Flag: United Kingdom
Registered: June 16, 2024
Last post: September 8, 2024 at 12:59 PM
Posts: 8

Hiroronn showed his true potential on sentinel. Yuran, I'm still yet to see why he got picked for Tier 1 whilst boasting a bit of confidence (this stems from the VCT Pacific "Know Your Enemy" Ep1). Perhaps Yuran might prefer duelist like iZu, but played the initiator/viper flex to accommodate for Dep. The only highlight moments for Yuran were 3-0 wins against GE. Other than that, most of his games are lacklustre and don't back up his confidence.

posted 1 week ago

You can make a shortlist of some pretty bad players. Technically, PA1NT and Shahzam are two of the worst - and I know that's based on one performance, but it's a technicality they are franchised players. But if it's players still currently signed to an org, yuran from ZETA Division has to be among the biggest flops. I remember seeing the video with him and other Pacific rookies thinking he might improve a lot and live up to his confident claims. But no, he has been severely underwhelming and possibly the worst player in all of VCT Pacific. Some people might say yay's season was very bad and that's true statistically, but there are a myriad of reasons as to why he's still not a bad player, but just on the wrong roles. The game has changed since yay was the Chamber GOAT.

In Americas, it looked like havoc was possibly one of the worst players. Consistent weak performances, but he bucked up in the end. MIBR had some stinkers too with frz and jzz, but I would have to say one of the worst players in this franchise league is G2 icy. Yes, he went to two LANs, got 3rd place at Shanghai and 2nd place regionally in Americas. However, I would say that success is more attributable to valyn's impressive calling, JonahP and Leaf dominating maps and Trent being clutch in the most unlikely of moments. Icy has been probably one of the most jarring duelists to watch since he doesn't have the same cracked out aim or raw mechanics. He depends more so on stall play, chip damage and playing with the team. To me, this is more of a sentinel's playstyle. Icy has had, at best, good performances and, at worst, been the losing condition. When his util doesn't do any of the work, you see the real icy. He's still a far cry from one of the best rookies. And this claim might be tough to accept for a lot of fans.

EMEA, it's difficult to call. A lot of teams were close to playoffs and got wins off each other. Despite long claims that EMEA is a one-team region, I think this season has shown the fire of the teams playing. But if I had to say who has been the most frustrating players to watch: Mistic, TakaS and possibly Ange1. I'll start off with Ange1 and say that his IGLing this year has been so confusing. Constantly switching roles, going for unnecessarily crazy plays and overcooking when things matter the most. NAVI could have had their revival with their FPX roster reunion, but they squandered so many matches in Stage 2. This might look like unfair blame on Ange1, but he has stayed and the issues of NAVI persisted after a coach change. Mistic has had so many lacklustre performances. He may still have some good maps, but I just constantly saw that he rarely did much of value for TL. And sadly it was Jamppii getting the lion's share of blame despite having to flex roles. Mistic just felt so unstable. Enz0 also for the longest time was terrible. But I think he is simply not suited to the IGL role. TakaS - this one might be a more personal gripe since I wanted M8s to have at least one shot in playoffs. But this guy just stank it up as duelist when the games mattered the most. Constantly dying first and not getting his picks, you would have thought that he was match-fixing with how many back to back rounds he died first.

Apologies for the long response, this was a good question and I just wanted to get all my thoughts out on this topic. If you read all of this, thank you for taking the time and I hope you share some explanations behind your picks for some of the worst franchised players.

posted 4 weeks ago

Jinggg is barely a flex given the only sentinel he will play is Sage and he has on the odd occasion picked Clove. His duelist pool is full of niche picks like Phoenix, Neon, Reyna asides his main pick of Raze. I don't think the flexing is bad. The issue is the constant changing of agents for maps especially with f0rsaken and d4v41. Plenty of teams have shown you can have players flex between two primary roles. Trace Esports have FengF and Kai flex duelist/sentinel depending on if it's a Raze or Jett map. EG did the same thing but duelist/smokes between Jawgemo and Demon1. In my opinion, and I have been spouting his idea a lot, but I think Jinggg needs to flex like FengF and play Killjoy if he cannot play Raze. The narrow map pool has made maps like Icebox, Sunset and Lotus which PRX were formerly dominant on look like closer affairs and potential losses. I get that the Battle Sage is a crazy idea that works in Paper Rex's favour. However, it's not viable and it leaves so much to be desired from Paper Rex's comp and also capability to play other maps. Haven and Ascent are almost always permabans since Paper Rex cannot go for a meta comp whilst their crazy comps are not stable.

P.S.: I don't agree with a lot of people just slandering Jinggg saying he's a bot or worse, a nepo-baby. I saw the latter comment on a Youtube video and I just facepalmed because he is genuinely a top tier player and there is no proof he is in PRX due to connections with the org hierarchy. He just needs to broaden his horizons like Meteor did for GenG. Making willing sacrifices for the betterment of the team and the org.

posted 1 month ago

F0rsaken as an IGL would be interesting and it could be like how Kingg operates as an IGL for Leviatan. F0rsaken has the aim and fragging power to be a solid caller whilst not falling off in kills. It's just a matter of if he has the capacity to call strats well and fine tune the details in the executes. An alternative issue is if the calling will take a toll on his ability to take fights and get kills.

I still believe the hivemind PRX can work. They all have good ideas to call plays. However, they need to go back to square one. Revise fundamentals until there is no issue. Create agent comps which are known to work consistently and effectively. Not overpeek like they did on Sunset (seriously, two 5v2 scenarios whittle down because PRX can't stop egopeeking). There are so many aspects that can be elevated in this PRX team. That Lotus switch-up was the worst thing. Skye and Raze are not the agents that they once were. The information gathered by PRX was often very weak and resulted in getting picked first. I question why they didn't stick with their old comp if their loss to G2 was down to "not sticking to the game plan" - THEN LET'S SEE WHAT THE COMP CAN DO WHEN THEY STICK TO IT. Now there is plenty of wasted potential on an exciting team.

I know Jinggg is currently getting a lot of criticism. His raze ults were so pathetic and did nothing on Sunset. Roza'd 3 times. However, he needs to be reviewed to play a role like sentinel-flex. Not being able to play Haven and Ascent because you don't have someone who can play KJ or Cypher means that their best maps will get read more quickly. Sure, d4v41 can play sentinel, but that would mean Jinggg plays something like Kayo or Breach which he is historically not too comfortable playing. I love Jinggg as much as the next guy, but he needs to seriously make some compromises for the better health of his team. Having barely a 3-map pool that you can win on is naive. And on those 3-maps, they can lose - sometimes very badly.

No more "nice try" or "ggwp". If you are serious about getting a trophy as a non-traditional eSports country, start reflecting better than riding the temporary highs. One day you're happy about smoking a team with clipworthy plays, the next team will be exploiting the flaws you didn't see or think about because you thought it was good enough.

posted 1 month ago

Real af. PRX are very unserious and Alecks saying that the team didn't follow the plan shows that there needs to be a lot more stringency and discipline on how PRX approach maps they're not dominant on. They depend so much on hero plays and pop-off rounds that it's not sustainable or consistent across games. I understand W-gaming is their identity, but it's not gonna work if they just overpeek or peek one-by-one. The rounds they win often feel too close for comfort and the rounds they lose feel painful to watch as they get outclassed. Alecks definitely needs to be more strict on the guys since saving their feelings isn't working.

posted 1 month ago

I agree especially on the flashes part. Icy clearing angles with flashes truly made it unplayable for PRX to play their surprise angle peeks. They could play the sova and the kayo, or even gekko and kayo, but it would require a huge shift in how Jinggg plays the map. The macro was another big issue for PRX since they just kept trying to deathball into site and forgot about the flank which often had 3 people crunching in and taking out the turret.

posted 1 month ago

Jinggg's clove was not even that good. I'm gonna make a fairly hot take and say that Jinggg needs to learn to play agents like Killjoy alongside maybe Gekko and Neon. The sage plays on icebox seem to be getting less and less effective. And honestly, it's either sacrifice flashes on KAYO for recon/ult on Sova or vice versa. PRX's icebox comp has quickly expendable util and depends on contact play which G2 was punishing. If Jinggg could play more flexibly, d4v41 and f0rsaken could play some more comfort picks. Having said that, PRX as a whole need to work on how the play the sova. The ult usage was terrible in particular.

posted 1 month ago

You can use a football comparison like playing for Birmingham City who are mid-table in the 2nd tier of English football and then playing for Borussia Dortmund who pursue trophies and international competitions.

posted 3 months ago