the most reliable gameplay and the design of the wire is aimed to be as free from dragging as you can get.
If you wanna try something smaller, Finalmouse UltralightX Cheetah or WLMouse BeastX Mini are great options with the BeastX Mini now housing a 3950 sensor instead of the 3395. Basically newer tech for a smoother sensor response. Finalmouse is more hype and you have to be more so ready for batch drops. But the weight is the lowest for a full-size mouse.
Maybe since it's a language barrier thing, but CNC makes that tweet even worse (CNC is a kink about pretending to not give consent - very extreme/taboo stuff).
Basically it's a kink about pretending to not give consent. Very taboo/extreme and wild to even suggest in your first DM with a random girl
I agree that S1mon was the worst-performing at Bangkok, but have you seen how nobody used to play in 2023 to early 2024. Whilst not the kind to team-flash, this guy had and still does have a bad overpeek problem on one of the most important roles. Despite S1mon's low point in Bangkok, he had showing of quality and I think he probably just got shaken up by how levelled up the competition was after 2024. I personally believe S1mon's big downfall is that he couldn't learn Tejo as well as nobody so it limited options of Tejo-Sova play. The teamflashes and whiffs can be smoothed out through developing S1mon's composure.
Releasing S1mon after a 3rd place finish at Masters is kinda crazy. He's got great util and just needs to smooth out some of his errors. Replacing a flash-initiator player is pretty tough especially when you're replacing a Champs-winning player in that role.
Pros aren't enthusiast-level when it comes to peripherals save for maybe TenZ and Aspas. They will lean into products which have proven track records to waste as little time since they have a whole season of Valorant to play. What Swxtchrr has said is true since a lot of these smaller emerging brands are pushing innovation on the materials, weight and sensor quality - the only big dog in the race leading is Razer since they hold patents to the most updated Pixart sensors. But even then, Razer has flopped on giving a proper Viper Mini Wireless that isn't $300.
The smaller brands are basically a good alternative for people playing on a budget or looking for something lightweight in a niche shape. You can even take a look at mousepads and how they have changed from most pros using Steelseries, Zowie and Logitech to trying brands like Artisan. These bigger companies like Logitech and Razer are far too comfortable and need competitors to pressure them. On the mouse front, it might take a little longer since the GPX and V3 Pro are some of the most reliable mice models which are readily available (albeit expensive still).
The money is insane enough that every competing team will get a good enough paycheck for them to not take it as serious as their in-league tournaments. The competition is not gonna be insane and it's literally invite-only so you will see only big-name teams. These are just some thinking points asides the human rights abuse claims which are not to be undermined. The reason EWC is getting so much hate is because it is all for show - it's just basically an off-season tournament with one of the most attention-seeking names (and this is just my nitpick, but it would have made more sense to call it the eSports Olympics since every game has its own different mechanics that adjust gameplay).
Logitech sensor will be way more consistent than the Walmart Bugha mouse. You won't get that much difference in performance except for maybe your mouse won't have sensor spinout issues like you would find on much cheaper gaming mice. I will ask why the G Pro Wireless and not a GPX or any other mouse on the market. The G Pro Wireless uses an older sensor compared to the GPX, Viper V3 Pro and other smaller brand mice for a similar, if not cheaper price.
Crazy dub for Mongolz. Hopefully they have something in store to push Vitality. Currently, VIT, MOUZ and Spirit are the 3 big teams that all can reasonably hold off Mongolz
Agreed, Minny is also 19 going on to 20 in May. He is a young player who will now have to learn how to call rounds and adjust to strategies in real-time. I said this in another forum post: EMEA does not have many good IGLs and RobbieBk is an actually good IGL. He lost to Heretics and FNATIC who have seasoned IGLs. Not to mention FNATIC literally used a new Abyss comp against M8s which curveballed all prep M8s had.
They definitely need to work on their playbook and making split second decisions if they wanna get past GENG. Beating Nongshim is easier for them since Talon have good some good aimers on their team already.
I'm rocking the original Sora. Ninjutso is actually a top-tier mouse company
Nah, Talon has deserved hype. I've seen Killua play and the guy is filthy. Seriously one of the best flash initiator options and should have been picked up sooner if I'm being honest. Going full-Thai as well will mean the comms should be smoother especially for Primmie who is not confident in his English. I just wish CGRS was signed to replace Crws since CGRS is seriously too good to just be a streamer.
Inb4 Nongshim just aim their way through to Toronto.
All Gamers really got a full football lineup with 5 coaching staff and still can't figure things out. They got an academy roster as well so god knows what their scrims look like.
Big W in general since communicating in sign language is something most people cannot be bothered to do. Regardless if you get the girl or not, you showed her a level of compassion and willingness to connect with her. Hope your phone works soon.
I'll be real. Nightz looked good on Clove because it enabled him to play aggro and risky. Having him on the sentinel role is such a misstep since it's a more disciplined, patient role. Nightz could have feasibly played smokes, but even then, he would have to adjust to not being as aggro since your only smokes player dying is typically the round over on certain maps.
Wait, they're replacing an initiator player with Sova experience with someone who has played Sentinel/Viper for the last few months? Are they gonna put Patitek on Sova or something? Just a super odd transfer where the roles are either shifting or someone is learning an agent pool for pro-play from scratch.
Nah, this is one of the most terrible potential transfers. Kamyk is a good Sova player and has amazing clutch potential at his best of times, but RobbieBk is an IGL which is a lot more difficult to find in EMEA. Having any of the other players in M8s become the new IGL will set themselves a few steps back since they will have to learn how to properly call and make midround decisions also. Not wise if their mission is to push for an international or just pick up wins in EMEA.
And to paint the picture even better: M8s lost to Heretics and FNATIC which are two teams with seasoned IGLs that have experience playing against top competitors. Naturally M8s, a team with 3 rookies is gonna get rocked by a team with more thorough experience.
Question is kinda confusing and worded weirdly, but naturally your English casting will be done by Americans. Unless your VCT Americas and you're carried by the two Brits as well as an Aussie.
I feel bad for him too. I would have loved to see him stick with K4davra on M8s, but he saw other opportunities. He's a good player and despite his odd agent pool with niche picks, he is a very versatile flex with great takeover potential.
That girl just privated her account and her last tweet was: "this is why i hate the valorant community" lmao. Seriously, she set herself up for failure when she tried to make the whole "white men" comment despite her favourite team being comprised of white men (she said along the lines of "white men think that they're funny"). Just don't make generalising statements and you're good.
Edit: She said that she now has r-threats and d-threats which is pretty poor taste across the board. It's never that deep, she's just a SEN super fan who tried to clap back in very poor taste of her own.
Imagine mid-game, you wanna flame your teammates but instead you write it down
Crazy how she has all that confidence whilst looking like that. Delusion doesn't even cut it for this one.
Have to disagree on the s1mon take. He is definitely an amazing util player, but he was by far EDG's lowest performing player and didn't have too many shining moments. I feel like he is still a bit naive and has a tendency to panic bring out his util when caught lacking so he has some potential to improve still. Jawgemo mostly felt like Top 5 after that finals performance, but trent has been far more consistent across the whole tournament.
I know there will always be people who want Kangkang, Derke or even Jawgemo in the Top 5, but I have to say that these players are the best duelists and naturally will rise to the occasion. However, this tournament really highlighted how some of the craziest plays came from the other roles.
Clove is overpicked in ranked and underpicked in pro games. The increased cooldown to the smokes is to make Clove less picked in ranked whilst the fact that the Meddle ability has line-up potential makes Clove a bit more viable for pro games.
Even if she was a Top 5 Aimer, that alone isn't enough to make your team win regionals and compete deep into internationals. Flo absolutely has some amazing aim - the Pearl clip definitely stands out this season for her. But at this stage, everyone has amazing aim. iZu was op-flicking on EDG players, Chichoo was cooking everyone in Swiss stage with his clutches, G2 boys all took turns in having their crazy important moments and the list goes on. We have seen how aim at this point in Valorant's life cycle is coming down to the finest of margins in reaction.
I think for the fact that this is an APAC international, Achillios and Paperthin should have the honour. Though Bren and Sideshow were monumental in the Seoul GF casting.
EDG gets five big booms. BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!
Whilst Sylvan might not frag out as much as Carpe can, Sylvan offers the better midround calls to help Stax whilst coming in with some insanely clutch kills. Carpe is not as much of a caller and due to his aggro playstyle, he overextends which is the worst thing to do on smokes.
My Malaysian friend told me that some of the best food is found in Penang since it's a bit less modernised compared to KL. KL is great, but Penang is supposedly on another level when it comes to street food and local flavours.
Truly got some goated food. I was having Beef Rendang and Mee Memak so much. I have to say the best meal I had was at Kampung Baru in KL, but I definitely wanna try food in Penang and other Malaysian cities.
True, but less people appreciate Omen since the TP is shorter-ranged. Tenz definitely boosted Omen play, but I'd say Omen is still less desirable since you often need audio distractions to make the best use of that TP in aggro plays.
I see Sage picked way too much. It's definitely a lower-elo favourite since she has heals and a revive. Literally the best pocket support... except a lot of these low-elo players only use these util for their duo/trio or do not know how to use it at all somehow.
Unfortunately this is just the ranked experience. People wanna play agents that enable them to take fights and have some sort of get out of jail card (for Clove, it's the heal and the revive ult). Plus, agents like Astra, Viper and Omen require a bit more coordination. Astra especially since she has a high skill ceiling and is more able to play far positions. This makes Astra harder to play in ranked though because not many players are gonna maximise the coordination. It's why Breach and KAYO are difficult initiators to play in ranked.
The hate is just wild. I remember when t3xture was playing in Shanghai and he was getting trolled in ranked for being just a GENG player. Though the ranked player went on to clarify that they do not hate t3xture, just his org. Still crazy to hate the org for one statement made a while ago that was corrected. Death threats are vile though. A game is not worth a life. Whilst the vast majority of these keyboard warriors won't do anything, there is that itching concern that there could be someone who is crazy enough.
Clip of Patitek laughing at his friend humming/singing an Indian tune surfaced and the Twitter idiots are claiming Indians take offense to this.
Honestly good on you for standing on business. I am definitely not a fan of people assuming offense for an ethnic or cultural group when a joke is made. I think it's better to show that a lot of these jokes have insignificant consequence because they've been done to death now. But of course, Twitter impression farms need their income.
This happened a long while ago. Tenten literally served his punishment from Riot Games and is now in T1 Academy - best to let things move on.
WRONG! Play every game like you mean it - winning is the only outcome that matters. All this saving strats and taking a loss is malarkey since you can win the match, have more time to prep, VOD review and develop further strats than play more games and expose more of your gameplan.
PRX's style of play works very well against methodical play, but the issue with PRX is they overextend, don't clear corners or peek one-by-one. EDG has some of the PRX aggression which has shown to be effective against G2, but EDG know when to dial back and keep form so they don't throw a round here and there. I would say methodical Valorant is more sustainable and probably better long-term than pure W-gaming.
Absolutely agree with you. EDG really suffered against the thrifty-buys especially NA Stinger buys. EDG really should learn how to play against such rounds because those rounds lost made it closer than it needs to be. EDG were absolutely immense on pistol rounds - I can't imagine it continuing the same way, but they definitely got some of the best aimers to go big on pistol.
I feel like Smoggy meant to fake the smoke when they lost that round to Leaf's ninja defuse. It's that or the smoke placement wasn't right if they wanted to confirm where to spam. The plant spot is perfect for spamming still, but there might be too much going on when that round could have been closed more easily. Kangkang making noise to pressure Leaf off of the defuse could have worked too.
It would be quite poetic for Nats to knock out both American teams.
I swear if Nats knocks out G2 after knocking out SEN, Nats will gain a new title.
Difficult to say if G2 leveled up or down since they pushed EDG to 3 maps but got destroyed on Fracture. G2 destroyed SEN on Fracture in-region, but I would say SEN is below their usual par especially for the talent they acquired. In additon, this is the first time G2 played Bind with Jawgemo on the team and it's clear to see that not adapting to the meta has hurt their quality on the map.
G2 vs TL will be very telling of how both teams are looking when everything is on the line to survive.
Zekken underperformed definitely. He had some good moments, but overall was well below what we remembered him for. JohnQT got diffed by free1ng, but he was still quite good given he is an IGL and I would say his best role was still sentinel/lurk-smoker. Zellsis heavily underperformed at Bangkok. You cannot put Sayf here even if you could make the argument that he got carried by Derke and Less since his calls are what keeps Vitality from completely collapsing.
Some players I would potentially add are carpe (he really just switched off after Fracture defence half vs Vitality), FengF, Kai and heybay from TE since they looked like shadows of their Champs performance, kamyk, patitek and kamo since they take turns on who makes a round-changing mistake and potentially JonahP since he is looking the weakest out of the G2 roster. If I had to narrow it down, I would pick Patitek, Kai and Kamyk since Kamyk was the 2nd best player for TL in kick-off, Kai has high potential and Patitek has so far had very middling performances.
A fair point to make. And this is what I credit T1 with if Sylvan plays well against DRX. Sylvan is a midround caller so he alleviates pressure off of stax to make decisions on the exec or defensive plan. Sylvan has got what it takes to rescue T1 and streamline decisions.
Alright, lemme give you the full context. T1 vs Trace is gonna be heavily favourable for T1 since Trace have become a shell of their form after getting bodied by EDG in region. Trace really looked like they forgot all their strategy and depended more on hero plays and aim to win out some rounds. They were very disorganised both against G2 and T1.
Does this discount T1's performance today? I would say just a little bit. Trace is honestly below T1 and the Korean superteam should be looking to scalp better opponents. But they missed out heavily when they lost to Vitality.
G2 lost to the defending champions who have branded themselves with the best synergy of aggressive and disciplined Valorant. G2 got destroyed on Fracture, but let's not pretend like they did not put up a good fight on Pearl. G2's players all can take over a round. I've seen Valyn pop EDG players on Pearl like an Aimlabs exercise.
I'm not even a G2 fan - I quite frankly dislike them. But I will at least honestly say that G2's capacity to punish would outdo T1's capacity to provide hero plays.